
Perfect Confederacy Academy

Best friends always stick together... And drag each other into untold danger while they're at it. It was the last section of grade 11 and everyone were determined to make the most of it. If not for anything, for the fact that once they stepped into the last grade of highschool, their lives would be all about exams and preparations. Ready to make the most of highschool, a duo of friends fish out their big list of 100 things to do before college. What plays out to be an engaging romance takes a very twisted turn when the disappearances begin. Two best friends try desperately to navigate the mystery shrouding their school. Things goes from complicated to extremely dangerous as more go missing and a seemingly pattern is revealed... and an ultimatum. Until midnight to rescue her two friends, Matilda is all alone.... Or is she? The mystery is her's to solve.

Enutrof · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Matilda slipped her bag on and stepped into the corridor, walking slowly to wait for Kelly. It was extra rowdy following the close of the day.

Kelly slid into place beside her with a grin. "Looks like I didn't have to steal it." She waved her handset. "Drew's decent enough."

Matilda nodded. She couldn't imagine her nerdy slightly upright friend resulting to such underhand means anyway.

"At least we survived the first day…." She sighed in contentment. That was a sure sign that they would survive the term.

They waved to some girls as they passed, Kelly casually took a copy of the school magazine from a junior press vendor as they crossed the field the bike shed.

Even though she really wasn't interested in joining them, it was per se to keep up to date on whatever they were cooking up.

She stuffed the magazine into her bag. It was sure to keep her entertained later on.

"You know it sucks being the only day students," Matilda grumbled.

"I don't mind, I've got a lot of after school classes that wouldn't be possible if I was stuck in one damned building." She shrugged putting on her helmet and swinging on her pink bike.

Out of the corner of her eyes she noticed Matilda staring at the boys school with a wistful expression.

"Well, remember our next task?"

Matilda gasped flashing back on their little black journal. Out of the 20 tasks left, the first one was__ GET INTO THE BOYS SCHOOL

"It's impossible Kell…." But what her mind was really thinking was, "Just what if I could get to see him, at least ask his name…." Hope surged through her.

"Pfft! nonsense Matty. If that was what we said for every next task I don't think we would have ticked this far. We're following the book accordingly, not skipping and not leaving anyone undone." She said determined.

Matilda nodded grateful that Kelly was willing to do this for her. She equally got on her bike. "Yeah and they sure didn't see us coming."

Kelly turned away. She was in it for the adventure and was certain they would find a way once they gave it some thought. But of course, she also knew that Matilda was chasing a lost cause. "Face it girl…." She thought.

The school was huge, and they barely remembered how he looked… heck Matilda didn't even know his name. What were the supreme odds of sneaking into a whole school filled with guys, turning around and poof, her Prince charming pops out of nowhere and carries her into his arms like he had been waiting all the time for them.

It was madness.… Kelly nearly gagged at the thought.

It was like searching for a needle in a haystack. They would get caught before anyone could say Jack Robinson.

"However it's nice if Matilda had something to look forward to…." Kelly gave a sad smile.

That kind of coincidence would only be possible in a world where magic existed.

Matilda, oblivious to her friend's thoughts rode off in a very happy mood. Kelly kept the pace slightly behind as both girls sped past streets, countless shops blurring all around them.

Matilda's phone beeped repeatedly. She cussed trying to get it out of her bag while ensuring at least one hand was still on the controls.

"Hey mom…." Matilda listened to the person on the other end her expression turning grim. "…. Alright bye."

She screeched to a halt slipping the phone into her suit pocket.

"Bother Kelly!"

Kelly stopped behind her. They were in front of a tea shop and the interior sure looked inviting.

"Mom's car just broke down and it's at the repairs… now I'll have to pick up Nell from elementary school." She explained briefly.

"Make it sound like it's a bad thing," Kelly shrugged. She didn't mind Nell, Matilda's younger brother, after all she was an only child herself… well unless when she was in a bad mood like trying to complete her sums on an empty stomach. "Can't follow you though, music lessons starts in fifteen minutes and there's still martial arts to catch up on."

Matilda nearly forgot. Kelly's parents enrolled her for nearly everything when the doctor said it wouldn't be safe for them to have more kids due to some health conditions.

Kelly sparsely had time to sit and stare and much less accompany a whinny six year old that only talked about ice creams and cookies.

They did their secret handshake and before parting.

"Don't make me come after you tomorrow," Matilda warned.

"Whatever…." Kelly laughed speeding off.

That night Matilda paced her room deep in thought. The more she thought about it the more impossible it seemed to sneak into the boys school unnoticed. It wasn't like the gates were going to be wide open for them. And they were pretty solid too. Going over the fence was out of the question… heck if they were caught their parents would definitely be called.

She slumped on her bed and stared up at the ceiling.

"Mission impossible…."