
Overlord: Just a god having fun

Just a god having fun in the New World no harem, dark MC complete wish-fulfillment

DaoistDRZ · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs


Darkness. Darkness as far as I could see. I'm not even sure how long I've been here, wherever 'here' is. I don't even know how I got here, I remember yesterday I went to sleep after a rather busy day, which left me exhausted and the next thing I know, I'm 'here'. After waiting for god knows how long, I started feeling a kind of pull.. forward? I don't even know, but something was pulling me in a certain direction and the closer I got the stronger the pulling got.

Finally when the force pulling me got the strongest, it suddenly vanished like it was never there to begin with. Although I couldn't see anything Infront of me, I KNEW there was something, something very, very sinister and evil before me.

Despite that, despite the evil and dreadful aura it gave off, somehow I was able to remain calm?

No, not calm... Relaxee maybe, like I had found something that was always supposed to be a part of me, returned to me. Slowly moving my hand towards it, I couldn't help but wonder, what is this thing? Was this the thing that brought me 'here'?. Why does it feel so familiar and yet so strange at the same time?

The moment I touched 'it', I felt some kind of energy? Rushing towards me. Going in my body, becoming one with my very being.

And it wasn't just a single type of energy, no, the more this energy entered my body, the more different kind of energy's started appearing. Maybe like in novels where there are different kind of energy's like mana or Qi. I don't even know honestly.

Could it be possible that I died and this is my golden finger? The mear thought about it made me laugh, as if anything like that was possible and so my mind was torn between 2 possibilities. Either this is just a very lucid dream, that I will forget by the time I wake up or the other possibilitie which I kind of hoped for more, was that whatever is happening right now was real.

It didn't even take even 5 seconds for 'it' to disappear, but I didn't panic nor was I confused of what just happened. I knew.

I knew exactly where I am, what that thing was, what happened to me and many, many more answers.

Not exactly what I had thought, I didn't die. This wasn't somekind hell or a dream. This was something similar to another dimension. MY realm now. I kept feeling power like nothing I had ever felt before in me. The kind of power no mortal should ever be able to wield. I didn't die last night, but now I was feeling new. I felt reborn. Like everything else before now had been completely meaningless, the life I had lived had been meaningless and it was only now that I truly started living.

After spending quite a bit of time getting used to this new profound feeling of power.

I wanted to give it a name.. But what shoud I name it, just calling it power felt a little weird since power can mean many different things to people.

So I got to thinking, I liked the sound of mana but it was kinda overused, Qi maybe? No, this power didn't seem to work like Qi did in cultivation novels. Then maybe Aether, I like the sound and there are always different ways authors describe how it works and different ways it's used.

Not getting anything better I decided to name this energy Aether.

Looking around the darkness, which was as dark as ever and yet full of light, something I can't describe with words as the words required to describe something like this hadn't been invented yet. I felt like this emptiness is somewhat boring and i was feeling a little lonely after spending so much 'time' here though i was pretty sure the concept of time didn't exist here.

So like any sensible person in an eternal darkness and god like power beyond mortal comprehension. I uttered these 4 classic words "Let there be light". And light there was. Using Aether i also willed the concept of time and space, along with a field of grass, a sky along with 3 suns, while the last one being twice the size of the other 2 simply because. I create the rules and laws now so i do whaaaateeever i want. Hehe...

Since this place is now like my own realm and the place i was reborn, i decided to call this place home, my home.

Even though i call this place home now I don't plan on always being here, this will be like my safe place. A place i can always come to.

Right now what i want is to discover and explore the wonders of the universe and other worlds. Now that i have the power to do everything i ever could have dreamt of, why shouldn't i?

But before that i wanted to take some time to further study Aether because i knew the power in me kept growing every moment I existed which means i will only grow stronger the longer i 'live'.

And so using Aether i made my self a 2 story house, that looked like your typical villa with white walls and slightly tonned windows, a pool, a massive bedroom along with others rooms. Getting on my bed in a lotus position like every cultivator ever, i began to study Aether.

And like that time passed. Since there is no moon in my realm there is also no night, but when converted into earth time it would be about 6 months that i spent studying Aether and my power kept growing with every passing second.

Feeling confident enough i started thinking about my next goal or objective so to say.

What is it that i want to do next. Go to some random world? Maybe some anime or novel world? Create a world on my own?

These were only some of the things i could easily do as i am now and much more.

Creating my own world didn't really appeal to me as of now, i will do it just not now, while going to some random world?

I did, like any other anime and novel fan have some worlds i wanted to visit so this will be put on hold. Now, to choose which anime/novel/manga world to visit. There were few, but the one that most called for me was overlord, i really liked Nazarick and Ainz for that matter, despite the brainwashing he did to himself.

