
Parallel Realms: A Gamer Odyssey

Video Games
Ongoing · 3.8K Views
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What is Parallel Realms: A Gamer Odyssey

Read ‘Parallel Realms: A Gamer Odyssey’ Online for Free, written by the author john_mark_7956, This book is a Video Games Fanfic, covering ISEKAI Fanfiction, POKEMON Fan Fiction, GAMER Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: John, another reincarnator, finds himself in a familiar yet different world with a game system and decides to start his ...


John, another reincarnator, finds himself in a familiar yet different world with a game system and decides to start his new life. Let's join him on his odyssey to the top. Big Games That Will Be Created Pokémon: Currently working on Pokémon Red/Green with added changes and hacks. Skyrim: One of his favorite games, needing more experience to develop. Warcraft: Starting with Warcraft 3 and eventually moving to World of Warcraft, which will be his ultimate game. There will be some other games, but the focus of the story will be on these three.

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Best of Luck for the story 😃 and also don't forget to add good cover page for the novel.


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