
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Chapter 4

The next day, Kukaku brought Yami down to the Executive Militia's meeting room. This was to introduce Yami to them as well as go over a mission briefing. They were given one last minute so she had to lead the group.

The Executive Militia had been under her command ever since the previous leader of the group died on a mission so when she showed up, the rest of the members did not act up as Yami was afraid they would have.

Even if he knew they were professionals, it was always better to be careful. He may have had a position of authority but he knew his authority meant nothing before these killers before him. He hadn't earned their respect yet.

Yami stood right behind Kukaku as she began to give the mission briefing.

"Listen up! There have been a group of Quincy that have been slaughtering Hollows for the past few months. We gave them an initial warning but they have ignored the warning we gave them and continued to do as they please.

This is upsetting the balance of souls so it has been decided that they shall be wiped out to not only restore the balance and stop their rampage but to also send a message to any other Quincy thinking of following in their steps.

Our job is to act as scouts and watch over the group until the 12th Division arrives and handles them. We move out in 15 minutes."

Quincy were another one of the major races in the universe alongside Hollows and Shinigami. They were also in a state of constant battle with Hollows but unlike the Shinigami, their way of combat would upset the balance of the universe.

For when a Shinigami killed a Hollow, the Hollow's soul would remain intact, be purified, and enter the cycle of reincarnation. However, Quincy's methods did not do this. Instead, when a Hollow was killed by a Quincy, their soul was destroyed and removed from the cycle of rebirth.

Whether the Quincy did not believe what the Shinigami were telling them about how they destroyed souls or they simply did not care, it was hard to say. All that mattered was that Quincy upset the balance of the world when they were allowed to do as they pleased. So the Onmitsukido would fix that.

Yami and Kukaku left to go chance out of their shinigami uniform and put on the uniform of the Executive Militia. These resembled the clothes of a traditional ninja. These had no visible white undergarments and the sash was dark as opposed to white. A headpiece covered the bottom part of the face but not the eyes. they did not wear sandals, but long jika-tabi, and tight bands were on the legs and arms to keep the clothes from moving too much.

Yami walked out of the locker room where Kukaku Shiba was waiting for him. She had her arms crossed under her chest but she was not looking at Yami. Instead, she was staring at the wall in front of her.

"Yami. You may think you are prepared for what is about to happen but I can promise you that you are not. We are about to go kill people. People that think they are doing good. That think they are helping. And we are going to kill them.

Maybe not with our own hands but we will have a hand in their deaths. Make sure you listen to their curses. Burn the hatred in their eyes into your memory. For this is the path you will walk down if you are to stay in the Onmitsukido."

Yami was surprised to hear these words coming from Kukaku. She seemed to be a very laidback individual. For her to speak with such somber tone, he felt like it was unreal.

"Shiba-senpai. Why are you a member of the Onmitsukido?"

Kukaku shook her head when she heard Yami's question.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that as long as I am a member, I shall carry out my duty faithfully. Be sure to do the same."

Kukaku walked out the room without waiting for Yami to confirm her words. The young Shinigami saw Kukaku walk out as several emotions flashed through his eyes.

He followed behind Kukaku who was standing in front of a Senkaimon gate with the rest of the Executive Militia further behind them.

After seeing Yami stand behind her, Kukaku made several hand symbols before her hands began to glow. She then slammed her hands on the ground and let out a shout.

The gates of the Senkaimon opened uo revealing a tunnel of blinding white light. Kukaku stood up before raising her right hand and then bringing it down.

All the members of the Executive Militia disappeared instantly using Shunpo. With the rest of the militia going first, Kukaku and Yami followed behind them.

Their destination: The Human Realm