
Parradi: Tales of rebirth

The world has been stagnant for a long time. Societies forming off the settled earth with no more room to evolve and grow. Forces unknown want the world to change, to grow. How do they go about this? By summoning innumerable humans from other worlds. Yet, not all of them are bound to wake up human either. Thrust into untold amounts of different situations follow the many members of the cast and their struggles to survive in this new world. What to expect Daily/semi daily uploads. Generally at least one chapter around 2k words per day will be released. Sometimes there will instead be double upload days. Though breaks will be taken after such releases. Anthology type story, frequently switching between the POVs of multiple main characters. Generally once every few chapters. Multiple main characters as well as time jumps. When the POV switches expect drastic jumps in the strength differences between specific characters. Certain points of view may also take place further into the future, or in the past. World building based on getting the point of view of many different characters. You as the reader will generally be privy to more information then a character due to being able to piece a lot more of the system together by reading from multiple points of view. Despite being an anthology, the story will still frequently switch back and forth between certain characters. Generally a volume will take a much greater focus on specific characters for it's duration. Looking at a specific pair of characters for a long period of time before switching to a different characters POV for a chapter or two, then switching back to the characters that are being focused on.

Boptodatop · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

All My Fellas

Jaden was having a hectic morning to say the least, monster taming was actually a pretty good occupation when you got down to it. Yet managing a bunch of sentient creatures who were both so very child like but also quite effective murder machines could be a bit of a... Task. Kurori, bless his heart, had been a literal life saver for Jaden multiple times and was his first contracted monster. One of two out of four to have a mutual contract with them instead of a one sided one. 

The Blacklight Wyrm had stayed with Jaden through thick and thin, despite not actually having to do so given he was under no obligation to stay. But the little guy was determined if nothing else, even during hard times where Jaden was just inches from dying it had stayed with him instead of running away. Jaden didn't think he'd still be here to think about those situations if they hadn't helped.

Java, cleverly named if Jaden had his say, though others might call him mean for it. The monster he'd managed to make agree to a one sided contract. His first one anyways, was a saber tipped Lynx. A pack hunter that had higher physical stats then himself and Kurori. It had tied his small group together quite nicely when he'd first gotten them. Which by the way, had been a bit of a harrowing experience. It had been separated from it's pack, so fighting it was possible. But it still had higher physical stats then both he and Kurori, so it was a close fight until they'd managed to get a cheeky attack in and subdue it. 

He'd decided to call them Java on a whim, given saber tooth's were a thing in the past where he used to live before being dragged to this world. Effectively seeing one in the flesh he initially thought "alpha". As in, alpha version of something. Then remembered a game with a java edition, which was basically a legacy version, and he went from there. Did it sound like an okay name to him? Yes. That was all he needed, not like anybody else was nearby him to his knowledge. So what else did names matter?

Berry, bless their little soul. They were a weak monster, a plant based one that he'd barely noticed. Java almost ate the thing, but Jaden stopped them and took a closer look at it. Where the small thing laid, plentiful fruits had sprouted around it. After a bit of deliberation (and his stomach grumbling) he decided to offer it a contract. At first, it refused, but when he eventually changed it to a mutual contract it had accepted. 

To be exact, berry was something called a "Fruitful Seedling." And it's class wasn't even a lesser version of the race. No, less then that. It was a "Minor Fruitful Seedling". Jaden didn't even realize a "Minor" class was possible. It had a unranked skill, that whenever it rested on fertile land, edible plant life would grow around it. Though it was a bit paradoxical, requiring energy intake from specifically meat to actually function properly. He was happy to oblige though, it always made more then it consumed. So infinite food generator! Not for Java though, who was a carnivore as Jaden had learned shortly after they'd contracted them to begin with.

