
Perfect Confederacy Academy

Best friends always stick together... And drag each other into untold danger while they're at it. It was the last section of grade 11 and everyone were determined to make the most of it. If not for anything, for the fact that once they stepped into the last grade of highschool, their lives would be all about exams and preparations. Ready to make the most of highschool, a duo of friends fish out their big list of 100 things to do before college. What plays out to be an engaging romance takes a very twisted turn when the disappearances begin. Two best friends try desperately to navigate the mystery shrouding their school. Things goes from complicated to extremely dangerous as more go missing and a seemingly pattern is revealed... and an ultimatum. Until midnight to rescue her two friends, Matilda is all alone.... Or is she? The mystery is her's to solve.

Enutrof · วัยรุ่น
10 Chs

Chapter 8

«Boys School»

"Outta the bed you lazy pile of junk!"

That was a new one.

Adrien's eyes blinked open and he bolted up straight. Nope, that wasn't part of the dream.

Sunlight streamed down the open window.

"W-what…?" He wasn't used to waking up with an array of insults. Usually his alarm did it.

"Did I stutter?"

At the sight of a sour faced extra grumpy fire splitting morning Jean who was all up at his face and speaking very slowly and dangerously, everything came flooding back.

He was roomies with this animal in this god-damned school that kept the boys and girls separate like they were some kind of perverts. Yeah that was the annoying part.

Jean was still breathing down on his face with a dragon like fury that was for some reason aimed at him.

"Woah Hawk… some personal space?" Adrien pushed him away gently. That's when he noticed it wasn't just Jean.

Myles was hovering over him with a stethoscope and Ryder was there, leaning against his cabinet, both staring down at him unimpressed.

Adrien scratched his head really embarrassed now. "Um sorry guys… my phone was supposed to…."


Adrien's phone blinked the alarm blaring.

"Yeah do that."

"What moron sets his alarm ten minutes to class!" Jean barked at him. "Just how stupid can you get!?"

Adrien cringed. "I'm sorry ok!" He said a bit annoyed now.

"I don't care how you do it but I want you and your sorry ass down in class before the anthem." Jean growled muttering something about being stuck in a room full of newbies. He marched off shoving past Myles who shook slightly.

"Sheesh!" Adrien stood up. Jean's anger had been really contagious.

He could barely believe he had just be told off by someone not much older than him who thought he was important just because he wore a damn suit.

As he stood up his head knocked against the edge of the canopy bed sending him back down with a bump, along side a stabbing pain on his forehead.

"Ow shit!"

His roommates looked like they really would have laughed under different circumstances.

"Damnit!" Adrien swore holding his throbbing head.

From this point his day could only get better.

Somehow he managed to get into the classroom before the anthem, and slid into a seat beside Ryder, luckily without causing a scene and unluckily without breakfast.

Adrien bent down to lace his shoes, successfully earning a glare from Jean which he thought wasn't even possible since the guy was at the far end of the class.

"Oh man, you really ain't no morning person." Ryder muttered.

Adrien felt a hand adjusting his collars.

"Thanks man."

Ryder only laughed.

"ALL RISE, FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM!" The speakers blared.

Soon enough Monsieur Simone entered the class. He was grinning devilishly like he had woken up to paradise as he wrote on the black board.

Advanced calculus.

Example 1

With every scratch of the chalk, Adrien felt the dread in his stomach rising. Maths was a total no on an empty stomach.

"Just kidding," If possibly his grin got even wider as he wiped it off. "Nous l'avons expliqué en détail l'année dernière. No need to repeat a topic." He said slipping into his french again. "For now, pop quiz!"

Adrien felt his day go from bad to worse.

The whole class groaned half expecting him to say just kidding again. There was no such luck.

"There are two rounds to my quiz." He began. "The first one is the one we all love, oral!"

Everyone sunk deeper into their seats.

"We?" They though incredulously.

"The rule is simple," Monsieur Simone continued oblivious to the mental damage he was causing them. A dangerous glint flashed across his eyes. "Answer correctly."

"Now let's see… Torres!"

Adrien didn't know how he survived the next thirty minutes of maths, but somehow he managed to crawl out in one piece.

Overall, breakfast or no breakfast there were still a lot of guys worse than him.

As he stepped into the corridors, Adrien noticed that most people were stalling, reading posters that had been pinned on the walls.

"Hey look at this…." Ryder appeared beside him casually ripping off one of them. "Tryouts… on the second day!?" His face was a mixture of glee and disbelief.

Adrien took the paper from him and read it himself.

"Feels like Friday already," He broke into a grin. Anything to get him out of class. Especially now that the day wasn't exactly friendly.

"So boys, what do you play huh?" A guy walked between them with a smile, putting his arms over their shoulders steering them forward.

"Well I was on the soccer team at my last school, and I don't suck at basketball either. It depends on what the school has to offer." Adrien shrugged casually.


"Yeah and I usually play just soccer." Ryder chimed.

"Not bad," The guy finally said, his smile not wavering in the least. "There are some fierce competitions this term. I could do with a few decent players."

"Nigel, stop messing around!"

Adrien noticed that the guy clearly said "I" as in he was the one in charge and was about to ask him about it when a teacher called out with a frown, nearly rolling his eyes.

Nigel gave the boys a double pat and stepped back.

"Oops… duty calls,"

Ryder and Adrien exchanged looks as the guy disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared.

Myles stood behind them his mouth hanging open.

"What?" Ryder and Adrien raised their eyebrows simultaneously.

His sleeves were rolled up and tie absent. Clearly math had taken a toll on him. He took off his glasses and shook his head like he mush have been hallucinating.

"T-that was the sports captain… Rick .N. Mancini… you just casually met the sports captain,"

Okay… Adrien thought. Apparently that was a big deal.

"The team is very strict in their recuitement. If he takes just a little bit of liking to you, that could really spell the difference…." He continued.

"Yo how the hell do you even know this?" Ryder interrupted befuddled.

Myles shrugged. The corridors were nearly empty by now. "I just happen to know how the system works."

Ryder laughed. "You forgot the part that you arrived just yesterday."

Myles gave his calm knowing smile but said nothing.

Adrien was suddenly interested. He would have loved a good story but the boy didn't look like he was going to indulge them further.