
Please Just Live (Part 3)

'The Rising...'

'What do I do...' Davi thought looking around with exhausted eyes. 'I doubt I can even stand and even if I somehow take this thing down, I'd still have to fight that creepy shadow guy, and that smoking guy... Not looking to good.' He thought as he coughed up some more blood.

Leena stepped in front of Davi throwing her arms out and making herself into a make shift shield as the monster moved closer.

"Leena what are you-"

"Look out below!" A loud voice announced making everyone in the room stop.

"What was-"

From up above a man slammed down into the ground as the Hell Hound's head was suddenly split open sending its head flying into the air. A man with dark skin, and orange hair, and flaming orange eyes landed in front of the dead creature. He was covered in flames which danced off of his body and on the back of his jacket an orange bird could be seen.

"What's up." The man said giving a smirk as he stared at Ben, and Mr. Hyde. "It's been a while hasn't it."

"An Arcane Knight..." Davi whispered.

"That man..." Ben said with a worried look on his face. "He killed it in one strike... It was only a mere Hell Hound so it's not like it was strong or anything but for him to have just ripped its head off with a single strike... Not to mention that he's a fire Mage... Hell Hounds are nearly immune to fire meaning that was all done with his sheer physical strength. Who the hell is he..." He backed up and seemed to be genuinely worried now.

"Tori Kaen..." Mr. Hyde said practically spiting the name out. "Damn it... You would be the one to break up my fun wouldn't you!" He hissed out in rage.

"You know him?" Ben asked. "That outfit he has on... He's a Guild Member right... But I don't recognize that orange bird? You think we have a chance? Or is he one of the high ranking ones..."

"He's Tori Kaen..." Mr. Hyde said practically spitting the name out as he glared daggers at the man. "Much like me he grew up in 'that' place... I thought he died, but now here he is in a Guild... Damn I should have seen this coming. He always was a goody little two shoe... Maybe if we prepared for the battle ahead of time however in this situation it's a no go..."

"I see. Well shit... I doubt we can beat him then..." Ben cursed as Tori's smile grew. "Well what do you want to do Mr. Hyde?"

"I think we should hear him out. After all he's come a long way to see us..."

"It's been a while Mr. Hyde. So you joined Dragon Dwellers huh?" Tori said giving a smirk as he raised his arms up which turned into orange flaming bird wings. "How many yeas has it been? Four... Five? Six? So what happened with the Order huh?"

Mr. Hyde didn't say anything at first as the spot where his eyes should be narrowed down as he seemed to glare at the man. "I'm not with that group anymore so don't bring them up around Ben or me. The Order was a group who hated the Magic Beasts more than any other and would do anything to kill them all off even at the cost of the human race. It is true Ben, and I used to be associated with them making Dolls for them but since two years ago we've been a freelance group working for other people. Besides those silly nicknames they gave us like Merlin, and Triston weren't our style. We've actually joined another group now that better understands us. The Dragon Dwellers allow us to do whatever we need to do."

"Really? And what exactly does this little group of yours allow you to do?" Tori asked narrowing his own eyes as the flames grew around his body. They seemed to form over his face giving him what looked like a bird beak that was made out of fire.

"As if I would say."

"I wasn't really asking." Tori smirked. "I'm gonna beat it out of you."

Mr. Hyde let out a sigh. Then he shocked everyone as he sliced his arm off by karate chopping it with his free hand, freeing himself from the wall. Black wings suddenly stabbed out of his back as he jumped up. "Come Ben. It would seem we are forced to retreat for now!"

Ben jumped forward grabbing onto Mr. Hyde's foot as they raised up higher and higher getting out of reach from the three down below.

"We'll meet again Tori Kaen. At the end of this world!" Mr. Hyde laughed. "Later Leena! I hope you'll find your way out of that despair!"

Leena stuck her tongue out at them as they flew away leaving just the three of them in the destroyed church.

"Well." Davi said calmly. "That was certainly- Why is the ground getting closer!" Davi crashed into the ground face first making Leena panic and run over to the injured boy. Tori stared up at the hole where the two had flown off with a blank look. The flames on him vanished reverting him back to normal. He seemed kind of mad that they got away but didn't bother stopping them from getting away.

"Oh my Gods Davi are you okay!" The girl said in a panic flipping him over and checking on him. Davi's eyes were closed as he breathed slowly having passed out now that the battle was over. "H... He's unconscious... Well... He did take a beating. I should have seen this coming..." She sighed running her hands through the boys hair.