But there was a problem, either i go into the New World with or without Nazarick in it. As much as i wanted to meet Ainz i also knew the NPC would never accept anyone who could potentially threaten Ainz's life to live. I have no plans of hiding my strength

I will do it somewhat moderately, but i would still be overwhelmingly strong.

So for now it's without Nazarick in it. Shame I really like Nazarick, maybe i should do something similar in the furure?


Since we are on the topic of creating something similar to Nazarick and NPC-s, should i make myself a servant or subordinate. Female definitely, since this servant would be my first life I will create, I plan on traveling with her for quite some time and the company of a women just sounds better. I have no plans on having a harem or surrounding myself with women, no, years of shitty authors not knowing how to write a proper harem has ruined that for me.

So I started creating this soon to be servant.

For hair she will have white slightly grey hair, she will look like 21 or 22 year old. She will have yellow eyes similar to albedo i quess with 1 eye having yellow slit and the other with red slit, she will be 1.91 cm tall, slightly shorter than me at 1.98 cm tall.

Her boob size will be medium and her ass something between huge and medium, not too big, not too small. Her clothes.. well she will wear white dress similar to her hair with black armaments that resemble that of a spider web and will symbolise the threads of fate. The dress will go down to her knees and below that are a pair of black stockings. Oh almost forgot because of the personality i want her to have she will have both oh her hands along with fingers covered in bandages and 1 line of bandage going diagonally from her right side chin, under her left eye and to the top of her head. The eye that will be covered will be the one with the red slit.

Now to her personality, she will be bat shit crazy, a complete zealot. I like the idea of cult, and she will be the saintess of it. Although able to hide her craziness most of the time, but when triggered will show her crazy tendencies. She will be calm most of the time and appear a aloof and detached while being extremely intelligent and cunning.

I will not let any man or women close to her, never, she's mine and mine alone!

I'm a little obsessive.

She will be a mage like me and her main attribute will be death and destruction, but i will also give her the ability to mask her magic as any magic, even holy.

Her name will be Arcadia Neverborn

And with that she is done for now. Opening her eyes the first thing she did was get on 1 knee with her head lowered and a crazy ass fanatical look in her eyes along with a huge grin on her face, stretching her mouth to it's limits.

Beautiful. Absolutely mesmerising.

"Greetings my creator and my one and only lord. Lord Akasha".

A little short for a title since it's just a name as of now, but i have all the time in the world to choose a fitting one for myself.

"Get up Arcadia" i told her after which she stood up, but didn't dare to look at me so i had to hold her from her chin and push it up. Looking her in her eyes i could see the madness in her eyes and i have to say it once again. Absolutely mesmerising, I've never seen anyone more beautiful than her.

"Arcadia we will be going to another world, in that world we are pretty much invincible, having no opponent strong enough to even threaten us, but that was never our objective. Instead it will be to travel around and discover the world. In that world hide your true personality, you will be my servant there due to some reasons you are not comfortable of sharing with others. Is that clear?".

"Yes, my Lord." she now said with much calmer expression. "Also only call me lord when we are alone.".

"Yes, Akasha.".

Good with this the basic is done, I opened a portal to the New World, walking through the portal with Arcadia behind me, we arrived at a forest. Before us there were 2 girls, 1 injured holding a smaller one in her arms to shield her from the 2 knights. 1 of the knight was about to attck her, when he noticed the space behind the girl crack and eventually shatter like glass. From the portal came 2 beings. 1 man and 1 women, probably his companion?

The man was 1.98 cm tall, short black hair, he looked about 22 years old and was wearing all black suit with a red tie and white shirt with some weird looking rings on his finger.

As soon as I stepped through the portal or rather spacial crack, i surveyed our surroundings to confirm if we were in the right place. Being where I wanted to be I turned my attention to the closest night. Using Aether I used the iconic spell 'crasp heart' to crush the knight's heart. Unlike Ainz that didn't feel anything, I felt amused more than anything. Maybe the feeling of death and Dread I had felt from 'it' had changed me, I wasn't a sadist like that before. Not like it matters honestly.

Witnessing the sudden death of his fellow knight the other started running away, good instincts. But before he could get too far Arcaida used her death magic to create a black tentacle that pierced the man's heart resulting in the man's death. Seeing this scene the 2 girls calmed down a little, especially after seeing the women using holy magic and then golden chains coming out of nowhere and wrapping themselves around the evil knight that wanted to kill her and her sister.

Looking at the strange man and woman, she wasn't sure whether to be relieved or even more scared. On one hand they saved her, but on the other hand they were so much stronger than the knights that already overpowered them, killing her and her sister would be even easier than killing the knights.

Suddenly the man seemed to be casting a spell and some kind of glowing yellow light enveloped her and her sister, healing their wounds and any possible ailments they may have had.

