
Perfect Confederacy Academy

Best friends always stick together... And drag each other into untold danger while they're at it. It was the last section of grade 11 and everyone were determined to make the most of it. If not for anything, for the fact that once they stepped into the last grade of highschool, their lives would be all about exams and preparations. Ready to make the most of highschool, a duo of friends fish out their big list of 100 things to do before college. What plays out to be an engaging romance takes a very twisted turn when the disappearances begin. Two best friends try desperately to navigate the mystery shrouding their school. Things goes from complicated to extremely dangerous as more go missing and a seemingly pattern is revealed... and an ultimatum. Until midnight to rescue her two friends, Matilda is all alone.... Or is she? The mystery is her's to solve.

Enutrof · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

«Girl's School»

"Alright Matty, say chocolate and cream!" Kelly slipped into the class and crouched some seats in front of Matilda.

Matilda turned just as an unmistakable bright light flashed in her eyes, complete with the shutter sound.

"My gosh, Kelly!" She gasped.

"That's right buttercup, you just met the newest member of the press club!" She stood up spreading her hands with a smirk. She had a camera in one hand with a rope dangling off it.

"No way…!" Matilda broke into a grin. "Took you long enough,"

Lexy and the rest of the crew entered the class looking like they had just secured a cheque.

"Oh you don't know the half of it." Kelly laughed.

She showed the picture to Matilda and KC. It captured both of them and some girls around.

"Hold up… you get a free camera just by joining the press club?" KC asked incredulously with a look like, damn! Imma get myself one….

Kelly contemplated. "It's complicated," She said with a half grin.

Matilda furrowed hey brows. Just the day before Kelly had made it damn clear that she wouldn't join "that" club like there was some repelling force between them.

Of course she was happy with the new development but she knew Kelly well enough to know that such a sudden change of mind was not without reason.

To put it more appropriately, Kelly wouldn't change her mind like that unless she had something to gain.

Kelly locked eyes with her. "Later," She mouthed as the teacher entered the class.

From that moment on, Matilda could only imagine what despicable plans Kelly had brewed in that devilishly creative mind of hers, making not concentrating not entirely difficulty.

She had a felling that Kelly's decision somehow had something to do with the mission at hand.

After class, Kelly didn't make Matilda wait any further. She drew her aside with a serious look.

"Yeah I have a plan forming," She admitted. "And it's gonna take a lot of nerves."

Matilda raised an eyebrow. "So spill, I'm beyond ready."

Kelly looked around apprehensively. She felt giddy, talking about a secret that had just been revealed to her. "Well… I got some part covered so now all we need to do is find a way to conveniently slip out of school."

Matilda was about to ask what part when Kelly gave her the can't tell you now look.

"Okay fine…." She rolled her eyes. "The sooner we secure a fool proof plan and I'll feel better about this whole breaking into school thing. I've got nature science next and I'm more than positive that Mrs Trench will take us on another awful nature ramble. That way I can sneak out. Just find a way out of liberal arts class."

Kelly nodded and they both went to the locker room to pick up their books. Yevette eyed the two girls suspiciously.

"I could swear you're up to something…." She narrowed her eyes at each of them in turn.

Unfortunately, having her locker between theirs did not give her the advantage of getting wind of their plans ever. However she was more than used to that mischievous glint in their eyes.

The girls smiled secretly.

"If everything goes as planned, we're have everything figured out before break." Kelly thought with a sigh.

Although it was quite a drag to get Lexy to aid them. She really didn't want to involve the girl in their mischief but hey, the opportunity presented itself.

Her mind flashed back to half an hour ago when Lexy pulled her back while the rest girls skipped happily ahead.

"For all it's worth, thanks…. Like Freda would be so fulfilled. She's been trying to recruit you for ages."

Kelly shrugged. All she knew was that Freda was the head prefect of the press club and member of the prefects league, and the prefects league were enemies.

Well maybe she would have joined long ago if the girl had just asked her nicely instead of sending her little minion (Nosey Betty) to do the job.

Kelly smirked. "You're smart Lexy. Don't you think I have a reason for joining?"

Lexy frowned. Her laptop was clutched under one arm and what looked suspiciously like a physis textbook that Kelly was certain she hadn't came with in the other.

"Don't tell me it has something to do with the secret weapon…."

"You said you could control the cameras." Kelly began straight to the point. "So I'll join your club, be an active participant and write up fancy little stories for them probably till I graduate… and in return, just this once," She added quickly. "I need you to turn off the cameras bordering both schools."

"That's insane!" Lexy said immediately. "And not just because it's an utterly unreasonable irresponsible security threatening idea. Whatever the fuck you're up to Kell, you can't just do that!" Lexy folded her hands which between the laptop and textbook shouldn't have been possible.

Kelly gritted her teeth. This was gonna be difficult.

Lexy continued on a row. "Turning off the cameras? What next, sneaking in a gang of thugs?"

"Oh very funny," Kelly placed a hand on her shoulder. "Just this once Lex. Tell me you don't want the adventure. Besides, if anything goes wrong I'd take full responsibility, you don't even have to say anything… plus there's nothing to loose," She mustered her cutest puppy dog eyes even though they stopped working when she turned twelve.

"And… I'd be totally yours for the whole press club thingy. I'll write enough punchlines to keep all the students engrossed during math class. C'mon you showed me for a reason didn't you?"

Lexy frowned. Math class was like a chinese crash course… the deal seemed good enough. "Let's go to class…."