
Overwatch in Marvel

This is a story of Overwatch rebuilding in the Marvel world.

Josephking2301 · ภาพยนตร์
94 Chs

Chapter 20-Blow up the Stronghold


  Two blue tongues of fire, and with each spurt, a few people were killed.

  "Not a bad shot."

  Seeing that Thomas also hit several people, Ronin could not help but praise.

  "This gun is very stable, almost no recoil."

  Thomas was also amazed, can only say that Tony Stark's skills are very high, can design the rifle so perfectly, almost no recoil, as he usually shot at the shooting club, with no pressure.

  The corners of Ronin's mouth lifted. If let Thomas try the pulse rifle in his hand, probably will be surprised to death, this is called the real recoil-free while performing fully automatic pulse shooting can still maintain the limit of stability.

  The technological level of the world in which Overwatch Pictures live is not worse than the Marvel world.

  Those mercenaries are not vegetarians, after a short period of confusion, quickly hide behind cover.

  To become mercenaries, are retired soldiers, or soldiers arrested by the military for violating regulations. Even if they have not received intense training for many years, the overall quality is still very high.

  The swiftness of the fire forced them to hide behind the bunkers.

  Ronin hid behind a row of steel bars, and Thomas hid behind a wall.

  The bullets kept coming, hitting the steel bars and rubbing out sparks, emitting a crisp ringing sound.

  Ronin quickly probe shooting, a second instant back, turn back the moment, a few energy bullets through the steel plate, hit the thugs hiding behind.

  "Did you hit it?"

  Thomas could not help but exclaim: "Wow! This bullet penetration power is too strong."

  Thomas also tried, but could not penetrate the steel plate, which really can not be compared with the genuine one, slightly frustrated.

  The mercenaries were fearful, one Soldier 76 could go to the sky, wouldn't two Soldier 76s be shoulder-to-shoulder with the sun?

  There was a bizarre feeling that they seemed to play the role of terrorists in a movie and Soldier 76 would use his pulse rifle to take them down quickly.

  What a joke, this is not a movie, soldier 76 is strong but still mortal flesh, will still die if shot.

  But the fear inside them did not dare to rush up, only because Soldier 76 left an unshakable image in their hearts, "I alone am an army" the words ringing in their ears, do not dare to move easily.

  Ronin, just like that, hit a few shots to shrink back, hit a few shots to shrink back, and finally hit a bunch of enemies with a spiral missile. The last 20% of energy accumulation is completed.

  Tactical goggle charging is finally reached 100%!

  "No time, I count to three, follow me out!"




  On the count of three, the tactical goggles were activated!

  Blue light screen, floating in front of the tactical goggles, will lock all the targets in the field of view one by one, and then fire at full power, a piece of energy crystals hit, Ronin quickly reloaded, an instant to eliminate 30% of the mob.

  The thugs were like small trees scraped by the "mangosteen", without the slightest ability to fight against it, fell in pieces!

  Those bullets, none of them, fell behind Ronin.

  As long as you run fast enough, then the bullets can not catch up with me!

  Like a cheetah chasing prey, playfully rushing towards the gate, attracting most of the firepower, leaving enough space for Thomas.

  See Ronin is about to run to the gate, Thomas skimmed, really or genuine, powerful, at the moment he thought to run hair, a few rounds of bullets shot!

  Thomas's pupils shrink, time seems to freeze at this moment, all the movements slowed down, he seems to see the trajectory of the bullet flight.

  Dodge is not to avoid!

  Even if you run desperately, these bullets will fall on your body.

  Ronin, who ran to the gate, looked back and was instantly overwhelmed by anger, recklessly and frantically shot those mercenaries, and also knocked down the mercenaries shooting at Thomas, but it was of little use, because those few bullets, had already been fired.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  A very crisp sound, Thomas only felt knocked back by a force but did not feel the pain.

  The jacket was shot with several rotten holes, revealing the metal inside.