"Uh, t-thank you sir for helping me and my sister." Having gotten a little more confident and less afraid the girl thanked us. "What should i call you sir?" "You can call me Akasha and the one behind me is Arcadia." Signaling towards Arcadia I told her my name and then Arcadia's to which Arcadia just gave a nod. "Once again thank you for saving me and my sister Sir Akasha and Lady Arcadia, my name is enri and this is my little sister nemu, these knights just came out of nowhere and started attacking our village.".

Already knowing the plot of the story of what happened to the Carne village I offered the girl to help her village to which she once again rapidly thanked us.

Before leaving I told them to stay in the forest and that i made a magic shield to protect them.

Moving towards the village I saw some 12 knights surrounding a croup of survivors.

Feeling a little excited I made a barrier around them that removd all sound and made 4 of the 12 knight's head explode and their bodies to fall. Suddenly seeing their 4 comrade's head explode while not being able to make a sound, made these knights scared shitless. Looking around they noticed me and Arcadia moving towards them, since I had undone the invisibility. What made them even more scared was the creepy grin on my face.

Giving Arcadia the signal she teleported towards the survivors and created a shield around them while healing them and calming their hearts.

Seeing this the knights wanted to attack her, but before they could do that they heard a voice saying "don't you know it's a stupid move to turn your back towards the enemy?"

Asking that I materialised a completely black sword made of Aether and rushed towards them, in less than a second 3 knights were beheaded. 5 left. Moving towards another knight I heard Arcadia pretending to cast a spell, while she didn't need to chant she still did it because she knew some basic things about this world and that normally mages did that.

She made 2 'holy chains' appear and coil around 2 enemy's.

Using the chance i moved closer to the closest knight. Raising my sword to strike I saw the enemy trying to block the attack with his sword, but upon contact his sword was cut clean in the middle and made its way towards his face, cutting it in half. Once again moving towards the last 2 knights i saw them on the ground with no will left to fight and beheaded 1 of them, only leaving the leader. Just like in the novel he offered riches and when declined acted all entitled and important so i just pushed him down with my leg and crushed his head.

Looking towards the villagers I saw them looking at me and Arcaida with thankful expressions. Since Arcadia was protecting them and even healed them she naturally got their thanks first, something which irritated her, but she didn't let it show.

After that the village head tried to offer us some kind of reward, but knew their village didn't have much he was also a little embarrassed to which I simply replied that information about the kingdom/empire we were in right now and it's surroundings would be enough. The village head happily told us everything about the kingdom, the Slane Theocracy and Baharuth empire. I introduced ourselves as warriors from a different continent far to the west where it is common belief amongs warriors that the weak should be protected to justify our actions.

A few hours later while the villagers had already buried their loved ones and started rebuilding the town a young man ran over telling us about another batch of knights moving towards the village. Getting the chance to finnaly meet the warrior chief I was a little elevated, as much as he was naive about following his king, he was also honorable man and a warrior. So me, Arcadia and the village head went to the edge of the village and waited for their arrival. Seeing the shabby armour of the kingdoms knights I was just again reminded by the corruption in the kingdom. I really wanted to just go over there and slaughter all the nobles, but that wouldn't really be a wise thing to do nor fun since if I kill those toys how was i gonna have some fun?

When the Warrior chief got closer to the village he took a weary look at us before climbing down he's horse and introducing himself and Gazef Stronoff. When the village head heard his name he's mood instantly brightened since Gazef is something akin to a hero for the commoners, being a commoner himself that became the king's most trusted aid with his talent and strength.

The village chief started telling Gazef about what happened to their village and how we saved it to which Gazef looked at us less wearily and more thankfully, but when he looked at Arcadia I released a bit of my blood lust towards him warning him. Kazef understanding what i meant and not being offended came towards to thank us. I also told him our names as Akasha and Arcadia, but not adding Neverborn at the end since, no mortal is worthy to know it.

Before he could get on his knee I put a hand on his shoulder and stopped him, telling him where we come from it is common thingsm for warriors to be taught to help the weak, which made the warrior a little saddened since if this was something the kingdom had they wouldn't be in such a shitty situation.

Going into the village chiefs house with Gazef, i left Arcadia to her own devices. Inside me and Gazef thought about the reason for this attack, but it was pretty obvious it was Slane Theocracy dressed as Baharuth empire soldiers and Gazef was their real target. Knowing that the deaths of not only these villagers, but also many more made Gazef regretful of his own weakness and more resentful of the corrupt nobles in his kingdom.

And once again some messenger came and told as of yet another group of knights approaching the village, but these nights were wearing the Slane Theocracy armor so they were obviously enemies. Like in the original Gazef asked for my help, but unlike the original I decided to help because fuck it.

Leaving Arcadia to guard the village I went with Gazef. I was planning on running there and just cast some kind of physical enchantments on myself for show.

Gettting closer to the knights we saw 17 armoured humans. 1 leader next to whom was an angel and 8 soldiers on either side.

