

Back at Ziz's battle, the battle was equally over. Both essence lords looked like porcupine as numerous arrows impaled them. But even though then were filled with all these injuries they didn't seem to care about it as they looked, in great fear, at what Ziz was holding her hands "How... how did you get our origins? That's Impossible!" asked the essence lord of time with a shaky tone.

"And what's up with your arrows? Why are they draining our law power?! " asked the essence Lord of Spaces, looking totally confused.

Ziz smirked as the said "A magician never reveals her secret. No need for you to on know, just acknowledge your defeat, though it doesnt matter if you acknowledge it. or not. You're too weak to fight me without your origins. although I can't destroy your origins, if you lose you stay without it for too long, you'll have dissipate and be reformed again with your origin. Now although that wouldn't be a problem for other people, as the essences of Origin, you guys will lose your sentience, am I right?" Said Ziz in a sensual tone as she played with the two multi colored floating orbs in front of them.

When the two essence lords heard this, they became extremely pale. Although it was partly because of the lack of their origins, it was mostly because of the fear of what Ziz just told them. Indeed, if they lost their origins for a very long time, they would dissipate. While they would reform around their origins, they would lose their present sentience, becoming entirely new people.

Seeing this, Ziz couldn't help but give out a laugh. Indeed, whether they were mortals, gods or even beings of higher order, no one Liked the Idea of death.

"*Sigh*, I would bike to destroy their origin and watch them die but unfortunately, the origin of people closest to father are always the hardest to destroy." Said Ziz with a rueful sigh

Shaking her head she added "but oh well, I could still steal all their energy and use them as cores for some equipment in the future after we are done with this battle" Ziz Muttered to herself as she turned her gaze to the two men fight with a white and black spear respectively

"Alright, Big bro, It's just you left. Finish battle quick and we'll be free of our restrictions soon." Said Behemoth casually watching the battle.

Leviathan and Zen seperated from each other while observing themselves with different expressions.

While Leviathan was grinning excitedly, Zen was Looking slightly exasperated but their was a faint smile tugged on his lips. If one were to point out the only similarity between them right now, it would be their gaze.

" I'm going to get serious now!" said. Said Leviathan as he grew a bit taller, his pitch black scales grew more lustrous and sharp but they also grew smaller. They appeared everywhere on his body, his hand turned into sharp Claws, like a demon's, kill his teeth became sharp especially his canines which looked like vampire fangs, his hair grow Longer until they of reached his knees and another horn appeared on his forehead, giving him a pair of crimson red horns grew.

"Yeah, yeah get serious for all I care, Im still gonna beat you!" said Zon pointing his spear at Leviathan. Although his tone was indifferent, his gaze had turned vigilant. The aura around him also grew heavier as he obviously increased his power.

"Hah, bring it!" said Leviathan so he also raised and pointed his spear at Zen.

After a moment of observing each other, they rushed at themselves with incredible speed. The battle this time was Earth shattering. When their spears met, it didn't only cause a shock wave, the space around them completely shattered, which exposed them to the void and time was distorted. If ordinary beings like mortals or even gods of lower order, they would immediately be wiped for existence. They could die from either the shockwave that would return them to dust, the void that was sucking everything like a black hole, which would break down their molecules or by the time which would reject them and they would no longer exist in any timeline, becoming nothing, no even being able to reincarnate anymore.

The battle was that devastating but none of the people here were ordinary existences and could easily withstand the baptism of destruction, or atleast they could if most of them weren't severely injured. But atleast, it was enough to cause them any more harm.

Leviathan and Zen who were at the epicenter weren't even disturbed by the aftermath of their clashes and increased power even more. They were even faster than before and were totally focused on the battle.

After a moment of the battle they separated and were about to rush at each other again when...


There wasn't really an explosion. a force pushed them back which sent them reeling back at Incredible speed, breaking the space around .

When the two of them managed to stabilise themselves, they looked at towards source of the force, who was a kid who was no more than 13 years old. He wore a Platinum robe which seemed a little bit oversized for him, he had long black hair, big bright black eyes, long lashes that could make any girl jealous, and his lips were also enticing. If not for his bodu structure he would have obviously been mistaken for a girl.

When Zen saw the boy, he bowed his head deeply as he saluted. "Greetings Lord Genesis!"

The boy nodded his head at Zen, who immediately went to stay beside the the young boy Called Genesis. The other essence Lords also went to stay besides him, although two were beat up and even cut up in many unrecognizable pieces while the other two had many holes on their body, and their skin was getting paler by the second, their gazes became more confident like children who had been bullied and suddenly their father arrived in the scene.

'Who the hell is that kid.' thought Ren to himself as he observed the entire scene. It was weird seeing these adults who were tough before acting like little children in front of kid

Seeing this, Genesis sighed as he turned to look at the three primordials who had already gathered together.

He sighed as to waved a hand. The essence lords of light and darkness started healing at incredible speed while the essence lords of time and space started gaining colour on their faces and the holes on their body closed up.

At the same time, the two multicoloured orbs in Ziz's hands disappeared as they arrived in front of the essence lords of time and I space. With it, their wounds started healing faster.

"Thank you, our Lord!" Greeted all the essence Lord's except for Zen.

Genesis didn't answer but kept his gaze on Leviathan, Ziz and Behemoth.

Leviathan Ziz and behemoth then bowed their head, not too deep but not too slight either.

"Greetings Father, Long time no see!" Then said together Like they had rehearsed it from the start becoming before coming here.

Genesis raised a brow as he said "Huh, So you guys still remember I'm your father? Thought you had forgotten't."