
Parallel Realms: A Gamer Odyssey

John, another reincarnator, finds himself in a familiar yet different world with a game system and decides to start his new life. Let's join him on his odyssey to the top. Big Games That Will Be Created Pokémon: Currently working on Pokémon Red/Green with added changes and hacks. Skyrim: One of his favorite games, needing more experience to develop. Warcraft: Starting with Warcraft 3 and eventually moving to World of Warcraft, which will be his ultimate game. There will be some other games, but the focus of the story will be on these three.

john_mark_7956 · วิดีโอเกม
9 Chs

"A Promising Start, A Plan Unfolds"

### Day 2: Thursday

John sat at his desk, eagerly opening his system to check the results of his game's launch. The numbers flashed on the screen, displaying his earnings and experience points.


- **Experience Points:** 4

- **Shop Points:** 38

- **Total Revenue:** $7,791.94

"He sold 1,745 games (589 of which were free during the first hour). There is a 20% cut for the platform and 9.5% in taxes."

John's eyes widened as he processed the information. It was a good start, but he knew these were just the initial sales. The game had launched at 20:00, and by the time he had checked in at 22:00, Diana was already streaming. These sales represented the late-night crowd. Most players hadn't had enough time to play extensively, which explained the low playtime numbers.

Another thing that amazed him was making nearly $8,000 in just a night. That was insane in itself. Diana had over 10,000 viewers, so probably around 10% of them actually bought Pokémon. He felt really lucky that Diana decided to play Pokémon. He might do something for her.

"Let's wait to recheck the numbers after 24 hours," John thought. While it was a lot of profit, his game at $9 was cheaper than most others out there. Most games were priced between $20 and $50. After such huge income, maybe he should make the extra regions cheaper to get more people? In fact, maybe he should sell the other games for $2? People should be allowed to buy one of the two versions, so there would still be trading to fill the Pokédex. He also checked the shop and found the memory potion. He could afford to get some now to fix some things that were missing in the game.

After that, John decided to take stock of his home. He walked through the two-bedroom apartment, mentally noting what he had. His first life in Greece had taught him that a well-stocked home should have essentials, and like his mother told him, he needed wine, olive oil, and flour as basics. Here in Los Angeles, his inventory was quite different.

He opened the fridge and found it half full with beer and ready-to-eat meals. He found three beef tacos, two fried chickens, a rotisserie chicken, a few eggs, and a bottle of milk (expired). He chuckled, thinking about his Greek mother who always emphasized the importance of a well-stocked pantry.

He had a lot of protein, but he would need to buy some vegetables for a healthier meal, and maybe some fish. He thought that with his leg it would be better to have some more deli meals since it would be harder to cook, but a few things would be easy. His pantry had... Huh? It wasn't empty, but he found some canned vegetables, cereals, coffee, and sugar. Oh, there were some protein bars at the back... expired.

Cleaning up, he realized that while his previous life was dirtier, he had full bags of garbage. But actually, the mess from his last meal was the only thing outside, so he quickly cleaned up.

He sighed. Well, it wasn't so bad. There was a lady that came to clean and take the garbage; she should be here tomorrow. He decided to send her a message to come when he was at therapy. "Damn, I just realized how my mother found out I am drinking!"

With $500 left from before his accident, John decided to do some shopping. He used Instacart to make his purchases. He bought some fruits, milk, olive oil, toast bread, cheese for toast, butter, eggs, vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, onions, eggplant), rice, and some extra protein bars. He mostly spent $50 but he would be good for the next four days.

He also knew that if he was going to become a successful streamer, he needed the right equipment. With his almost $8k profit he could buy:

- A high-performance PC, especially when he would make more games in the future

- A good microphone

- Quality headphones

- A very good and big screen

- A comfortable chair and desk that would support his leg

The purchases took a significant chunk out of his earnings, but still, it was necessary.

John decided to convert the second bedroom into his streaming room. It had enough space for his new setup and was actually empty. He could put the new things there and buy posters later of the games (his own, of course) to stream.

He started searching on the internet while waiting for his groceries to arrive. He wanted to see if some other game ideas existed or not.

- Konami: Yu-Gi-Oh existed in this world. It was in its early stages and was still on the Asian server.

- The Legend of Zelda didn't exist... hmm, actually, Nintendo didn't exist at all. Maybe Mario could be the next game?

- Assassin's Creed existed; they were on their second game at the moment.

- Grand Theft Auto didn't exist. Another option, but would need higher levels.

He continued searching for some time, and after the groceries arrived, he had a list of games to be added. He decided to go for a walk to the park to relax a bit and use his leg.

Three hours later (13:15)

John came back in a taxi after getting tired. He decided to have a beef taco and went to his PC and decided to work on Pokémon. He thought about promoting the game and saw he could buy some advertisements on the Steam platform... or he could use Diana and other streamers. It wasn't 24 hours yet, but he couldn't resist checking how the game was doing.



**A/N:** If you want a game to be added, leave a message. He will start on mobile games after this and was thinking to start with (spoiler: Among Us). Shoot 'em up games, sports games (except MOBA), and survival games already exist. Also, I would like ideas for original games if someone has any. Stronghold and Age of Empires series belong to one of the companies that he will 'fight' against and I need to actually fill the enemy camp with some games :)