
Overwatch in Marvel

This is a story of Overwatch rebuilding in the Marvel world.

Josephking2301 · ภาพยนตร์
94 Chs

Chapter 79: Asgard warriors

The video of Ronin leading Thunder and lightning went viral on the oil pipe. The spread of the Internet was astonishingly fast. In less than a day, all the places covered by the Internet knew that Thor had come to earth.

Regarding this, everyone was shocked. No one thought it was a special effect. The video was slightly shaking, accompanied by the exclamation of the crowd. It was obviously recorded with a mobile phone.

Furthermore, the special effects cannot be so good that the lightning, the thunder, and the thunder vortex are clearly happening in reality...Even the world's top filmmakers can't produce such realistic scenes and special effects.

The government selectively ignores that the video is not from a reporter. It looks real, but in fact there is no authenticity at all. Moreover, if this kind of news is sent out, it may cause panic among the people.

The YouTube video caused a large number of reporters to rush to Antikapuente, New Mexico, to scramble for first-hand news about Thor.

Before that, S.H.I.E.L.D. got the news, so Coleson rushed to the scene quickly, but Ronin fooled Coleson.

Coleson went to the police to investigate and found out that he had been tricked. That kid was not Thor, let alone the owner of the hammer, but Soldier 76!

After Nick Fury knew the news, he immediately gave Coleson an order: "Be sure to take the hammer back and use all means!"

After watching the Thor video on the tubing, Nick Fury knows the horror of this hammer and must not be taken by anyone other than the original owner.

In the face of a powerful force, no matter how strong the person is, it will also be affected. What's more, Soldier 76 is just an ordinary person with a strong body, and he also has seven emotions and six desires.

After receiving the order, Coulson immediately mobilized a team of special agents to monitor everything that happened in the town at all times.


Accompanied by a strong energy fluctuation, Tony's little friends-the three fairy palace warriors and female warriors, four of them appeared in the desert on the edge of the town.

"Where is Thor?"

"That small town, go in and take a look!"

No one can be seen in the boundless desert, but a small town not far away has attracted their attention.

The four warriors of the fairy palace swaggered into the town.

Vostag, who was armed with a double-edged axe and was able to eat and drink, was at the forefront. Hogan and Fandral sandwiched the female warrior Sif in the middle, and followed closely behind.

They looked at the surrounding residents curiously, and those residents looked at them curiously, thinking they were actors from a certain crew.

The fairy palace warriors were unconcealed, falling in the eyes of the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents monitoring here, one gnawing at the hand cake, the other sucking milk.

In response, the milk-drinking agent quipped, "Is there a Renaissance Carnival recently?"

"Report to the above." said the agent who bit his hand and grabbed the cake.


The agent took a sip of milk, picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Headquarters, we saw Zina, Jackie Chan and Robin Hood."

In the spacious house, Ronin leaned on a chair and slept peacefully until he smelled the aroma of steak and eggs.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and saw the vague Thor and Jane preparing breakfast, lazily saying: "My dear, you got up so early."

"Is it early? The sun is basking." Jane pointed out the door.

Ronin glanced at it, squinted his eyes as a result of the sun's stabbing, then stood up and stretched out, yawning constantly, "Ah ooh...it's almost noon, I really fell asleep."

Then, seeing two strangers he knew, Jane ran to introduce them with a smile.

She first pointed to a middle-aged man with sparse hair, "Eric Shavig, a PhD in astronomy, can be said to be an expert in astronomy!"

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Thor."

Eric stretched out his hand eagerly. Just now Jane told her about what happened last night. If he hadn't seen the grand occasion last night, he would never believe it. Now he believes.

"Hello Dr. Shavig, you can call me Jack." Ronin smiled and shook hands. Jack is Soldier 76's real name. Let me borrow it first.

Then Jane pointed to a young girl, put it on her shoulder, and smiled brilliantly: "Daisy Louise, my good friend, but a school bully!"

Daisy got up from her seat in a panic, smiled at the corner of her mouth, looked at Luo Ning, and said timidly: "Don't listen to Jane nonsense, she is the tyrant."

"Hello, Miss Louise." Ronin offered to extend his hand.

"Ah! I'm sorry to deal with God for the first time!"

Daisy was stunned for two seconds, then stretched out her hand in a panic, and stood there silly after shaking her hand.

Jane hurt her a little bit, pushed her back to the chair, and continued to cook.

Thinking back to her behavior just now, Daisy was crying stupidly by herself, and finally saw the male god, but she was so embarrassed and too low, where was she who was always talkative?

Ronin sat down and smiled faintly, this girl was silly and cute.

"Thank you!"

Thor brought two plates of steak and fried eggs, and Eric and Daisy thanked them politely.

"You're welcome!"

Thor turned around and brought two more dishes.

One disc was gently placed in Jane's position, and the other disc was placed in front of Luo Ning casually.

Ronin frowned slightly. Is this an opinion on his Earth Thor?

Thor turned around and glanced at Ronin with a vengeful look, and then stopped talking. He was about to be mad at Ronin, and Thor was addicted to it.

Boom! Boom!

"I can find you!"

The glass door knocked, and Ronin looked over, okay... Thor's little friend is here, is he welcome? Or is it welcome? Or is it welcome?

He was very calm, but the others were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths. Thor was just surprised how his friend came to the earth to find him.


Eric was stunned, the glass in his hand slipped and his voice was crisp.

"These costumes must be expensive." Daisy nodded.

Jane, who was frying the eggs, turned her head and watched for a long time, and she quickly turned off the fire when she smelled the burning smell, thinking that this would not be Thor's friend in God's Domain.

"my friend!"

Vostag hugged Thor tightly. "Great! Great!"

"A liar!"

Eric muttered to himself, and glanced at Ronin, who was calmly eating. Did you make a mistake, isn't Thor this one?

"Let me introduce it, Miss Sieff and the trio of the Warriors of the Palace." Vostag introduced the double-edged axe in an expressive voice.

Eric, Jane, and Daisy all looked at Ronin suspiciously.

Ronin spread his hands and ate the omelette. He had never admitted that he was the god of thunder, at best he was a thunder god of the earth.

"They are my friends." Thor smiled and looked at Eric and the others, and then at the fairy palace warrior. "Did your father ask you to take me home?"

They shook their heads and told Thor about what happened in God's Domain.

Thor was furious after hearing this. All this was Loki's plan. In order to seize the throne, it was too hateful to ban him forever!

No wonder Heimdall could not hear his call. It turned out that Loki ordered Heimdall as the new king to prevent Heimdall from opening the Rainbow Bridge for him.

During the conversation, Vostag suddenly saw the hammer leaning against the wall and looked at Thor in surprise, "Mallnier, did you find it?"

"Excuse me, Thor can't handle Mulnier now, it works for me now."

After eating, Ronin got up and hiccuped, walked over to pick up Milner easily, and smiled at them.