
Overlord: Just a god having fun

Just a god having fun in the New World no harem, dark MC complete wish-fulfillment

DaoistDRZ · Urban
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5 Chs

Start of a cult

Waking up the next morning, I noticed Arcadia missing which saddened me a little.

Getting up and dressed I started thinking about what I should do next. Maybe go to the E-Rantel like Ainz did in the original or maybe go to the Baharuth Empire and give that old fart a visit since in every Overlord FanFic the MC first starts with expanding their influence in the Re-Estize kingdom, there was one time though where the MC just used nuclear magic and blew the Slane Theocracy into oblivion, that was funny.

Baharuth Empire it is then, were I Fluder Paradyne even a portion of my strength Fluder will probably go crazy like in the original. That's where Arcadia will come in since she already is my saintess and a complete zealot, I want her to start a cult worshipping me, not to feed my ego, but I just like the idea of cult. Also later on my cult could go to war with the Slane Theocracy to challenge their belief in the 6 gods. A holy crusade to say.

I will send Arcadia to meet Fluder and make him loyal to me, I did give her that kind of ability as a saintess. Although the thought of sending her to meet another man like that irritates me, there's nothing I can do. Can't have my obsession control my 'life'.

"Good morning Lord Akasha". Entering the room Arcadia gave a bow.

"Good morning Arcadia, today I want you to go to the Baharuth Empire and meet a mage called Fluder Paradyne and make him join my soon-to-be cult, understood?". "Yes, My lord". She gave another bow.

If I'm going through with this cult thing I need more people than these 2. Maybe Arche from Foresight? I'd rather have some talented people. If so I could also try to recruit Brain Unglaus and Ninya, they all have something they want desperately and I can easily offer it to them and then Arcadia can do her own thing to make them loyal to me. Maybe 1 of Jircniv's bodyguards, but that's already 4 women and 2 men. Who else was there talented on the male side... Gazef is a no-go, even in most other FanFics except one, they weren't able to convince him and I don't wanna use mind control magic.

Jircniv himself would be an almost excellent candidate, almost because of his morality and that there's a certain princess even more cunning than him. On the other hand, he is already a ruler which would hasten up the holy crusade plan.

So for now going in this order, I'll recruit

Fluder, Ninya, Arche, Brain, and then I'll see what can be done about our boy Jircniv.

Brain would be before Arche if I didn't have to look for him. Others are in known places and E-rantel isn't that big so finding Ninya will be easy and using Fluder I can track down Arche.

Informing Arcadia of my plans, I saw that creepy smile making its way to her face, the idea of being of use to me and creating a cult for me made her really really happy since that was her purpose. Like the NPC's were happy to be praised by Ainz.

I opened a space crack into some random street alley in Baharuth Empire and sent Arcadia off to meet Fluder and later Arche. Now what should I do, start with Ninya or Brain. I don't feel like playing cat and mouse with him so I just created some demons that have the ability to completely erase any sign of their existence like smell and sound, they are also excellent trackers, despite their close to no combat power.

I sent them to the outskirts of E-Rantel to look for Brain, while I went to E-rantel to look for Ninya. Walking down the street I got many curious looks due to my rather unique outfit, but not daring to stop me, thinking I must be just another noble or merchant doing something weird again. After walking for some time I found the adventurer's guild. Going inside I found the building rather empty since it was already noon, so most adventurers were doing their quests. Approaching the receptionist I told her I would like to hire the party Swords of Darkness and to also let them know as fast as possible, putting a gold coin on the table.

After we were done going over some minor things I left the building, since I had to wait till the next day to meet them as they were on a quest and wouldn't be able to meet today.

P.O.V Arcadia, the Baharuth Empire

Finally! I could finally be of use to My Lord and start a cult to worship him. Apparently our first believer would be some old man named Fluder Paradyne, from what I was told he's officially the strongest mage on the continent and one of the highest figures in the Baharuth Empire, he's also completely obsessed with magic. I can use that to my advantage. Since I didn't have any background I couldn't request a meeting with him, so I had to sneak into his office. Finding the Imperial Magic Academy wasn't that hard, but looking for his office took a little longer. While waiting for him I looked around his office. There were some magic traps here and there, but this low-level magic couldn't detect me.

