
Overlord: The Supreme Ruler of Nazarick中文拉

Sato Tatsuya, a civil worker finds himself in a space full of darkness with two eyes staring at him. A voice is echoed from the direction of eyes and it said: "Sato Tatsuya, You have piqued the interest of my master '@$&...'. Hence even after your death, you will be given a second chance. Choose wisely." Tatsuya replied: "Okay! I would like to be reincarnated as Momonga from the anime Overlord." With this a new journey of Sato Tatsuya begins as the Supreme Ruler of Nazarick. ************************** A/N: This is a fanfiction Novel of Overlord. It is a wish fulfillment Novel which I wrote for my own interest by changing the things which I didn't liked in original Novel. I'm a big fan of Overlord as you all are, so I would like to enjoy it according to my amendment. All the rights of characters except my OC belongs to their respective creators. The image also doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner then I'll oblige to remove it. Thank you for reading this Self-interest Fanfic Novel.

Suzerain_sama · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs

Saviour or Originator?

[A few days later]

[Re-Estize Kingdom's Capital]

In the grand royal hall of Valencia Palace of Ro-Lente Castle, the golden Princess Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself and Prince Zanac Valleon Igan Ryle Vaiself were standing in front of 4 groups of people; Royal faction, Nobility faction, Royal Soldiers and Adventures.

The royal faction consisted of the nobles who pledged their loyalty to the royal family and King. Their expressions were filled with anguish. Whereas the Noble faction, which consisted of power-playing nobles, had been lowering their heads. But, if you took a close look, you could see a smile on their face.

The royal soldiers, led by their commander Gazef Stronoff, were enraged. And, the leader of the Adventurer's Guild of Re-Estize Kingdom's Capital was leading the adventurer group Blue Roses, Red drop and Sky Wolf. Adventurer's Guild doesn't interfere in the Kingdom's internal and external affairs. However, this time they have decided to cooperate fully with the Kingdom. Then, the princess expressed on the verge of tears.

"We've gathered here today because we're dealing with a dire situation. The King and Crown Prince were assassinated yesterday, and a letter was discovered. The letter stated, 'This Kingdom will be the first offering for his greatness.' 'Be ready.''" She took a brief pause before continuing.

"And this morning, we learned that the border city of E-Rantel had been destroyed by two massive skeletal dragons and thousands of undead. As a necessary consequence, the Royal family requests your assistance in this ominous situation that our Kingdom is in."

E-Rantel was the border city separating from Baharuth Empire. The princess and Nobles had deducted this to be the doing of the Baharuth Empire to destroy the country. As a result, they have assembled the lord of the respective military units to overcome the incoming threat.

The Nobles were still arguing about their armies and the right to the throne, but the princess, Gazef, and guild master brought them to a halt with some intimidating words. The meeting then proceeded peacefully.

"We will advance to E-Rantel city with a third of the royal army led by warrior-captain Gazef Stronoff, with the adventurer's guild providing assistance as needed. After that, one-half of the Noble Soldiers will follow them and deal with the enemy. We discovered that some E-Rantel adventurers escaped while protecting a few hundred citizens. We will meet with them and assist them in relocating to the royal capital, after which we will move ahead."

"Why do we need to send so many forces? There are only two undead skeletal dragons and a few thousand undead soldiers." A Noble from the Noble faction said this in an irritated tone.

In the Kazet Plains, the skeletal dragons appears sometimes and the Kingdom doesn't need to send this large army. These skeletal dragons appearing in Kazet Plains were of low levels, so it naturally had low resistance to magic. So, he thought it was not necessary to send that many troops.

To his question, a young woman with long blonde hair, green eyes, and pink lips with a healthy gleam said calmly this time.

"It is believed that those skeletal dragons aren't ordinary, and have complete magical resistance. It will take thousands of soldiers to make a scratch on those undead skeletal dragons and undead soldiers also numbers in tens of thousands."

Hearing this, the nobleman shut his mouth, and they began to plan their strategy for defeating the undead skeletal dragons. After hours of debate, they decided to leave at midnight, arriving in E-Rantel early the next morning.

