
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

The Hound, Panther, and Shark

--- 30 Years Later ---

Yami was lying on the floor with a large gash across his chest. Standing over him was Grimmjow who now had a more humanoid form. Although he was still covered in bone armor and had panther characteristics, he also had a pair of blue, flaming tails as well as blues flames that were constantly flowing out of his mouth and the hole in his chest.

"Yami Kobayashi. It seems that it has ended in my victory this time," Grimmjow taunted

"Don't get too cocky. I didn't even use my Bankai on you for fear of accidentally killing your Fraccion," Yami replied. And it was true. Although he had mastered the basics of his Bankai long ago, his Bankai was still not something he could use in a friendly spar or with allies around. He was still trying to find a way to make the Bankai evolve even more.

Yami stood up and looked at the Vasto Lorde before him and felt a sense of pride even in his defeat. He had been beating Grimmjow for almost 75 years now and it was only thanks to their constant battles that both were able to evolve. Yami with his Bankai and Juryoku while Grimmjow had truly evolved into a Vasto Lorde.

Vasto Lorde was the third classification of Menos and the highest level of evolution. They were extremely rare in number, and it was said that their entire number within Hueco Mundo could be counted with the fingers on one's hands. The combat capabilities of a Vasto Lorde were said to be above those of average captains of the Gotei 13 and comparable to Senior Captains along the lines of Captain Shunsui or Captain Ukitake if he was healthy.

Grimmjow's evolution into their ranks meant that his self-proclaimed title of king was no longer that far off. There were less than 5 beings in all of Hueco Mundo that could call themselves his equal or superior.

"Tsk. Don't be a sore loser. With their king here, they have nothing to fear," Grimmjow replied arrogantly while observing Yami. He was using Juryoku to rapidly heal the wounds that Grimmjow had just given him. And within moments, Yami was back to full strength, although slightly tired.

"Are you sure you are not a Hollow or some kind of hybrid? That would be the only way to explain that high-speed regeneration of yours," Grimmjow asked

Yami shook his head and smiled. He knew that this technique seemed like a Hollow's because that was the basis for it. This technique was created partially to increase his overall fighting strength but also as a counter for the Quincy. It was unknown when they would return but they had a weakness to Hollow reiatsu which meant that this technique might have been able to poison them.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Yami replied confidently. "I need to head back soon before my captain catches me. But next time we fight leave those guys..."

Yami and Grimmjow both sensed something in the distance. 4 powerful auras were approaching them. And one of them was another Vasto Lorde.

Yami and Grimmjow immediately went on guard while Shawlong and the others quickly approached while getting in a defensive formation.

A few minutes later, the groups met in the middle of the white sands. One side was exuding a large amount of fighting and killing intent while the others seemed very protective of one another. All of the other group members were female Hollows with 3 being Adjuchas resembling a deer, lion, and snake and the last being the Vasto Lorde.

The Vasto Lorde had most of her body and face covered by white Hollow bones, and her fin-sword was part of her arm, but her hair and eyes were exposed. Her mask wrapped around her head, with an extremely long and thin shark tail hanging from the back of her head. There were also pointed protrusions from her shoulders and elbows, as well as distinct grooves on her legs.

Yami and Grimmjow shared a look before approaching the group with the Fraccion further behind them. Even if the group attacked them, there was no way they could finish off the pair before the others joined them.

"Who are you and why are you on my turf?" Grimmjow asked aggressively

"My name is Tier Harribel. These are my comrades Emilou Appachi, Franceska Mila Rose, and Cyan Sung-Sun," the Vasto Lorde stepped forward and began to answer Grimmjow, not minding his tone.

"We apologize for intruding in your territory but we would like to ask for your assistance. The self-proclaimed king of Hueco Mundo has made it his mission to wipe out all other Vasto Lorde as they can contend with his power as well as any Menos that does not agree to be his subject. I wish to form an alliance to kill him and overthrow him before a large war sweeps across Hueco Mundo."

Yami listened on and felt puzzled. Hueco Mundo was usually in a state of constant battle but they were nothing more than single duels or small skirmishes between groups. If there was really a Vasto Lorde who was proclaiming himself king (other than Grimmjow) and acting on it, he could cause a great imbalance of the souls.

'Even if I want to ignore it, I can't. It would be better if we deal with this now before it gets any worse. But how can I convince Grimm..."

"Some bastard claims they are the king of Hueco Mundo when I am right here?!?!" Grimmjow yelled in anger

"You really believe your own hype that much?" Yami asked in exasperation

"I am the hype!" Grimmjow yelled as he unleashed his reiatsu

(I'm sorry lol. I could not resist lmao!)

'This guy is an idiot. Next time, I am definitely using my Bankai and beating him.'

Yami turned his attention away from the 'King' and looked toward the other Vasto Lorde present.

"It seems that he is ready to help and I am also free to help. You won't mind that, right?" Yami asked her. He knew being a Shinigami may be offputting for some Hollows but he wanted to get involved as this was a major battle that could affect the cycle of souls.

Harribel looked at Yami and nodded. She had actually been watching them for a few years now and realized that Yami did not have a prejudiced view against Hollows. He was even allied with this group before them.

"The more power we have on our side the better. That brings our total to 3 Vasto Lorde, 10 Adjuchas, and a Captain-Level Shinigami. With these forces, we should be able to overwhelm Barragan's elite core without sustaining any losses," Tier theorized

While she already had enough power to battle Baragan and his forces head-on with her ally, there was still danger involved thanks to his unique ability and number of subordinates. By having such a show of force, they would be able to avoid battle with most of the Menos, only having to take out those that were truly loyal to Baragan and not just those who served him out of fear.

"His base is about 3 days west of here while our ally is 1 day west, ready to meet us at any time. Do you have enough supplies for staying here another 6 days at least?"

Yami did the math in his head. He had to go 3 days south of their location in order to return to the exact same spot without issues in Soul Society. At his fastest, he could make it there in 2 days from the location of Baragan's base. He only had 3 days worth of food left but he could survive on an empty stomach for a few days. And it would be worth it to take down a powerful threat.

"I'll survive. Let's start moving."

And the first Shinigami-Hollow alliance was formed.