

Nicklaus doesn’t remember dying, but he remembers he was given a choice. Waking up in the world of My Hero Academia with the memories of his past life Nick was offered to chose his quirk. Although it came with conditions. He had to take it. Knowing that he couldn’t take One for All or All for One Nick needs to find a quirk that he wants to have. A quirk that will make him the strongest Hero. And he has one in mind… (probably clear from the title lmao)

EpicBean · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

The Doctor

Nick enjoyed dinner that night, his dad had made a basic stir-fry and his mum had made it her mission to find out why her son was so much more relaxed than normal. It was kind of odd, he was almost always thinking about what to do next and how he could improve himself it was nice to have just taken the afternoon to have some actually friendly spars. Not the 'spars' he had with Kendo.

Feeling like he had a clear mind he sat down at the table and helped his dad serve out the stir-fry as his mum brought in the large bowl of rice they could divide onto their plates as wanted. "Thanks, mum," Nick said as he took it from her and put it on the centre of the table.

Dinner conversation was as normal as his mum did most of the talking about how her day went. She had joined a park run thing whatever that was and had made a new friend, it was nice to hear her so happy about something. Occasionally his dad would talk about what he could relate to work.

"Our manager hasn't been pulling his weight recently. He keeps on talking about how a friend of his has a failing business but all he is doing is complaining about it." Nick's dad Mark said as he served himself some more rice, Amy was finally silent as she was actually eating.

"Yeah? Sounds like you're getting an earful. What does he do anyway?" Nick asked, keeping the conversation going.

"What? My manager? Jack shit," Mark started to say, getting a glare from his wife for swearing. Although he was obviously bothered about all this.

"No the guy with a failing business." Nick clarified.

"Oh him, I think he ran like a small clinic in the more shady parts of Musutafu. You know the suburbs on the other side of the woods we told you to stay away from as a kid? Yeah. Just somewhere maybe a suburb or two away from there. I'm not really sure. He apparently tried to make a deal by being a doctor for criminals but… he's quirkless so that idea quickly shut down." Mark finished as he went back to eating. Amy once again took over as he joined back in.

Sitting there for a moment Nick just nodded his head as he listened in, enjoying the food until… wait a moment. That was perfect. That was probably the best way he could go around things. Why didn't he think of that!

Clearing gaining a focused look in his eyes his mum looked over at him before saying. "Oh… looks like he is planning gain. I was so glad that he had actually stopped for once." She said to her husband, but a small fond smile covered her face.


It was later that Night and Nick quickly left the house. Jumping from his bedroom window and falling to the garden below. No sound was made as he landed on the ground that deconstructed as soon as he hit it stopping any impact sound that would have happened. Reforming the ground he made his way through the woods. He had another goal in mind now. And he figured it wouldn't be hard to do.

As he got deeper into the woods and well out of earshot of anyone or anything, the sound of crickets was the only thing that echoed through the woods as he took out a burner phone that he had gotten for one purpose. Contacting Giran.

As the phone buzzed a few times he heard the click of the line connecting. Hearing through the small speaker the faint sound of music and background chatter, soon drowned out by the tired voice of Giran, "Who is this?"

Smiling a bit wider Nick said, "This is Andrew, you said to call you if I ever needed a favour right? Well, I'd like to take you up on that offer."


It wouldn't take long to reach the other side of the woods. After he had finished his call to Giran who had been more than happy to help once he heard the start of the plan he had in mind. He had reconstructed the phone to remove any trace of him having used it before pocketing it again.

Dashing forward he increased his speed as he pulled matter from the ground beneath his feet. The grass and dead leaves convert into a black plague doctor mask very similar to Chisaki's, although no metal details. The mask covered the lower half of his face completely letting his eyes that were once gold show as they shifted to a deep crimson red.

Now dressed in black cargo pants and hiking boots. A grey short sleeve shirt hanging off his shoulders loosely. The left ear gained three ring piercings in the lobe. Right ear left alone.

He wanted to be recognizable. Symbol scars, plague mask. Glowing red eyes. He was recognizable enough he reckoned.

Making his way out of the woods he tilted his head, he wanted to remain hidden as he walked through the streets. Luckily he had a way. Walking forward he sunk into the ground, the road parting as he basically sunk through the material. Moving under the ground as he shifted it around him he could see and hear through, 'feelers' that had eyes on them. Sometimes opening on walls around where he was. Moving underneath the ground until they found somewhere to open their eyes. The feeling of the air against the open eyes let him also use his air sense.

