
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Chapter 5

Yami and the others were gathered inside a forest. They were stationed in the trees around an opening in the forest. In the middle of the opening were several log cabins.

'There are at least 13 individuals there but only 5 of them seem like active combatants. The rest seem to either be children or are elderly. Either way, they are low threats.'

Yami slowly moved over to Kukaku's position to speak with her. Although he took the stealth and assassination electives at the academy, he still wasn't on the same level as the veterans around him. He had to be more cautious in order to not get caught by the Quincy.

"Why are we not attacking them?"

Kukaku looked at Yami, her mouth hidden beneath her so no one could tell what shape her lips were making. But from the frown of her eyebrows, she was not smiling.

"The 12th Division has gotten 13 new members from the graduating class. This is their first official mission and a test for them. Normally, we wouldn't even be leaving Soul Society. Our duty is to handle Shinigami that are a threat, not Quincy or Hollows."

Yami nodded in understanding. Their job was to ensure that the mission went as smoothly as possible so that the new Shinigami didn't lose their lives meaninglessly.


The group stayed in the trees for another 3 hours before there was any change. Yami felt the reiatsu of nearly 400 Shinigami approaching from all directions.

'Really? They don't even try to hide their presence?'

And just as Yami had felt them, so did the Quincy. The 5 active combatants Quincy quickly ran outside of their homes with various types of bows and crossbows made of blue energy. But it was not only those that had left their houses. Even the elderly Quincy he had thought would sit in their homes quietly had come out and had their bows ready. Out of the initial 13, only the 2 children remained inside the houses.

The Quincy began firing energy arrows in every direction, aiming at the Shinigami that were inside the forests. The members of the 12th Division blocked the attacks with their Zanpakuto. And as hard as the Quincy tried, they were hopelessly outnumbered.

The Shinigami quickly closed the gap before they began to cut down the carious Quincy with their swords. In less the 5 minutes since the assault had begun, the battle was already over. All of the Quincy were dead on the floor.

But just as Yami thought the battle was over and was about to turn around, Kukaku grabbed his shoulder.

He turned to look at her before seeing her shake her head. Kukaku pointed back at the village. Yami turned to the village confused why she was telling him to look but he turned around just in time to see two Quincy children being beheaded.

Yami was in a state of shock. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. Even in Zaraki, he had never seen adults kill children who were of no threat to them. He had thousands of questions.


Was the only thing that could escape from Yami's lips.

"Because they had become enemies of Soul Society. And all those who become Soul Society's enemies must be wiped out."

Kukaku explained. But there was no pride or joy in her voice. Instead, her words were dripping with hatred. But Yami couldn't tell who that hate was directed at.

All he knew was that Soul Society was even darker than he had expected. And he truly understood the words that Kukaku had told him before the mission. The screams of the Quincy warriors who battled to protect their homes would keep him up that night. And the headless bodies of the two children would forever be engrained in his memories.

The Shinigami set fire to the log cabins before making their way to Kukaku and the rest of the Onmitsukido who had already gathered together.

Leading the Shinigami was a young woman with a voluptuous figure and purple hair. She was wearing a white haori over her standard shinigami uniform. She had a somber expression on her face as she landed before them. Kukaku gave a slight bow when the woman arrived.

"Captain Hikifune. Has the mission been completed?"

"Unfortunately. Thank you for your service, Corps Commander."

Both women spoke very formally and got straight to the point. Neither wanted to linger on what just happened.

"Hiyori. Open the Senkaimon."

A young girl with blonde hair and a lieutenant badge on her left arm nodded before unsheathing her zanpakuto and stabbing it into the air.


A set of traditional Japanese waiting room doors appeared before they opened to a tunnel of blinding white light. A couple of black butterflies flew out of the tunnel before flying somewhere else in the human realm.

Captain Hikifune nodded at her lieutenant before signaling for all of the members of the 12th Division to follow her inside. After the 12th Division entered, the members of the Onmitsukido followed behind them.

Yami was the last to enter. He turned around to see the burning village one last time before entering the gate and letting it close behind him.

Right after the gate disappeared, several figures wearing white cloaks appeared on the tree branches above where the gate had just closed.

"The Shinigami are becoming more and more active. A little bit more pressure and His Highness will get what He needs."

A female voice came from one of the cloaked figures.

"Should we really be doing this? Even if they are impure, they are still Quincy."

Another figure asked. This one had a masculine voice, although they sounded very young

"We shall do as He wills. For He shall bring us to our greatest heights. Do not question His will, Bazzard."

The figures stood there for another moment before descending into shadows, as if they were never there to begin with.