There were some interesting theories here, but due to his own weakness, he couldn't prove them right or wrong. Honestly, I was getting quite bored, but this also gave me the chance to think about some future plans. After waiting for a few hours the door finally opened and Fluder entered. Seeing me there he was a little startled at first, but realising I had managed to sneak in here and most likely stay here without triggering his traps he was intrigued. Not any less weary though. Closing the door he asked, "And who might you..". Before he could finish his sentence I unleashed a portion of my power.

The look on his face haha. "G-god of magic! Are you the god of magic??". As expected the moment he saw my magic all weariness had disappeared and he was almost on his knees. "No, but I was sent by the highest existence there is, to invite you to join our ranks. Are you willing to leave everything you care about behind, in order to learn the kind of magic you never thought possible." "Ye-YES IF IT MEANS I COULD STUDY MAGIC OF THIS CALIBER, I'M WILLING TO GIVE MY EVERYTHING AWAY!".

Hearing this, a smile made its way to my face. Happy with successfully completing my first assignment given by My Lord. Revealing my red-eye from under the bandage, I used its power to make a sort of contract. In exchange for Fluder's loyalty, I would grant him knowledge of magic.

I told him to also arrange a meeting with Arche the next day.

P.O.V MC, the Re-Estize kingdom

After hearing that Arcadia had successfully completed her assignment I was quite satisfied even though, there was no way for her to fail anyway. Currently, it was the morning of another day and I was walking towards the guild to meet Swords of Darkness. Arriving there I was led to a meeting room and told that since I arrived early it would be another half an hour before they arrived.

seeing the door open and Swords of Darkness entering I rose from my seat and greeted them, giving them my name. Being a little startled due to my eagerness and my outfit which isn't exactly common around here, they were slightly stunned but were fast to recover and introduce themselves.

"We heard that there was someone who had requested our party for a job so we came as fast as we could. Could it be that, you are a noble Sir Akasha? Oh, and my name is Peter Mauk the leader of this party."

"I understand why you would think that, but no, I'm not a noble nor a merchant for that matter." Slightly relaxing at that since none of them liked nobles. "Well if it's like that, as I said before my name is Peter the leader of this party, that blond guy over there Lukrut, our ranger, the one with darker hair is Ninya our mage and the last member is Dyne, our druid."

"Nice to meet everyone, I'm sure you are all interested in the job I'm offering to you so I won't waste much of your time. The job I have for you is about tracking down a person, I understand this is not exactly your forte, but I promise to compensate your party well and.." taking out a bag, putting it on the table and slightly opening it just enough for all the members to see the gold inside, I could practically see the greed in their eyes. "Protection during your investigation, were you have any problems along the way."

"Indeed, tracking down people isn't exactly our forte and since you know that I must ask, why did you choose our party?"

"Understandable question. Since you are a silver-rank party, hiring you would be cheaper than other higher-rank parties while ensuring you at least know enough to not kill each other while in a battle. Also since this might be a little surprising for you, this job will take place in the capital, where you are completely unknown."

Hearing the part about them being chosen due to being silver rank and cheaper as a result made sense for them, but when they heard that the job would take place in the capital, that was what shocked them a little.

"Umm, Sir Akasha wouldn't it take at least a few months to reach the capital, wouldn't it be a little troubling if we want to track someone down, not to mention the expenses."

"You don't have to worry about that. You will be going to the capital with special beasts that specialise in speed and comfort, much better than horses. I will also cover all the other expenses like food and a place to stay."

Hearing that calmed them down a little, but there was still 1 major question.

"Sir Akasha, may I ask another question? You told us the reason we were chosen is that we are silver-ranked party and cheaper as a result, as well as unknown at the capital. By that logic shouldn't other parties specialising in tracking be better? Why exactly did you choose OUR party, that mostly does monster hunting?"

"The reason for that is.." pointing towards Ninya I said "Her. Were you to complete this job successfully, future cooperation is possible and it never hurts to invest in a potential talent. Are you satisfied with my answer?"

Receiving a nod, we spent some time going through some questions and potential pay. We also signed a magic contract stating that I wouldn't knowingly put them in a situation that they have no way of surviving or in a case like that provide them with either better gear or help from another individual.