Shifting and moving through the floor he carried it through the road until he found it. A few blocks down from the edge of the woods. Trash littering the front of the building like most other parts of this small suburb. Poor folks or mutants that had been discriminated against lived here. Shifting up to it his tendrils reached through the walls as he felt the air inside the building, he could feel it. Breathing. Two people.

Moving through the wall he kept himself in an almost constant state of disassembly. Practically a moving and shifting brain covered by the strongest defences he could make. It could shift to be thinner or grow if he wanted it to. Moving through the wall the 'cloud' that was Nick made its way back outside.

He had seen him, Yomi Endo, the failed 'doctor' that had tried to start a life of his own. He was awake at a table looking through magazines and newspapers for job applications that would be likely to accept someone quirkless.

An unfortunate man. A young man, unable to provide for his son. That made things easier. He didn't need him. But it would be helpful to have someone be almost the salesman. The fact that people could find and talk to.


Yomi Endo sat at the table that was in his 'home,' the clinic he had bought as soon as he was out of high school in a foolish endeavour to start making money for his at-the-time girlfriend and newly born son. It was a stupid choice but he had never meant to have a child.

Unmei Endo, his child was sleeping. Named by his father when his mother had left him. Named Unmei because he was unfortunate to be born as he was. Quirkless as his father, and without a mother to look after him.

Looking back at the table he tried not to cry. His hand went back through his brown hair which was a complete mess. He hadn't showered since they turned the water off a week ago. He was going to be evicted if he wasn't able to pay soon but he couldn't even find a job…

He wished he could give his son a better life. Maybe he should drop him off at an orphanage… then at least he could eat. Have a chance. Be out of this shitty place. Maybe that was the best idea… but he couldn't. He didn't want to leave his son behind. Looking at the baby. Barely 4 months old he felt his heart melt. He wanted so badly to raise his kid… but he knew that he couldn't.

He would do anything to at least have a chance at it though.

Hearing a knock on the door his head snapped up. Looking away from the crib and at the door as it rattled. The windows were all covered but no light peaked through the curtains. Wondering who was there he grabbed a kitchen knife and cautiously made his way to the door.


Nick leaned against one of the veranda posts as he waited for the door to open. He didn't want to give himself yet another name so he had decided to go by 'the doctor,' simple and people could remember it. He had debated just staying as Andrew but honestly, he felt better about just making another him. This one would barely be seen by anyone anyway so it wasn't really an issue just to put on yet another guise. Andrew would, however, work alongside Kendo here, that was if Kendo accepted, as a guard or something like that.

Hearing footsteps inside he just waited. Giving it a few moments before the door opened just a tiny bit. A few short chains stopped it from opening fully.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Yomi demanded as he looked at the stranger outside his house.

"What else would I want from a clinic. Is there a doctor here or am I going somewhere else?" Nick demanded as he did his best to look bothered.

Eyes widening a bit Yomi almost smiled before remembering that he was possibly about to let a criminal in, but if he had a chance to get paid he would do it. "Of course, sorry sir. Just one moment please?"

Scoffing as Yomi ran off inside to do whatever it was he was doing Nick almost chuckled, saying under his breath "And now I bleed to death I guess… I can see why this isn't working for him."

After something was moved around he walked inside. Looking around the mess of the room as Yomi motioned to a clearly just set up 'operations table' that looked more like a modified ironing board. Oh boy.

He could feel the son's breathing, it was coming from a small cupboard that was hidden behind a bunch of boxes. Seeing that he had taken the time to hide his son he was glad that this man wasn't a complete idiot. He hoped that with some hope he wouldn't be as bad as first appearances were making him out to be.


Finally getting a look at the strange man that appeared to be in his early 20s he tried to calm his breathing. He needed to do his best to be calm. If he could win just one customer over then maybe word would spread? It was a chance. A chance he had been waiting for. He had to be calm and think.

The man was wearing loose clothes, a grey shirt, and black pants. Boots. Simple. The only thing outstanding about him was the black plague mask that covered the lower half of his face and the symbols scared into the bottom of his arms. From the wrist all the way to inside his shirt. He didn't see any injuries on the man though… at least none that were not covered.