Last but not... Scratch that, last and least. Was Salas, Jaden's fourth and currently last contracted monster. A scaled lizard like creature that was distinctly not a wyrm as the system had ever so kindly pointed out. To be specific, it was a "Earth wyrm impostor". While it had the visuals to match with a bruiser type monster like that, the actual stats of the thing were more focused on manipulation instead of constitution and strength. Manipulation wasn't even a charisma stat as he'd learned awhile ago, so Jaden had no idea why it had that one so high. Visually it was similar to Kurori, stats wise as well but trading off a bit more of their mental stats for physical stats. 

Initially, it got the jump on Jaden, but it was quickly overpowered in a three on one fight consisting of himself, Kurori and Java. After that it didn't have much choice but to accept a contract, it was that or die. 

All in all, Jaden felt he'd done a pretty good job of party building. Kurori and he were fairly good at magic, with himself being able to use water and healing. While Kurori could use, funnily enough, light and shadow. Java was able to deal with up close combat while the others stayed at ranged. Berry, as long as they got part of any meat they had, could feed the rest of the party, (on top of being a cute little guy) bar Java. And Salas could substitute in or out for any role in combat with their fire proficiency and somewhat good physical stats.

Jaden had been the first one to get up this morning, oddly enough none of his monsters besides Berry were morning people. They'd always sleep in if given the chance, which was just fine with him as he could get things ready in the morning much more easily. Four growing monsters were quite gluttonous, so he got right into his morning routine. Head to the nearby stream, do some spear fishing. (He'd actually gotten a level, albeit only a single one, from doing this)

After catching at least four, head back to his makeshift camp. Which consisted of a few things. First off, main part of it, the cave that they'd set up in. It was better protection then just living in the middle of the forest out in the open. That was where everybody slept. Secondly, there was a beaten trail that Jaden and Co had made towards the river nearby, as directed by Jaden. Which he was currently following back to camp. Third, covered by a wooden roof that, after extensive trial and error, he'd finally managed to put together correctly. Was a fire pit for cooking. It was a nice little alcove he'd built for himself and his monsters. He had to say if this was the hand he was dealt for this life? He was pretty satisfied with it. 

Jaden produced a small makeshift knife, then skinned the fish, he hung them to let the blood flow out, tasted better that way. Afterwards, he went back inside the cave to wake Berry. The sun was just rising, it would be the best time for them to wake up.

"Berry, hey, little guy." Jaden spoke softly as he tapped on the little monsters head. It was quite literally the size of his hand, so the gentle tapping was enough to wake it fairly quickly. Jaden knew they'd want to be awake, Berry liked to catch the sunlight whenever possible. It yawned loudly before Jaden scooped it up and carried it outside. Setting it down in a patch of dimly lit earth, the sun slowly rising, illuminating the spot.

He left the small seedling to soak in the sun, then returned to the fire pit. At first, he'd just gotten Kurori to light the pit with what he now knew as "shadow fire". But Kurori had made their displeasure with being woken up so early known numerous times by now. Jaden had made it a point to have his own method of lighting fires without them. What is that method you may ask? Nothing special really, he just gave himself a crash course on how to start fires with sticks. It was easier with stats giving him more precision and control over his own actions. 

Jaden glanced back at the hanging fish, noticed the lack of blood, took them and skewered them whole and stuck them over the fire. Relegating himself to turning it for the next forty or so minutes. It was unlikely that they'd be attacked in that time. At least not by anything particularly dangerous. Stronger monsters tended to be more cautious, only tending to their own territory. They didn't get strong by being reckless idiots. So as long as you minded your own business the chances of you running into anything actually significantly threatening were minimal. 

The wind was blowing lightly this morning, a gentle breeze against the warm day. If Jaden was to guess, he'd say it was spring approaching summer temperature. Though, he also didn't know what this planets weather cycle was like either. So really, what'd he know? Though, just a little bit late, he realized which direction the breeze was blowing. Riiiighhhht... Towards the cave. 




3 voices smacked into Jaden's mind at the same time, all thinking the exact same thought. Kurori, Java, Salas, all three of them hungry as can be. Or hungry as normal anyways. This was a normal morning, but he'd usually be more careful about letting them smell food. Should've paid more attention to the wind, maybe waited a bit. Oh well, I was already gonna watch the food, now I'm just gonna have to watch it, but harder...

