
Peerless One

"Peerless" follows the journey of our protagonist, reborn as 8-year-old Momonosuke in the world of One Piece. Choosing to stay in the present by swapping places with his sister, he embarks on a quest for glory. Join him on this thrilling adventure, where the echoes of a sword resonate through the unpredictable currents of the sea, shaping a destiny that defies the norms of this captivating world.

SOSA7 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Breaker of Chains

As the years unfolded, Momonosuke embarked on a journey of learning. Delving into the intricate art of swordsmanship under the watchful guidance of Kawamatsu. 

Given his lack of experience in wielding a sword in his previous life. He anticipated the learning process to be arduous. 

To his astonishment, however, he displayed an unexpected talent for the craft.

The movements flowed naturally, and the connection between blade and wielder felt almost instinctive. 

Kawamatsu, the seasoned swordsman, watched the young lord's progress with a mix of astonishment and pride.

Yet, despite Momonosuke's prowess with the sword, Kawamatsu remained adamant that the young boy should also acquire proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.

He had a particular aspiration for his pupil. He envisioned the young boy embracing the path of a sumo wrestler, just like himself.

The cute fishman explained the virtues of his art, its rich traditions, and the strength it bestowed upon its practitioners. 

However, Momonosuke remained resolute in his refusal.

"Categorically no!" he declared, adamant that he would not become a sumo wrestler. 

He voiced his aversion to the image of a chubby version of himself revealing his butt-cheeks in the ring. 

This statement left Kawamatsu offended. And even though he said that it had nothing to do with it..


As a demonstration of his displeasure, he withheld his training for an entire week.

Unbeknownst to the kappa, Momonosuke's rejection of sumo was rooted in a different truth.

In his previous life, the young lord had honed his skills in wrestling and mixed martial arts. 

Giving him a comprehensive understanding of hand-to-hand combat and physical training. 

The knowledge he brought from his former life rendered Kawamatsu's teachings in these areas unnecessary.

Even though, he was now primarily focused on swordsmanship. His passion for combat remained the same. 

Regularly, he would venture into the forest, spending hours alone. 

In the quiet solitude, he tirelessly trained, engaging in imaginary battles, refining his movements, and slashing trees possessing impenetrable trunks.

Amidst the silence and seclusion of the forest, he felt good. And in this way, the young boy began to write the beginnings of his legendary tale.

As the years unfolded, Momonosuke's blade continued to carve deeper into the trunks of the trees victims of his relentless assaults.

His physique underwent a significant transformation too. 

At the age of 13, he now stood at a towering height of 1m87. 

While his muscles were not big, they were definitely present and well-defined, a testament to all the time put into his physical training. 

He had grown into a robust young man, inheriting the genetic stature of his father.

He could feel the strength coursing through his arms every time he swung his sword.

At the age of 13, Momonosuke was bigger and stronger than he had ever been in his previous life. 

And it was only the beginning.. He recalled from watching One Piece that Momonosuke, at 28 years of age, stood in the 3-meter range. 

He knew there was still room for him to grow.

After completing one of his rigorous training sessions, Momonosuke left the forest and made his way to the cave he shared with Kawamatsu. 

Though not overly spacious, it provided enough room for the two of them to sleep. 

Upon arrival, he found Kawamatsu seated on the ground, diligently crafting a straw hat.

Observing the broken blade in Momonosuke's hand, the samurai sighed in an exasperated tone. "Did you break another sword again? It's like the fourth in 2 days."

"Well.." Momonosuke responded in an embarrassed tone, "it's not my fault if the quality of these swords is awful."

"The quality of the sword doesn't mean anything.. It's your handling that is bad!" Kawamatsu retorted.

"Huh? Do you want to spar again, Kawa?" Momonosuke said with an annoyed smile, his eyes revealing eagerness.

"You don't have any swords left. How are you going to fight me?" said Kawamatsu proudly. "Perhaps you want me to show you my sumo skills?"

"No!" exclaimed Momonosuke vividly recalling the moment a few years ago when he refused to become a sumo wrestler. 

After the one-week hiatus, Kawamatsu forced the boy to spar with him barehanded. 

A rather unpleasant experience involving being tossed around and bitch-slapped.

"I really hate sumo wrestling." echoed right now in Momonosuke's mind. 

"Thanks, Kawa, but I will pass on the offer." He said awkwardly.

"That's what I thought," responded Kawamatsu, humming proudly. 

"Momonosuke-sama, there is a concept of power that will cover your blade via your body." 

