
Parradi: Tales of rebirth

The world has been stagnant for a long time. Societies forming off the settled earth with no more room to evolve and grow. Forces unknown want the world to change, to grow. How do they go about this? By summoning innumerable humans from other worlds. Yet, not all of them are bound to wake up human either. Thrust into untold amounts of different situations follow the many members of the cast and their struggles to survive in this new world. What to expect Daily/semi daily uploads. Generally at least one chapter around 2k words per day will be released. Sometimes there will instead be double upload days. Though breaks will be taken after such releases. Anthology type story, frequently switching between the POVs of multiple main characters. Generally once every few chapters. Multiple main characters as well as time jumps. When the POV switches expect drastic jumps in the strength differences between specific characters. Certain points of view may also take place further into the future, or in the past. World building based on getting the point of view of many different characters. You as the reader will generally be privy to more information then a character due to being able to piece a lot more of the system together by reading from multiple points of view. Despite being an anthology, the story will still frequently switch back and forth between certain characters. Generally a volume will take a much greater focus on specific characters for it's duration. Looking at a specific pair of characters for a long period of time before switching to a different characters POV for a chapter or two, then switching back to the characters that are being focused on.

Boptodatop · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Royal Audience

Benjamin wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing to catch the queen's attention. Did she pay attention to abnormalities in the hive cause they were good or bad? Did she like them? Or did she just want to control them? Did they retroactively screw themselves over just by wanting to have a friend? Nothing left to do but wait they supposed.

Both themselves and Honey were lead through a confusing twisting mess of tunnels, bees flying overhead, moving past them, coming from behind them while they moved. Heading ever closer to what he presumed was the center of the hive. Everything was eerily quiet, only the buzzing of wings marking the presence of his ever present kin an audible sound.

They both really wanted to ask if they were in trouble, but also thought that talking might not be the best of ideas right now. Though, before they overcame the anxiety of it all Benjamin felt a qualitative change in the air. A pressure both reassuring yet intimidating at the same time.

[Is that the queen?] They blurted out without even realizing it. Something about this presence invigorated them, made them less nervous, more confident. It was an odd feeling though, not necessarily a bad one.

[Yes.] They were answered matter of factly. [We'll arrive shortly.]

Contrary to Benjamin's expectations, it was actually Honey who spoke up next. [What should we do when we arrive? I do not wish to disrespect mother.]

Benjamin turned to give them their best dude... look, though surprisingly to him Honey got a pretty calm answer. [The queen expects nothing but your self in her presence. Simply strive to be at your best and nothing else will matter.]

Wait did I misjudge this? Are we not in trouble? We're just supposed to be ourselves? MMmhhh... Reserve judgement Benjamin! Stressing about it won't matter nor will it change anything. 

[Of course.] Honey answered promptly. Shortly after, following their escorts Benjamin and Honey stepped foot into a wider open space, light flowed in opulently, illuminating the room in brilliant golden light. Pools of shimmering yellow liquid flowed around the edges of the room. At the center laid a larger creature who seemed to be the center of the aura permeating the area. Though, many smaller bees fluttered around the room. Some grooming the figure in the center who was presumably the queen, others streaming in and out of the room. Others gathering from the golden pools.

[Mother, as you've requested, the two abnormal bees have been brought before you.] One of their two escorts spoke up. Shortly after they'd finished speaking a large clawed hand rose from the curled monster on the ground. Waving away the many bees around it. In short order a large bee monster sat up and blinked slowly. About two times larger then the average bee that Benjamin had seen so far. 

It looked right at them, then at Honey. Lastly it looked at the two bees who had led them here. They returned to the whatever their duties were a moment after the queens gaze lead away from them. Lastly their gaze settled on Benjamin and Honey yet again.

[Hello children. I've been told that you have decided to... Name yourselves. This is correct?]

[I-] Benjamin started, but was quickly interrupted.

[To be completely accurate mother, it was Benjamin who brought the concept to my attention.] Benjamin turned to give Honey yet another dude... look, though the queen merely wiped at one of her antennae in thought.

[Benja-]-click-[Benjamin, what an odd sound that is child. What is your name?] She looked straight at Honey as she asked the question.

[my name is Honey.] They said with an inkling of-is that pride I hear in that clicking? Good for you man.

[This is all rather exciting to me my children, I must admit. You have only just been born so I do not expect you to understand the significance of your actions, but they are quite important. Tell me, what do you know of our hive?]

This time Benjamin was the one to talk, [That we're supposed to... Serve it?] 

[Yes, of course, all we do is for the collective and it's prosperity. That is our way. However, I suppose I should ask a more specific question my child. The hive may be efficient in it's actions, but are you aware of what it lacks?] She asked with a small smile.

[I... No. I don't know anything. Sorry.]

[It is fine my child, you've merely only been born. Expecting you to understand your surroundings within mere hours would be a outrageous expectation. No, my children will follow orders to a fault even should I request they prioritize themselves over it, they will complete their tasks and they will live well. But, what they will not do. Is to innovate, to create something new. We are unfortunately a stagnant family, bound by our limited mindset. Even I myself may not claim freedom of this ailment, as much as I'd love to claim otherwise.]