Seeing Gazef there was a pleased smirk on the leaders face, but seeing me he was confused about where I came from but simply ignored me, not thinking much about it. Overconfident fuck.

Since both sides knew there was now way for this to end peacefully both sides starting fighting immediately, Gazef jumping from his horse and using martial arts to kill the first angel signaling the start of the battle. Casting a spell that created 2 different magic circles that hovered over everyone's head for a second, on ally's side it boosted their everything and on enemies side it debuffed their everything.

Everyone immediately understood what happened, while Gazef was impressed Nigun was becoming increasingly more weary of me, guess he didn't see me as another ant anymore. I used teleportasion magic and went to the right most man beheading him and going straight towards the other one, barely managing to also behead him before having to deflect an attack from 3 magic projectiles and 1 angel. Blocking an attack from the angel and sidestepping to not be hit by the projectiles,

I continued killing the knights one by one.

With the buff I had given to Gazef he was doing alot better than in the original and with me there taking out his man Nigun was getting increasingly nore nervous. Counting the remaining soldiers I discovered that there were only 8 including Nigun. This time Gazef didn't try to send his man away since I was here and the buff I had given them, they were also doing alot better, but most of the hard work was still on Gazef and me. I didn't want to give Nigun the chance to use his trump card the Principality Observation since I wanted it for myself and I wanted Gazef to see that I acquired such a magic item.

Noticing me moving towards him, Nigun ordered some angels to move towards me while casting some weak ass spells at me.

Evading his spells by hears breath simply to irritate him I kept moving closer, by that point he was full on shitting his pants and ordered everyone to focus their attacks on me. Taking advantage of this opening Gazef and his men started slaughtering the knights who

were having trouble defending and attacking me at the same time. Having only 2 men left and panicking Nigun couldn't think of a proper plan. The moment I saw him reaching into his robe to take out the sealing crystal I used telekinesis secretly to stop his movements.

gazef already knowing what I planned to do long time ago had been trying to get closer to him while also protecting his man, he had managed to make it 10 meters away from him. Making it look like I was going for another knight, Gazef took the chance to attack him, which Nigun deflected due to years of battling developing good instincts. Seeing as my fake was effective I teleported behind him and cut off his right hand and swiftly with another strike he's right leg. No way was I gonna give this bastard an easy death.

In that time the last knight was also killed by Gazef's men. Standing Infront on screaming and pleading Nigun with Gazef we were both feeling pleased, but for different reasons. gazef because Nigun was part of Slane Theocracy which is a nation he's kingdom is hostile with especially now and I was just enjoying the agony I had caused him. Figuring this was enough of the show I used curse magic to curse Thousand Leagues Astrologer and stop her magic from working.

Looking at Gazef and receiving a nod I knew what he ment and raised my sword, he was giving me the final kill since he knew he wouldn't have been able to kill Nigun without my help and so I drove the sword through he's heart ending his suffering. Taking a look at his body since I got the kill, the loot will also be mine, I took the sealing crystal. Feeling the power of this crystal Gazef looked at me with a little jealousy, but not saying anything.

Afterwards when moving back which took alot longer since everyone was tired, well except me, I received another thanks from Gazef and looking at his men, their respect as well.

Arriving back I noticed Arcadia already waiting for me which made this day so much better. Just coming back from battle knowing a woman as stunning as her was waiting for me was a feeling I really couldn't put into words. Getting closer to her i hugged her which greatly surprised her and may have short circuited her brain since she didn't expect her creator and lord whom she saw as the highest existence showing such affection towards her. Recovering at shocking speed she also hugged me back enjoying this affection. Although there were many jealous gazes directed at us, especially from men I didn't let it disturb me nor was anyone actually stupid enough to do that having seen the magic I could use as well as my swordsmanship. Gazef would stay the night at the village just in case another attack came, while me and Arcadia told them we had another place to stay and having witnessed my teleportasion magic Gazef didn't question it. Going back to my realm, my home. When creating this house I didn't think about what to do if there were others staying over so I didn't create second bedroom. This was supposed to be MY safe place after all, but now with Arcadia here that became a sort of problem. I didn't have the heart to just send her to stay on some couch nor did I want to change the house so it was decided we'd sleep in the same bed, only for comfort not because I really wanted to wake up next to her.

While true we didn't need sleep, it would be the first time in 6 months that I slept and for Acardia it would the first time in her life to sleep. I have to be honest even if I was the one to create her, seeing her naked was still extremely beautiful sight. And so we both got under our blankets and fell asleep, nothing happening since I didn't make a move and Arcadia too afraid to do something like that on her own fearing I would get mad, since she wasn't sure how I felt about her.

Damn this shit is alot harder than i thought, and I'm writing a FanFic not original.

DaoistDRZcreators' thoughts