
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Chapter 8

Yoruichi and Marenoshin were sitting in the large meeting room looking very carefree which made them stand out compared to the atmosphere that the other captains and lieutenants were giving off. And this made sense for them to be.

Since the 2nd Division was mixed with the Onmitsukido thanks to Yoruichi, they were given an order straight from the Central 46 to remain in Soul Society to act as a line of defense while the rest of the Gotei 13 would be conducting a large-scale military operation.

Of course, Yoruichi and her lieutenant only knew this because of Yoruichi's special position. The rest of the captains, including the captain commander, had yet to find out that they would not be getting support from the 2nd Division.

The leader of the Gotei 13 was a man called Yamamoto. No one dared to call him by his given name. He was the oldest of the captains and had led the Gotei 13 since he founded it nearly 800 years prior. Even as all of his hair was white and he walked with a cane, his body exuded pure power that few could match with just their physiques alone. And that was not to mention the man's massive spiritual energy reserves which could suffocate even lieutenants if he really let loose.

Just as Yamamoto was about to begin the meeting, a member of the Inner Court troop jumped in through the balcony. The woman kneeled before Yamamoto before passing him a scroll and disappearing without a word.

Yamamoto looked at the unopened scroll before turning to Yoruichi who smiled innocently at the old man. Yamamoto shook his head before opening the scroll and reading through it carefully.

He raised his eyebrows a few times but besides that, he didn't say anything before holding the scroll in his right hand. The small roll of paper instantly ignited before turning to ashes and being blown away by the wind. He then started the meeting as if the message had never been given to him.

"As you all know, the Quincy have been acting up more and more over the past 10 years. They have destroyed at least 5,000 hollows, erasing the souls forever. We have wiped out the larger and more extreme groups and tried to tolerate the smaller ones but it seems our words and actions have fallen on the deaf and numb.

Thanks to the Onmitsukido, we have found out that a group of nearly 2,000 Quincy have gathered and are planning on launching a large-scale assault on Hueco Mundo. Before they are able to, we will launch an attack on them and wipe them out, including the non-combatants.

This will nearly be a genocide of their race but hopefully, the rest shall learn from this and survive peacefully. If not, we shall deal with them as well. The 6th and 11th Divisions shall lead east and west respectively. The 6th Division will be supported by the 8th, 10th, and 5th. And 11th shall receive the support of the 3rd, 7th, 9th, and 12th. The 4th Division is to be on standby to provide medical relief with the 13th Division acting as their guards.

My first Division shall supervise their last route which would be towards the north and wipe out anyone who tries to get away as we make our way towards their base.

This battle shall take place in the human realm so captains and lieutenants, your seals will be removed but you are not allowed to use bankai while there.

The 2nd Division is to stay in Seireitei and act as a last line of defense in case any Quincy try to make a surprise attack when we launch our offensive against them."

The other captains and lieutenants looked surprised and shocked when they heard that Yoruichi would not be involved directly in the battle before some of them revealed 'ah' looks as they realized why the woman looked so calm coming into the meeting.

'She knew!'

Many of the veteran captains collectively thought, feeling jealous of the Yoruichi. It was not that they were afraid of battle but battle with the Quincy was rarely one-sided, and with about even numbers and the limit of not using bankai, the struggle of the battle would be even higher. The number of subordinates that they would lose in the battle would not be small.

Thinking this, some of the captains could not help but voice out their complaints.

"Captain Shihoin, do you not feel any shame in using your position to escape from your responsibilities as a noble?"

'You, Lazy Cat! Help shoulder the responsibility so the elites I have trained for all these years do not get reduced by too much.'

Captain Kuchiki was from another one of the 5 Great Houses like Yoruichi and was from the generation prior to hers. He wanted to use his seniority and their titles as nobles to pressure her.

But Yoruichi was no slouch. She was over 200 years old so she wouldn't fall for simple provocation like this.

"Tsk, tsk. My status as the Commander-In-Chief of the Onmitsukido makes it so that I must ignore my status as noble sometimes and think about the greater good of Soul Society."

'Eat shit, Ginrei! Go have fun in the human realm!'

Captain Kuchiki felt as if he was punching cotton when trying to speak to Yoruichi. She was truly shameless.

Sparks could be seen flying between the pair. The only reason why they were interrupted was when a member of the Executive Militia appeared in the window.

Ginrei saw that one of Yoruichi's subordinates had arrived so he decided to turn his attention towards him.

"You dare interrupt a captain's meeting! Know your place!"

Ginrei unleashed a large amount of reiatsu that would have caused mild injuries at best if not for Yoruichi jumping up and releasing her own reiatsu to block his attack.

"He is my subordinate, Captain Kuchiki. If anyone shall punish him, it shall be me."

Yoruichi turned around and stared at the person in the window.

"Speak up! If you do not give me a satisfying answer, your head will roll!"

Yoruichi pretended to be angry while mentally rolling her eyes. He may have covered himself from head to toe and left his sword behind but Yoruichi could tell it was Yami. And he knew better than to come if there were no emergencies.

"Emergency message. Request to take action immediately. The purple pigeon has been released. Silver bells ring 36 times. Black blood."

Hearing the message, Yoruichi really did turn serious. This was code that the others would not have understood but Yoruichi knew exactly what Yami was saying.

'There is a traitor in the Kuchiki clan and his target is the lieutenant of the 6th Division, Ginrei's son Sojun who is next in line to become head of the clan and Captain of the 6th Division. The traitor is a sibling.'

"Is this confirmed?" Yoruichi asked but knew that it had been. Otherwise, Yami would not just bring her a rumor.

"Descended into the underworld to get it and Kali set the fire."

'I researched and confirmed it myself while Kisuke supports my claims after going over my research.'

"Fine. Deal with it urgently. There is a large-scale mission we are about to conduct. It must be done within the hour!"

"Of course. The commander has a team on standby."

'I will handle it. I'm also bringing Sui-Feng with me to ensure we succeed.'

"Good. Go!"

With her words, Yami used shunpo to get out of the room in an instant. He had to move fast, as Yoruichi wouldn't be able to buy him a lot of time. And while he was confident he could handle their target, if Ginrei or Sojun found him, he would be in deep trouble.