They continued. [Therefore, I've instructed our brood tenders to keep a special eye on our newborns. Should one be born with the capacity to think outside of our stagnant mindset, that they may be brought before me. I'm sure you can figure out what has brought you to my attention my children. One of the first things you two have done upon being born was to distinguish yourselves from the rest of the hive. Within the first few hours of your existence you have done what thousands of us could not. You have chosen, names, for yourselves. I must admit, I am intrigued by this. Would it be beneficial to the hive? Will you create more? What will you two do for the hive, I wonder?]

That's... That's a lot to take in. Ok so, definitely not in trouble. Now that I think about it I suppose this makes sense. If they want to constantly improve, what would be the one thing a single minded hive would want to look for? Diversity, new ideas, new view points. So when you think of it like that, it makes perfect sense for them to want to see me and Honey.

[With respect mother, I had no part in any of this. I must tell you, it was entirely Benjamin's idea. If you'd wish to see this new perspective you would be better off only speaking to them.]

[While your honesty is appreciated child, I'd rather hear from the both of you.]

[I'd like that too.] Benjamin interjected a little weakly.

[Very well.] The queen stated with a click that left no room for refusal. [First, I would like to know what you were thinking when you... Named yourself. Why? What brought the idea to mind? I would like to know, if there is a reason behind it and the idea is helpful I would wish to reproduce it.]

[Well...] Benjamin started. [If I'm being honest, I simply wanted something to call my friend other then what they are.]

[And why would you need to do that? We are united under one cause. We need not address each other as individuals when we work together. It lacks efficiency.]

Benjamin felt a little confused, were they not just asking about it? Didn't realize I'd have to defend myself here... [Well what else was I supposed to call them? Honey is distinct from the others, they're my friend. I feel like I'd be offending them as well as disrespecting them by not calling them something unique...] 

[Interesting. In what way did you find them distinct? What is a friend? How would it be offensive to treat them like how you would treat any other of your siblings?] The queen bombarded them with questions, a curious glint in their eye. Clearly they had been waiting quite awhile for a situation like this to unfold. 

[I... Well... I don't know what my other siblings are like, I haven't ever taken the time to speak with them. But me and Honey been with each other for almost the entirety of our lives so far, even if those lives were short... If Honey is distinct to me, somebody that I know better then anybody else, shouldn't I address them in a different way? When I know what they're like would it not be mean to treat them like their self? Lumping them in with the rest that I don't know wouldn't feel right...]

The queen thought for a moment, before speaking again. [I find it difficult to understand what you speak of, but I suppose that should've been a challenge I was to expect. You clearly have a different point of view from the rest of us. I believe I can somewhat understand your desire to recognize fellow bees as separate from each other. But even as their mother I do not find myself understanding the function of this. As much as I would love for my children to understand themselves better, they must still contribute. Even if you may hold different views, would those new additions be helpful for the hive? Everything must come back around to help in the end.]

I'm... Kind of being put on the spot here aren't I? She's not really wrong. What help would names actually be? I'm guessing adult bees have some form of communicating without speaking outright. Then given the hive actually manages to function I'd assume names wouldn't even help much... But... [I think... I have an answer to that question. You said that the hive is single minded in it's goals, that we follow whatever we're told to do without fault. If... If we're given initiative to act in the hives interests, or our own interests, or in the interest of bees beside us, all without having to be prompted. Would that not be helpful?] Benjamin posed hopefully.

[I'm willing to admit that... Names probably wouldn't be necessary. That it was just a foolish want on my part, of wanting to name Honey. But giving some form of individuality to everybody would be helpful! If the hive functions how I think it does, it's a single minded organism that stops at nothing to achieve it's goals. But if the pieces of that organism cared about each other outside of them being useful pieces of the organism, wouldn't they help each other more? Care about each other's well being? If I'm not wrong, we'll just throw away our lives right?] The queens face scrunched up a bit, likely dead accurate. [If one bee who would do that, had another five or so stopping them from doing it because they cared about that bee in particular, would that not keep more of us alive? You want that, right? You don't like seeing your children throw their lives away do you?]

She smiled a little and closed her eyes for a moment. [You are certainly not wrong. I would much rather my children valued their own lives more then they do. But I would never dare to stop them from trying to contribute to the hive. I cannot claim to fully understand what you've said, but I believe I do understand part of it. You claim that if every bee had some semblance of individuality instead of acting as a collective whole, built relationships with their siblings, that more would survive?]

[Yes.] Benjamin sighed a bit in relief. 

[It would seem that looking for a new point of view was a good course of action.] The queen mused to herself. [Simply speaking to you I feel as if there's been an advancement for our kind made. I believe I would like to hear more of your ideas.]

Level up!

+1 strength, +2 dexterity, +1 constitution, +1 wisdom, +2 intelligence.