P.O.V Gazef Stronoff, Re-Estize kingdom

I'm currently walking towards the throne room to inform my king of what happened at Carne village. Entering the throne room I saw my king, with that same tired and old face. Time really has not been kind towards my king. Looking at the nobles I saw their disdain looking at me, not one pit liking my commoner origins.

Arriving before the king I got one knee and gave my respect to the king. "Gazef, I'm happy to see your return well, once again. Were you able to find out the reason for the destruction of those villages?"

After telling the king what happened and seeing the various facial expressions he made throughout. Especially when talking about Sir Akasha and Lady Arcadia.

After I finished giving my report the king took a moment to think before asking.

"Gazef what do you think about this individual named Akasha and his companion?"

"Although I didn't see Lady Arcadia in action from what I heard she seems to be a powerful mage proficient in light magic. As for Sir Akasha, having witnessed his swordsmanship and magic with my own eyes, I can vouch for his strength. My king, if I may, I would strongly suggest keeping a good relationship with these 2 individuals.

Taking another moment to think, the king looked at the Magician Guildmaster and asked him about that teleportation spell.

"My king, teleportation spell is a 5th-tier spell. If what Gazef Stronoff said is true then this Akasha is already on the level 13 heroes."

Everyone in the room was surprised by that new information. Although the nobles were having trouble believing this since they looked down on magicians a lot unlike the Baharuth Empire, they had no choice, but to believe.

And what came after that was the same as usually, arguing between nobles.

I worry for this kingdom...

P.O.V Arcadia, the Baharuth Empire

I was currently on my way to a bar-like establishment where I was to meet my second target, Arche. She's from a fallen noble family with delusional parents who can't stop spending money, money they don't even have. Mortals are weird creatures. Speaking of mortals I like the enthusiasm this Fluder is showing towards My Lord, especially after teaching him some new magic and talking about My Lord. He's got potential.

Arriving at the bar I went to the booth where I was supposed to meet Arche. Upon sitting down and looking at Arche I saw her surprised look since she thought it was Fluder coming here, which in itself seemed off to her somehow, but there was no way someone could fake his signature.

"Umm... Miss, I think you might be at the wrong booth?"

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm at the right booth. You are Arche Eeb Rile Furt, right?" Seeing her now less surprised and more weary, but also intrigued look.

"Yes, and who might you be Miss..."

"Arcadia, you can call me Arcadia."

"Okay, Arcadia? Why did you want to meet up with me?"

"Because I want to make an offer to you, an offer you possibly couldn't reject." I took a moment of pause seeing that I gained her interest. "You see my goal is to find, so to say promising individual like you and help them reach their full potential." I know I sound like some sale's person trying to sell their product, but with her, there weren't many other ways since, even if she's from a fallen noble family, she still received an education and isn't as naive as most of the population, so I couldn't just go talking about My Lord from the start.

"An offer I can't possibly refuse and promising individuals you say. And what would that 'offer' be?"

Rather sceptical, but that was to be expected. " I know about your family's situation and how you work as a worker to pay your family's debts. But how long do you think you can keep doing this? Risking your life for some meagre amount that your parents will once again spend without thinking twice. What do you think will happen to your sister's after you were to say, die?"

First I'll slightly threaten her and then offer her a way out. Simple stick and carrot strategy. Pausing to let her think about what I said and having her face the reality I continued. "That's why I'm here to offer you a way out. My organization can teach you magic and fighting so you could realise your true potential as well as offer financial help either by paying your family's debt or helping you take your sisters away from that house and offering you another place to stay with protection." After that, I rose from my seat and started walking away leaving her with the words: "You have 2 days to make up your mind, after that I will take it as rejection and there will NOT be another chance."

Despite me leaving Arche didn't even look at me, still looking where I sat with a tear threatening to fall from her eye. Feeling pleased I left the bar and after entering a secluded alley used the powers bestowed to me by My Lord to return to his realm.

P.O.V MC, Re-Estize kingdom

Being notified that the demons had found the bandit camp Brain was with, I went there. On the way there I remember that the black scriptures should also be in this forest. Should I make contact, like sending Arcadia to fight them, maybe kill a few of their members? They have resurrection magic anyway, or should I Let them be? Oh, they must be here because of Clementine. Wait I'm pretty sure it should be in a few days that Clementine attacked Swords of Darkness and kidnapped that pharmacist boy. I completely forgot about him. His talent of being able to use any magic item might be useful, yes, but that is only magic items created with tier magic or wild magic. If i made magic items they wouldn't have such restrictions and his talent would be meaningless. Forget it I still have a few days to decide what to do with him. I'm also gonna leave the scriptures for now since they are also gonna be here for a few days.

