

Ren, who was still watching the scene, was utterly confused. Although at this point, it was already obvious that all these personages were gods or something of that sort, he was still unclear of their purposes. Who was good? Who wasn't? And why, in the universe did they all give so much respect to that one kid. The three primordials even called him father. How was that possible!

As he was trying to understand the situation and put the pieces together, Genesis continued with a sigh

"Would you all care to tell me for what reason you are causing all this mayhem?" Asked Genesis with a raised brow as he gestured toward the injured and dead bodies of all the gods around them.

Leviathan glanced at them with indifference in his eyes as the answered "They were bunch of weaklings who didn't know the it place. Their Leader is the dumbest of them all, leading them straight to their deaths."

When Blade Monarch heard this, he almost vomited blood on the spot, out of anger. He was one of the 8 great monarchs of the Origin pavilion and the heir to the empty throne of the destruction sovereign, the essence lord of destruction, yet he was insulted like this!

But he could only grit his teeth and keep quiet because he was absolutely not a match for Leviathan.

"Well I wont lie though. It was absolutely stupid for them to attack you by themselves" said Genesis non-chanlantly.

With that, blade Monarch couldn't hold it in all and just vomited blood.

"So would you mind telling me why you're doing all this? Don't tell me it's still because of that silly dream of yours? That was the reason sent you down to the mortal realm. I even left the essence Lord of Light to watch over you but you so you rebelled forced him to destroy you could reincarnate and regain, regain your previous strength." asked Genesis with calm look on his face.

"Hahaha, father, you know us too well. But you can't blame us, can you? There is you absolutely no being in this existence that doesn't want to become sovereign of their own territory. Although the void would be dangerous, we believe that is where we belong. So nothing is gonna stop us. Not even you, Lord Genesis" said Leviathan in a haughty tone.

Genesis raised an eye brow as he said "Oh really? Well then, show me what you're gonna do about this then, because you know for sure, I'm not gonna let you pass, right?" you

Leviathan smiled confidently as he said "Of course we don't. Infact, we would be scared to death if you didn't so this is probably for the best."

As he said so, the three primordial beings raised their weapons and faced the lord in front of them with solemn but confident looks on their faces.

With a heavy sigh "I see you guys have chosen your paths" said Genesis with his expression hardly ever changing.

With closed eyes" Indeed..." said Leviathan before abruptly opening them, disappearing and reappearing directly in front of Genesis as he continued "..., we have."

As he was still speaking, has spear was already moving to impale Genesis. The speed it was moving at was atleast, two times faster than when he was fighting with Zen.

Considering the speed at which Leviathan and Zen fought and the fact that as the master, Genesis should be even stronger and faster and as such he should be able to bring out a weapon to defend or even dodge an attack, each scenario very possible.

But no, Genesis didn't make a single move to dodge or summon a weapon. Instead to stretched his hand forth at a lazy pace and pointed his finger at the tip of the spear.

Seeing this, Leviathan increase the strength behind his attack and pushed it against Genesis.

And then, it connected.

Normally there would have been a distortion in either form of explosion, space or time but nothing of that sort happened.

Everyone, including the essence Lords and the other two primordials were confused. It was as if Leviathan's attack never hit it's mark.

Meanwhile, Leviathan himself was horrified stiff.

'He blocked the attack with his index finger and neutralized the aftershock by pinching the tip of my spear.' thought Leviathan as he looked at the seemingly expressionless and uncaringly Genesis.

With a wry smile 'Well, what else would be expected of the Mighty Lord of origin and existence' he thought.

But then his smile grew confident as he said "You're gonna have to try harder than that, Father!"

As he was saying so, he retracted his spear and started jabbing his spear at Genesis at incredible speed. His hand was almost unseeable by even the gods around. Ren was barely seeing anything as well.

But even with all that Genesis still successfully blocked all the attacks with time to spare to disperse the aftershocks.

But, even though it looked Like Leviathan was fighting a losing battle, he didn't give up and kept attacking with even more ferocity.

Suddenly, Behemoth appeared behind Genesis with his sword ready to cut at Genesis' neck, but unfortunately Genesis caught the blade with his other free hand and again, only with his fingers.

Although Behemoth was already aware that something like this would happen, he was still surprised by how easily Genesis caught his full powered assault.

But he was unperturbed as both he and Leviathan suddenly pushed their weight into their weapons and tried to keep Genesis in place.

Genesis was confused for a fraction of a second as to what they were looking to accomplish but understood as soon as saw the arrow that appeared in front of his face almost as soon as Behemoth appeared.

It was a trap!

Leviathan and Behemoth's attacks were feints to occupy Genesis from keeping his mind on Ziz while also keeping his hands occupied as he was holding onto the tips of Leviathan and Behemoth's weapons and if he were to let go and focus on Ziz, neither of them would let the chance to give him a fatal injury into his body slip.

But Genesis didn't panic. Instead, he calmly tilted his head slightly and caught the shaft of arrow in his mouth with his teeth and shattered it.

But that wasn't the only arrow. More were sent flying his way. Leviathan and Behemoth resumed their offensive with even more ferocity.

With such a combo, anyone would have succumbed to defeat by now. But not Genesis.

Instead he stood at the same spot neutralizing every single one of the attack and with his hands no less. Not even a single weapon was utilized.

After a few seconds of exchanges, in which more than ten thousand exchanges had been made, Genesis expressionlessly said.

"Try harder."