
Perfect Confederacy Academy

Best friends always stick together... And drag each other into untold danger while they're at it. It was the last section of grade 11 and everyone were determined to make the most of it. If not for anything, for the fact that once they stepped into the last grade of highschool, their lives would be all about exams and preparations. Ready to make the most of highschool, a duo of friends fish out their big list of 100 things to do before college. What plays out to be an engaging romance takes a very twisted turn when the disappearances begin. Two best friends try desperately to navigate the mystery shrouding their school. Things goes from complicated to extremely dangerous as more go missing and a seemingly pattern is revealed... and an ultimatum. Until midnight to rescue her two friends, Matilda is all alone.... Or is she? The mystery is her's to solve.

Enutrof · วัยรุ่น
10 Chs

Chapter 6

The next day, the girls in grade 11b were gathered in the gym waiting for the PE teacher. It was rather rowdy as the girls couldn't seem to keep their mouths shut.

Matilda scoffed from her corner where she crouched down with Kelly leaning against the wall. They rolled their eyes at Lucinda in particular who was too busy entertaining the girls and generally anyone who cared to listen with her glamorous tales of how she toured the world during the winter break with the rest girls throwing in comments like "Wow that's so awesome!" Ever so often.

"You think that was amazing? Wait till I tell you what happened in Florida…." She continued leisurely swinging a baseball bat throughly enjoying herself.

"Sheesh not to spoil your fun bit aren't you a lil too old for this?" A girl turned to her with a playful grin.

"Excuse me?"

A frown formed on Lucinda's face. Somehow that didn't sound like "You're so cool!" or something like that.

Kelly and Matilda had almost concluded that their day was going to only get more boring but now they stared at KC in amazement.

"Man I thought we were the only ones bored to death." Matilda muttered.

KC shrugged almost laughing. "Like I get you doll but c'mon, I stopped doing that in elementary school."

"Did… you just call me doll!?" Lucinda blinked in disbelief. Somehow she didn't like how KC said it… like doll was next to dumb.

KC gave an impish grin. "Should I say it again?"

"Why you pesky little fly!" Lucinda raged waving her bat dangerously as she approached KC.

The girls stepped back with mutters of "Watch it Lucy!"

KC kept grinning like the bat swinging near her face didn't bother her.

"Lucinda get a grip!" Yevette shouted giving her a good shake from behind. "If 11b goes on doing silly things like fighting the very next day of school don't you think I'll be called out during the prefects meeting? It's hard enough controlling goons like you!" She reprimanded.

"She… she called me a doll…." Lucinda began her face hot.

KC laughed taking the bat. "Darling did that really bother you. Your captain called you a goon. Not that I'm complaining but aren't you gonna beat her up too?" She casually added. "Toss the ball girls!" She waved at Matilda and Kelly.

Matilda threw one of the baseballs and KC swung at it, striking it in the middle and sending it flying into one of the posts.

"Now that is how you use a bat Lucinda." She smirked.

Claps echoed from the doorway as the teacher entered. "Not half bad."

Everyone stood straight and got into place in front of the teacher, offering smiles like "A fight was not just about to breakout, see!"

"But we're playing basketball today. I'm Professor Shirley by the way."

She was young and rather toned, dressed in a blue jersey and sweat pants with matching trainers so you really didn't have to guess that she was the sports mistress, and undoubtedly their P.E teacher.

The students got into their teams, Lucinda giving KC one last glare and for some reason, shooting daggers at Matilda too like her middle name was "Tough luck."

Professor Shirley kept yelling pointers to both teams during the game and dropping random history on famous GOATS that they were supposed to take note of because test wasn't going to be friendly. None of the students were comfortable with this style of teaching but they were too busy running around the court to complain.

Matilda plopped down on the floor next to Kelly once the game ended.

Kelly was one of the nerds that had the liberty of not being chosen on either teams. Matilda thought that she was damn lucky.

"Nice work." Kelly smiled handing her a water bottle. "Burnt a lot of calories. You should do this more often."

Matilda rolled her eyes.

"Well guess what?" Kelly pulled out a copy of the School's magazine.

"Tryouts for the teams will start on the second day. We have to know where we stand, says Captain Nigel." Kelly read. "Listed sports are basketball, baseball, fencing and of course soccer," She snorted. "Every boy's dream."

"Yeah and…?" Matilda read through the article and turned to Kelly not getting the point. "You want to try out for the games?"

"Of course not!" Kelly snorted again. "You know I only do board games and dominos. Although fencing ain't that bad…. The point is, we don't wanna sneak into the boys school when everyone is in class and the seniors are patrolling the hallways. If we wanna get in with the dream of getting out in one piece,"

She pointed at the magazine. "This is how we do it."

Matilda shook her head. "Unless you missed the part when the second day is today and we don't even have a plan yet."

Kelly shrugged. "That's Where you come in."

"Kelly!" Matilda face palmed while her best friend keep smiling politely.

"….And one more thing," The teacher was saying. "Tryouts would officially kickoff after recess and stretch on through the rest of the day. Be sure to give it your all. If like to see some of you on the teams."

The class halfheartedly muttered a reply.

"That goes for the nerds too." She added.

A group of girls wearing glasses at the side of the gym collectively rolled their eyes and flipped the pages of their sports history textbook.

A dark haired Mexican American who happened to be their leader typed non-stop on her laptop.

"Lexy for goodness sake put that away!" Professor Shirley tossed a ball in her direction with an exasperated sigh.

"The f…." An annoyed Lexy stood up dusting the side of her face. Her sentence cut midway when she saw the teacher, eyebrows raised daring her to continue.

Her eyes subconsciously moved behind her to a list of rules pasted on the wall.

Number one engraved in bold graffiti was,


"Feeeel!" She squeezed out the next f-four letter word that came to her mind, her teeth glued together and lips reshaping into a plastered smile. "That was quite the feel!"