  "Heaven forbid!"

  Thomas gasped, did not expect Mr. Stark added metal inside the jacket. No wonder he felt the weight of the battle suit a little heavy, at first thought his body quality is too poor to withstand the weight of the battle suit.

  There is no heavy, like a thickened version of the down jacket, see Mr. Stark used every means to lighten the battlesuit. Technology is really powerful!

  Ronin is also relieved to see the situation, a violent roll, narrowly dodged two bullets, after getting up and clearing the way for Thomas.

  Thomas completely drifted, after knowing that the bullets did not hurt him, holding his head and rushed forward, not caring about anything or anything.

  As long as it does not hit the head, let you shoot, shoot to die count me lose!


  The mercenary leader woke up and yelled at his men, "Where is everyone?"

  "Ran away ..."

  The men were trembling, still trying to shoot the fading figures.

  Thomas ran wildly along with Ronin, and just as they ran a couple of hundred meters, an explosion and a boom came from inside the mercenary stronghold.

  "WTF! This guy blew up the ammo dump!"

  The leader of the mercenaries was the first to realize, pulled up his legs and ran. The others threw their guns away and also ran wildly out of life.

  Life is gone, the gun has no use.

  Running to a safe distance, Ronin turned around, the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, "I may have been a good man once, but now, I'm just a soldier."

  The gun was pointed at the gate, killing those mercenaries intent on fleeing one by one, not letting them out of that gate, and this time thinking of the 300 million elementary school students' dream of gun fighting.

  That's right! It is the "Grant City Ruins" in the challenge mode, every player has a dream of blocking the exit to keep the zombies out, however, as the number of waves increases, this dream is then dashed.

  But now, that dream can come true!

  There was more than an explosion, and as the interior collapsed, the stronghold ran out of support and collapsed as a whole, leaving no possibility for the people inside to escape.

  "It's over!"

  Ronin lightly panted, the left shoulder a little raw pain, until the end of the battle did not find the shoulder was grazed by a bullet, he has no metal substance in this battle suit, is pure uniform.

  "Mr. Ronin, your shoulder ..."

  Thomas also found the left shoulder of the blood scar is very solid.

  "It's okay!"

  Ronin placed a bio-emitter on the ground, yellowish energy slowly rose, and the wound gradually healed.

  As long as there is no bullet, then the bio force field can heal the injury very well.

  "Worthy of the genuine Soldier 76!" Thomas's eyes show envy.

  When the wounds were completely healed, Ronin lifted his transformation state, his ears moved slightly, he vaguely heard the whirring sound of the wings turning, and looked far away, several helicopters whistled.

  "Remember, it was you who saved me!" Wearing a sports uniform, Ronin said to Thomas.

  Thomas nodded, opened the battle suitcase, quickly put on the soldier 76 masks and wig, then looked in the mirror and posed tartly.


  The soul of the middle-aged, burning again!

  Seeing the abandoned factory caught in a mass of flames, the special forces soldier driving the helicopter did not believe his eyes a bit, closed his eyes, and looked again, and still did.

  After confirming that there was no mistake, he reported the situation: "Captain, the stronghold has been blown into ruins!"


  The inch-headed man in camouflage uniform stared, "Did the mercenary group gang know we were coming, so they evacuated ahead of time and blew up the place?"

  "Captain, there are two people down there!"

  "Don't let them get away!" The inch-headed man said this is the only clue, determined not to let go.

  "Listen, we are 'Falcons', put down your weapons and raise your hands, or we will shoot you!"

  From the helicopter came down a voice, sniffing, Thomas put the pulse rifle on the ground, and then raised his hands, Ronin did the same.

  Five helicopters landed their wings fanning the dust and choking their noses.

  Dozens of special forces soldiers jumped down from the helicopter and stood in a neat line.

  Seeing the two people in front of them, originally rigid and hard face, immediately became comical, just to create a tense atmosphere, gone!