"I assume a dark ritual was going down in here?" Tori asked finally turning away from the hole in the roof. "To make another one of those Dolls I mean?"

"Y... Yes... Davi saved me though..." Leena said as a small smile crossed onto her face and small tears spilled out of her eyes. "He brought me back from the edge of despair by making a selfish decision. He forced me to live..."

"I see..." Tori said quietly. "Those two men... Mr. Hyde, and Ben Alazir. They used to go by Merlin, and Triston when they were a part of a group known as The Order. Nasty bunch they were always causing trouble for us. They went around finding those who have suffered loss promising to bring the dead back to life combining their powers and making living dolls that held two souls inside of them. They used them to battle the Magic Beasts for years much like we in the Magic Guilds do, but unlike them nothing was off the table. They'd use Shimmer Stars, use cities as bait, and even suicide bomb, if it meant taking a few extra ones out. Those two were always teaming up and making Dolls which worked as soldiers. Though I guess both of them quit and have joined a new group... This will be problematic for my group..." The man shook his head for a moment as his eyes glazed over Leena's body for a moment. "That dress... Is it?"

"It's sown into my flesh..." She whispered. She had forgotten about that. Now that the battle was over the pain had quickly caught back up to her making her jump and shiver.

"I see... Usually the things are small coins... We'll need to cut the dress out of you but you should know that it'll leave scars on your body for the rest of your life." Tori said. "That dress holds a massive amount of negative magical energy and as such won't be able to be healed. You'll have those scars as a reminded for what you almost did. A keepsake for the rest of your life."

"That's okay... It's just scars..." Leena said staring back down at Davi remembering his words from earlier. "At least I'm still alive."

Tori let out a small chuckle. "You know... You got a lot of strength don't you. So. How's the boy? He's not dead is he?"

Davi stirred slightly as consciousness slowly came back to him. His eyes slowly opened seeing Leena, and Tori standing above him. 'That sword...' Davi thought as his eyes slowly drifted over to the sword in the wall. 'The second I placed the second orb in the weapon, it sent power through my entire body and balanced out the negative energy of those Dolls, though I doubt it will fix that solution forever... Who knows how long it'll be until it comes back. I wonder if Master left it behind on purpose... Was he always planning on me getting the second blade... God I'm exhausted...' Davi's eyes slowly drifted up to Leena as he felt them grow heavier. "You know... When you're smiling. You give off so much Hope."

"Hey kid. How ya feeling." Tori called out making Leena and Davi turn to look at him. "You're not half bad. I might say you're even pretty good." He reached into his jacket grabbing onto something and tossing it over to Hero who caught it with his right hand. "How would you like to join a Magic Guild?"

"W... What!" Davi said with wide eyes.


Two Days Later...

"Please come again!" A heavily bandaged up Leena said as a customer left their restaurant. She gave a bow as another customer entered. "Thank for coming! Please have a seat!" She said in a cheerful tone.

"Man... What a sick joke..." Leena's father muttered as he rested at the counter looking down at the letter she had been given. The one about her Fiancé being alive still. "I can't believe someone actually lied to you about your Fiancé being alive, and then they actually harmed you... What kind of sadistic asshole could be that cruel... Look at you! You're still covered in bandages! You shouldn't even be working!" The man growled. After the battle Leena had gotten the dressed removed but as the Arcane Knight had said she had deep scars all across her body. Scars that would never heal. Part of her wondered if that's how Davi always felt... Did his scars haunt him to? "I can't forgive that boy ever! That damn Hawker... To think he would just up and leave... I'll kill the runt when I see him! He should still be here working for us! It's the least he could do for failing to save you!"

"It's okay dad." Leena said smiling and causing her father to break down. "At least I'm still alive. There's no point in being a crybaby over it after all."

"Oh Leena you're so strong!" He sobbed. "If only your mother was here! I know she would be so proud of you! To be able to simply shrug this off! I never thought I would see you be this happy ever again!"

"I know that won't be the last time I see Davi Hawker..." Leena said quietly placing a hand over her heart. "Next time I see him. I know... We'll both have reasons to live. He tried so hard to pull me out of my despair he was willing to be dragged down with me. Someone as foolish and idiotic as him... He's gonna make a great Arcane Knight."

The Tale of Davi Hawker, the Arcane Knight...

What a dumb sounding story...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RainyLiquid2020creators' thoughts