Approaching the cave entrance I saw a few guards. The moment they noticed me they didn't even hesitate to attack me. The first one took a swing from above which I simply cut in half along with his head, quickly recovering I took another, diagonally swing, cutting the other guy's head in half. Hearing the commotion outside some bandits started moving towards the exit, I wasn't trying to be quiet. I wanted them to know I was here.

After some time and the deaths of some pawns, there was someone with enough IQ to inform Brain about the intruder and that they were unable to get rid of it on their own. Slightly excited to have an opponent stronger than these ants, he started walking towards the exit.

These bugs are no fun... Hmm.. finally, Brain, took you long enough, I finally saw Brain walking towards me, god how boring these bugs were. Brain kept walking towards me until the distance was about 15m. Stopping Brain took a look at me, trying to understand my strengths and weaknesses. When his eyes fell upon my sword, I saw one of his eyebrows slightly rise. He knew that was no ordinary sword. "So you are the intruder that's been killing these bandits. Quite the sword you got. Name's Brain Unglaus, yours?". "Akasha". That was all I said before I started walking towards him. Seeing me move Brain took and battle stance and attacked me. I wanted to show the difference in strength between us so instead of attacking or countering I first evaded his attack and tried to hit him with my leg. A kick he also evaded. Was I serious he'd be a bloody mist by now. Having seen me easily evade his attack and as a result seeing the dead bodies behind me and how every single one of them was cut in half in 1 strike. He realised I wasn't just your everyday bandit who found a nice sword and thought I was 'him' as a result. Taking advantage of my opening he tried to strike me again but this time, using my sword I redirected its trajectory and hit him in the face with my left fist. Looking at the blood flowing from his nose and the anger on his face, I most likely broke his nose.

Making some space between us he prepared to use his trump card, his special move to defeat Gazef Stronoff. God Flash is, a martial art born from practising Field numerous amount of times. Like Shalltear had before in the original, I just walked inside his god flash zone. The moment i entered his God flash zone, Brain took a swing at me. Just as his sword was about to hit me, I hit him with my right leg to his left side throwing him towards the wall. Coughing out blood he stood up and once again activating his God flash zone, this time a lot less confident.

But instead of walking towards him I ran, faster than I had ever before and pushed the tip of my sword into the wall right next to his neck, showing that if I had wanted him dead, he'd be dead.

"Wh-what are you?" Stutterin' slightly he asked me.

"It doesn't matter what I am, what's important is what I can do for you."

Confused about my answer and having no will left to fight, he asked "And what would that be".

"I can teach you, train you. I can help you achieve the strength to not just defeat Gazef, but so much more."

"And were I to refuse?" He asked, to which I just pulled my sword out of the wall while slightly cutting the skin on the other side of his neck and sheathing my sword, faster than he even realised. Staring at me with eyes so wide, that I thought his eyeballs might fall out.

"Become my follower, study under me and you will achieve strength even beyond your wildest imagination." Saying that I began to walk away while leaving with him a note with an address to a building in Re-Estize. He was able to make it there in the original, he will find his way there now.

Coming back to my realm I discovered Arcadia already here, but once again she was missing. She wasn't in the house. I wondered where she was but I wasn't gonna question her, she'd tell me if it was important.

So, right now I have Fluders complete loyalty. Ninya should start moving towards the capital by tomorrow. Knowing Arche and her love towards her sisters she will most likely agree the day after tomorrow and Brain will take some time to reach the capital.

Everything is going according to the plan. Now about Jircniv and that pharmacist boy. Nfirea I believe. Using Fluder I can slightly influence Jircniv, but he will catch on rather fast so I have to use the chance wisely, as for Nfirea should I recruit him or not? I can't see any real reason to, but he could also be of use in the future.

Where the fuck is Arcadia??

Should I add Nfirea to my cult?

Update whenever I finish a chapter.

fixing my errors is a pain in the ass thing to do.

Why tf can't I change the cover uhhh

could someone tell if my fighting scenes are total ass and I should stop writing them or not?

DaoistDRZcreators' thoughts