'Is he talking about Haki?' thought Momonosuke?

"With it.. A sword can even cut iron when you need it to, but when you don't, it won't even cut a sheet of paper." continued Kawamatsu.

"Are you talking about Ryuo?" asked Momonosuke.

"Yes, that is a power that every swordsman with aspirations should learn. 

It can have different applications based on your proficiency. Said Kawamatsu. 

"Firstly, You can harden your blade."

"Secondly, you can emit it out of your blade to strike without making contact with your opponent.. It can even generate a burst."

"Finally, you can make it flow into a target's body and destroy it from the inside out."

It is not easy to awaken it. You need a lot of training and sometimes a life or death situation."

"I see," responded Momonosuke, already familiar with the intricacies of various types of Haki.

"It will come. You don't have to worry about it." said Kawamatsu, encouraging the young boy. 

"You already possess the power of 'sensing', it's just a matter of time before you master all types of Ryuo too."

"I am not worried," said Momonosuke with a slight smile. "I'll definitely master this power."

"You don't have more swords." noted the kappa, changing the subject. "Are you going to beat another pirate again?" He chuckled.

"Hmm, who knows," said Momonosuke, his finger under his chin, pondering. 

"Maybe I'll beat some of Orochi subbordinate this time around. They seem to carry more coins than those pirates.."

"Well, you've made a lot of waves lately. Maybe it's time to change places again." suggested Kawamatsu.

"Me?" said Momo, pointing at himself with astonishment. "I am sure everyone has already forgotten those incidents."

At the same Time on Onigashima

The darkened clouds of the ominous island echoed with the booming sounds of thunder. 

Within the Skull Dome, the imposing fortress of the formidable pirate Kaido. Existed a place known as the Summoning Chamber. As the name suggest. This was where Kaido, along with his Two All Stars, King and Queen, summoned individuals when needed.

At the center of the room stood a large wooden platform, and at this moment.. Kaido was sitting upon it.

The pirate was indulging in his favorite pastime—Drinking alcohol !

With a discontented expression, he addressed King, who stood before him, holding a newspaper.

"Why did you summon me, King?" Kaido questioned irritably. King, unfazed by his captain demeanor. Glanced at Queen and Jack also present in the room, before responding.

"Because I learned of this incident before anyone else." He explained, handing the newspaper to Kaido. 

Queen feeling annoyed retorted. "Before anyone else? Are you mocking me, King?"

Ignoring the chubby guy outburst, King calmly remarked. "You've always been brainless anyway." 

"Whaaaat? You're always so meeeein" Exclaimed Queen with a cute voice. Before abruptly shifting back to a serious tone.. " You big sadistic bird!"

"What did you say?" bellowed King, anger seething as his hand clutched his sword.

"STOP, Both of you!" commanded Kaido with a serious tone, silencing the brewing tension in the room. His gaze focusing on the newspaper held in his hand.

"Huh?" growled Kaido his eyes full of surprise "Attack on Mary Geoise."

"WHAT?" exclaimed Jack and Queen, their faces full of shock.

"Who is crazy enough to attack the world nobles?" inquired Queen.

"A certain Fisher Tiger invaded Mary Geoise and freed countless slaves" Kaido explained, reading the article. "I didn't think that there were still men not willing to bow down to those Celestial Dragons."

After finishing reading the article. The Pirate started examining the wanted poster that came with it.

"200Millions Berrys.. Not bad for a first bounty. WORORORORO"

"Do you know his whereabouts, King?" inquired Kaido. 

The lunarian shook his head replying. "I do not know. But the World Government would never let that humiliation slide. This Fisher Tiger is a dead man walking."

"Such a pity" remarked Kaido. "He would have made a good subordinate!" he said, nonchalantly taking a sip of his sake. 

What about the ghost of Hakumai? Inquired Queen eagerly. This brat has incapacitated 7 of my men this past month.

"Well, Orochi did mention something about that Ghost." Said Kaido, attempting to recollect details of his conversation with the shogun. "He was going to take care of the problem.. Or something like that"

"Why not send Jack to assist them?" suggested King.

"True strength is honed on the battlefield" affirmed Kaido. "Jack!"

"Ye... yes, sir?" stammered Jack.

"Go assist Orochi's men and send this ghost to the other world."

"YES!" responded Jack. Sweating profusely afraid of the three monster in front of him.

At the same Time in a cave in Hakumai

"Atchoo! Atchoo!... Atchoo" Momonosuke sneezed. 

"Damn, Someone is definitely talking shit about me.."