
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Chapter 16

Yami's trio had managed to slice off 3 of Locusio's arms and it was on its last leg.

But even though they were about to kill it, it was not like it was an easy battle. Marenoshin had taken the brunt of the damage as he was the one fighting the Adjuchs head-on, having one of his arms ripped off and several holes in his body. Sui-Feng and Yami were better as they were fighting around him and attacking when they saw an opening but they both still have several cuts from being scratched by the Adjuchas.

And the rest of the Executive Militia was not doing much better. They were experts in battling against shinigami and assassinations. They were also used to using Hakuda which was not as effective against hollows who were known for their physical prowess. This battle was completely out of their element.

So even though they were stronger, they were still getting their numbers reduced. By the end of the battle, the corps may not even have a 1/4 of what they started the battle with.

Yami and the others rushed forward to clash with Locusio again, planning to finish it in a final blow.

The Adjuchas opened its mouth before a red orb formed in front of it. The sphere grew slightly larger and much brighter before being released from the hollow's mouth as a beam. The hollow had just unleashed a cero, the most common technique shared among hollows but also a very powerful one.

The group split off into 3 directions, easily dodging the beam. While Cero was indeed a powerful technique, the long charging team meant that it was easy to dodge as long as one saw it coming.

The trio appeared all around Locusio. The Adjuchas was outnumbered and knew it was going to die.

'If I must die, I am taking one of you bastards with me!'

Locusio looked towards Yami and stabbed his arm forward. The one who had caused him the most trouble was Yami due to the troublesome ability of his zanpakuto.

Yami held his zanpakuto vertically with both hands in front of him as he saw the enraged Locusio charging toward him.

"Bakudō #39. Enkōsen"

Yellow reiatsu formed in front of his sword before it started spinning in a circle rapidly. When Locusio's claw met with the spell, its hand was repelled. The hollow was knocked off balance which gave Marenoshin the opportunity to slice off its last arm.

With no arms left to defend itself, Locusio watched helplessly as Sui-Feng stabbed the butterfly tattoo on the side of its head. It then felt a large amount of poisonous reiatsu flooding into its body. Once the poison had reached its soul, Locusio disintegrated, leaving only a butterfly-shaped crest of energy could be seen where he was.

The trio let out sighs of relief as they had just killed someone normally reserved for captains. They were just about to go rush off to help the rest of the Executive Militia when an injured member of the Inner Court Troop arrived.

"Orders from the Commander-In-Chief. She, the Corps Commander of the Detention Unit, and the Grand Kido Chief are currently locked in battle with a Quincy with unique abilities that are keeping them at bay.

The Corps Commander of the Demolition Unit is also dealing with one of these unique Quincy, though they are fighting on an even level.

A third was able to escape from the battle and is aiming for Captain Ukitake's life. The Commander-In-Chief has ordered Corps Commander Yami and Vice-Corps Commander Sui-Feng to pursue the Quincy and prevent them from taking Captain Ukitake's life."

The trio was shocked. They thought that even if the battle was tough, Kisuke and Yoruichi would be able to handle anything. But not only were they there, but so was Tessai who the the strongest Kido Master in all of Soul Society. Yet they were being held up by one person? Enough to allow one of their enemies to escape?

Whoever they were fighting had to be a monster.

And then there was Kukaku. She was a prodigy that surpassed even her brother, although she was much lazier. Not only was her shikai powerful but she also had access to the magic abilities that only a few members of the Shiba Clan could use. Her fire alone could be used to block a blow from the Captain Commander, although with some significant injuries. Yet she was still being held back?

But they could not focus on either of those things. They had a mission before them and they had to see it through.

"Sui-Feng/Yami acknowledges the orders of the Commander-In-Chief!"

The duo didn't say another word before taking off in the direction of the 3rd Division. Luckily for them, Ukitake had a few guards and was still a captain himself. Even if they couldn't make it there before the Quincy, the others should have been able to delay him long enough for their arrival.


Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Tessai looked at the werewolf woman in front of them. Ever since she had transformed, they had only managed to land one clean strike on her which healed almost instantly.

"Tessai! How come none of your spells are working? Are you holding back?"

Yoruichi couldn't help but ask. Tessai knew every spell there was, even the forbidden ones, and had also created a few spells himself. Yet nothing he used affected her.

"No idea. I even adjusted them so that she could not absorb them using her Quincy abilities. This shouldn't be happening."

"Whether it should or shouldn't, that isn't the issue. The issue is that nothing we do can hurt her!"

Yoruichi and the others were panicking. She moved too fast for Yoruichi to strike her, her body was immune to Tessai's kido, and she was acting in a way that even Kisuke couldn't predict.

Mira looked at them, enjoying seeing her prey suffer. She was glad that she had brought Bazz-B who had separated Kukaku from the others.

"Since you are all about to die, I may as well let you take my secret to your graves."

The woman taunted, feeling confident in her ability to kill them. And she had every right to as she was about to explain.

"My ability is called 'The Jaeger' for a reason. I become the perfect hunter for up to 3 targets at the same time. Not only do I gain a stronger body, but I also gain abilities that are able to suppress or counter their greatest strengths.

My speed has increased to the point where you can't even touch me, I absorb kido spells, and I am releasing hormones that make it hard to gather your thoughts and form elaborate plans.

My ability makes it so that everything you have worked hard for your entire life becomes meaningless. How does that feel? To have your greatest strengths become useless! Hehehe!"

Hearing what her ability could actually do, the trio felt it was unreal. But they also felt insulted. A person who they were meeting for the first time was saying that she had surpassed them.

'Tsk. So what if you can move fast? I'll just move even faster!'

'I have created at least 2 dozen spells. I'll make one that can strike you down.'

'Hormones to suppress me? My curiosity has peaked. I'll show you what I am really capable of.'

Mira looked at the trio who were all smirking confused. She didn't realize that not only did her speech demoralize them, but she had instead lit a fire inside the hearts of the 3 geniuses who hadn't been surpassed in a long time.