"Didn't realize you all decided to wake up at the exact same time at the scent of food. You're welcome to, W. A. I. T. If you'd like some!" Jaden glared at the three monsters who hobbled out of the cave, tired yet hungry in two senses. All three crawled over wordlessly, lining themselves around the fire. Jaden was wise to their game, they'd try to pull one off the fire early, distract him with one of their numbers while the other two yanked as much as they could off the fire. Ultimately wasting the majority of it to the flame. But he wouldn't falter, his eyes would stay fixed on the food, no exception! 

Jaden could just, tell two out of three of them to knock it off via a command. But really? He didn't like using forced commands on his contracted monsters. It left him with a bad taste in his mouth, having only done it two times, both were on dire occasion and he'd disliked it both times. Oppressing another creatures free will was a deeply displeasing act to him, especially when they were sentient in some way shape or form. That didn't mean he wouldn't be annoyed with their antics though.


"If you want my attention feel free to climb up into my view Kurori, I'm not taking my eyes off the fire. I don't even know why you want it uncooked, you don't even like it that way."


A bit of silence.

"Salas, don't think I don't see you. Don't make me give you a command!" 


"And Java? Don't even try it. I can hear you sneaking up from behind me. You'll sit your pretty little backside down right in front of me for the rest of the morning if you try to pull a fast one over me."

"But I'm hungry!"

"And you can wait twenty minutes anyways."

Another few minutes pass without issue, Jaden stayed lazer focused on the slowly browning fish. Yet when he heard the more meek voice of his more well behaved summon his resolve of watching the flame was tested.

"Hello? When will meat be done?"

"Soon" He replied without turning around. "Give it another ten or so minutes." How dare they try to use Berry against me! Those trouble making little goblins.

it was another few minutes until the three trouble makers made a unified attempt to snatch the food. All three of them prowling around the fireplace, hungrily gazing at the fish that were still being slowly turned by Jaden. "Low, Water, Low, Ring, High, viscosity, low, persistence."

Jaden put together an overly complicated spell in the defense of the fire place, which he really didn't need to do, this was overkill. Taking about thirty or so seconds, it was finished right before the three made their move.

"Sorry master but that's already ready, gimme, gimme!"


A wall of water manifested in a circle around the pit, catching Java mid leap. Clearly, not ordinary water, as if it was he would've just leaped right through and into the fire... The idiot. No, this was a liquid with the consistency of jello, literally catching him in the air. He flailed around for a bit, but eventually gave up and fell back out.

Kurori had also attempted to sneak in, though in a more cautious manner so he didn't immediately fail. When the wall of water rose instead of trying to burst through it, he took a moment to charge a shadow fire blast. Though, they appear to have forgotten that water was in fact wet. As it did not catch on fire despite the supernaturality of the attack. The fire simply sticking to the edge of the wall and fizzling out a few moments later.

Lastly, Salas who was a bit of a lazy one, simply gave up at the sight of the wall. 

"You three, there's only so much I'm going to put up with you hear me? If there's even one more attempt from any of you you're waiting for the next batch am I clear? Berry and I can get all of it and you'll wait for another hour. If you don't want that, leave it!

A few seconds later, the magic keeping the wall active simply collapsed. Complex spells with multiple components like that one consumed more mana, though while the persistence command helped offset the drain it put more strain on your mind instead. He could already feel the headache coming on after that little stunt... Not worth it...

But at last, five minutes later and without incident, they were finally all ready. "Breakfast time, "thanks" for "waiting" guys. Berry, food's ready now."

The little monster bounded over, following after the three much more actively hungry ones. Whom all snatched a fish the moment it was offered to them. Jaden offered his last one to Berry, who took it much more calmly, but devoured it with the same ravenous hunger as the rest.

Jaden simply let Berry have his most of the time, they'd make more then what they were given maybe twenty or so minutes later anyways so he'd be fine. I can wait a little bit, unlike some people.