
Painful Smile

I started going through the alphabets to find the best combination of words.. Varr..neerrr, rarr...wtf, barr..quite possible, gurrr..oh my i'm really bad at this..wait,,marr.. that sounds suitable. wait a minute...could it be?? definitely not !!! but i just sat there staring at the book unable to lift my eyes to look at Shane as the words sunk in. I could feel the burns of his stare at the side of my face but i couldn't move. i managed to get my shaking hands to write the letter "Y" followed by an " M" and an "E" "Marry me" Oh my freaking hot dogs. Too caught up in my surprise, i didn't feel Shane move to kneel before me. " i can't imagine my life with anyone apart from you Riele. You make me feel complete. You stood out among all the women constantly throwing themselves at me and proved that you are one with self respect, class and discipline. Please do me the honors of marrying this fool who is totally whipped by you? I looked at him complete mesmerized and just shook my head. " yes, yes Shane i will" In a swift of a second he lifted me off the ground and swirled me around just shouting and thanking me all the way through. " thanks a lot babe.. i don't think there's anyone happier than me right now. Can we call to tell our friends about it ? " no, no no" " whyyy" " because im hungry you meanie. all your shouting made me hungry." " Oh boy.. I've got a lot of food to stack in this house for this little lady"

AJ · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs



Riele's POV

"Beep, Beep!! urghhh....Who made this thing. I swear this alarm clock is gonna give me a heart attack one of these days " i say as i roll off the floor. Well, well, well, another day, another morning, another time to work and another irritating manager.

Anyways I laid my bed, tidied up the room and hopped in the shower to get started with my day. 15 minutes later, i step out and got dressed in some jeans, a lana del ray crop shirt and some slippers . I tied my hair into a bun and set off to work. I know i'm walking to the hotel where i work. Its only 30 minutes from here and i don't have money for an uber or taxi so that's it.

I walk fast to the staff quarters upon arriving and change into my attire which happens to be a white long sleeved button up shirt with a cute bow tie and a red floral skirt and set to work.

50 rooms down and 20 more rooms to go plus the lobby, Ana rushes to me panting like she just ran a marathon or something.

"Madam what's up? wait lemme guess; i have to cover for you for the 20th time this month" i said looking at her with the 'you've got to be kidding me' look.

"Whoa! calm down missy.. well yeah you have to cover for me again and i promise this time, i will tell you everything ok" She touched my shoulders reassuringly while waiting for my response.

" Okay then . You better hurry . Now scoot, scaddadle- i have work to do" she immediately hugs me and runs to get changed. This girl will surely cause us trouble one day.

Finally !! It's 5pm and i get to go home, eat and rest. Whew, today was one hell of a day. I reached my house around around 5:45 practically running to the kitchen in search of my food but go to meet an empty table and a crying woman. My mood changed to a worried one as i approached my mother.

" Mom, what's the problem? why are you crying" i said as i watched her try to clean her tears and there i know she is about to lie.

"I'm fine dear, how was work"

" Mooooomm" i growled out in anger as a warning for her to start talking.

"Okay fine, my friends at the market refused to lend me anymore food stuffs because i haven't paid my old debts and the fan in my room too is not functioning properly" She says crying bitterly. I know she feels like a useless mother right now ; poor woman

" Don't worry mom, everything will be fine. Lets just sleep on an empty stomach tonight okay" i told her massaging her shoulders and scalp to get her relaxed and less tense.

"But my dear you left home on an empty stomach and -"

" No, nothing mom, let's just go to bed. I will find a way out okay. Goodnight" I escorted her to the room, tucked her in and went off to mine.