[A few hours later]

The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. Gazef Stronoff, the head warrior of the royal army, was there talking with Azuth's Red Crop and his niece Lakyus' Blue Roses.

Then, a girl with the build of a 12-year old asked.

"Are you confident in winning this battle, warrior-captain Gazef?" Gazef, a little perplexed, paused for a moment before answering the child-like vampire, Evileye, with an assuring look.

"We'll never know until we fight, but we're not going down without a fight."

"That's right. Don't worry Shorty. I'll protect you." Gagaran laughingly said to which Evileye retorted.

"Who needs your protection, muscle-head?"

While they both were arguing, Gazef was thinking of something. Looking at him, Azuth asked.

"What's the matter, Gazef? Are you alright?"

"It's nothing. I was just thinking if lord Gown was still near E-Rantel." Hearing Gazef's answer, Azuth asked again.

"Who is this lord Gown, you're speaking of?"

"He is the person who once saved my life while I was on the mission to save villages." Azuth, who had heard him, asked in surprise.

"So he is stronger than you?"

When Azuth asked this, all of the adventurers looked at Gazef in surprise. They all believed that if that person is stronger than the Re-Estize Kingdom's strongest warrior, he must be on the level of an adamantite class adventurer. So, it was natural for them to be surprised of an unknown party on the of adamantite class adventurer.

"I'm not sure how strong he is, but I can assure you that I'm not even close to a tenth of his strength. When I was talking with him, the aura around him alone rendered me powerless, refraining me to utter any useless words and disrespect him."

They all gulped as they listened to his words. Then, he continued.

"A lady was also with him, dressed in all white with black wings on her waist. Despite her black wings, she gave the impression of an angel. They were both on a completely different level, affecting their surrounding with their presence alone."

All of the people who were listening to him exclaimed.


"There are those kinds of people in our Kingdom?"

Lakyus then stated.

"They might have already moved. If they were still there, they could have stopped the destruction of E-Rantel." To which Gazef's response was,

"You could be correct, but there could also be some unforeseen circumstances. In any case, if we could get their assistance, we will have a significant advantage."

All of the surrounding adventurers and soldiers nodded, hoping for their aid. They all believed that if the person whose sight only made Gazef Stronoff powerless, then his fighting capability must be on the level of the ancient heroes. Time passed by and soon it was time to head towards E-Rantel.

Soldiers and adventurers gathered on the ground in front of the castle dividing themselves according to the strategy and marched forward. The Princess was in the centre, while the nobles were at the front of their units. They were the main strategic centre commanding their respective soldier units, with the Princess serving as the primary strategist.

Prince Zanac was left in the capital to manage the situation in absence of the King and the Crown Prince. He also knew that the princess was the best choice to lead the army, and he was also happy with that. Because, in the absence of the King and the Crown Prince, the whole Kingdom was his to rule.


"Everything is devised according to your plan, lord Ainz." Albedo said, her eyes twinkling as she turned to face Ainz.

"You've done well, Albedo. Give my thanks to Demiurge for his excellent work." Stating this, Ainz took Albedo's hand in his and pulled her in his embrace. Surprised Albedo, said in a stuttering voice.

"Lo.. Lord Ainz?" Looking towards Ainz's face, she saw her master smiling and unable to control her lust, she hugged him tightly. She thought,

'So, today is the I will receive the love of my lord. I'll be sure to brag in front of Shalltear. Ha..He..Ha..' Then a voice brought her to reality.

"For the time being, this is adequate. If you work diligently, I'll undoubtedly reward you with more."

Albedo was depressed when she heard that, but when she heard about the reward, she grinned happily ear to ear, which startled Ainz a bit. But soon she regained her composure.

On the other hand, Ainz was thinking, 'After the primary stages of my plans are finished, I'll be sure to shower you with love. But for the time being, let's keep my emotions in check.' Then, he carried her in a princess-carry style towards the [Gate] that appeared in front of them.


Suzerain_samacreators' thoughts