"So, how can I help you then sir?" Yomi asked, starting to doubt his decision to let this man in.

Walking over to the operating table the man ran his finger along it before turning to look back at him. Red eyes looked over him as he said. "I'm not here for help. I'm here to make an offer. I don't actually need you, but I am planning on starting a small, let's say… business. And I need someone to be the… salesman. Clerk. Whatever you want to call it, you call me and tell me when customers are here, set up appointments."

"what? What are you talking about?" Yomi said, not understanding as he backed away a bit. Wondering what was going on.

"Clearly you're confused. Let me show you something." The man said. Walking over to the kitchen he grabbed another Knife and without hesitation, sat on the operations bench. And cut his leg off. Blood running down onto the floor the man just looked up and motioned to the dismembered limb that had fallen to the ground before saying. "watch."

And in that same moment, both the wound on his leg and the dismembered limb slowly unwound like threads being pulled apart before the 'strings' all attached back to the leg and soon the entire limb 'wove' back together perfectly healthy.

"I am 'the doctor,' and I can heal any injury or even change bodies. I will be starting a business. I already have a broker that a friend knows spreading rumours. I only want your building. And your loyalty and I will pay you very very well. I will turn mutants into humans if they asked and heal people that come no matter who they are, no questions asked. You simply will allow me to use you as a… puppet of sorts. Since I cannot always be here myself." 'the doctor' explained as he just stared at him.

Yomi was shocked. He had just seen a man remake his leg, there wasn't even a trace of blood. He was being told that he would be paid. But what did he mean by a puppet? "What do you mean by a puppet?"

Shaking his head the doctor said, "Puppet is the wrong word. Just someone to figurehead meetings. Organize things, and set up appointments. Night times after 12 on weekdays. Here. I will heal anyone for the right price. I can even grow back limbs from people who lost them."

Taking an identical plague mask that had hung from his belt he put it on the operations table and said, "I will be back tomorrow. There is enough money in that mask for you to stay here for a month. Be careful not to lose it. If you work under me I can promise that I will keep you and your son safe."

Walking to the door he said over his shoulder. "When you have your answer go find a man named Andrew at the Underground Masquerade. The details are in the mask, you have a month. If he has not seen you by then I will find someone else… but I don't like leaving debts unpaid either. So at least deliver the money back."

With those final words, the doctor left. Letting himself out as he left a silent Yomi sitting there, wondering what had just happened. He… didn't know what he was doing right now. Taking a moment to calm down he went over to the mask and lifting it up found both a piece of paper with information about a place in Osaka and more money than he had ever held in his life.

Seeing it he thumbed through the notes as he nodded his head. The answer was clear, he just needed to hire a babysitter for his son while he went to Osaka, he had the money for it now though… quickly hiding the money under the floorboard he let out a sigh. He didn't know who he was getting himself involved with but it was just helping someone heal people? It couldn't be bad right. Right?


Nick made his way back home. Having gone to the woods quickly through his underground travel then turned himself back into himself once he was out of sight. It hadn't taken long for him to get back into his room and now laying in bed he thought to himself.

He was going to use his quirk through weaving and un-weaving because it created a visual difference and didn't take him any effort apart from some more thinking.

He also wasn't caught up about healing villains. They normally found ways to heal themselves from injuries he would just speed up the process and give some limbs back. Yes, some might become more reckless because of it but he didn't think that it would be that much of an issue.

Honestly, he was just doing this so that he could have some say in the underground scene. If he could have some power, he would be a lot freer once All for One was taken down. Once that man was beaten by All Might he had plans once he had more customers. Things to make himself more than just a doctor, but that would have to wait. For now, he would just heal people.

Staring that the ceiling Nick wondered how this would work out, he planned to leave most of the organizing to Yomi if the man could pull his weight, which he hoped that he would be able to. Or else he would have to find someone else.

He was sure this was the right move, however. Someone who could certainly heal your injuries? That was important for villains since most of their 'doctors' were not that good. It was a dangerous job as well being a doctor for villains. He was sure that he would be fine though. At this point, he didn't even think All Might could beat him. Contact was death, it was just which was quicker, his quirk or All Might's fist. Of course, there were long-range wind blasts from the hero though…

Pushing those thoughts aside, he was confident in his safety. He was sure this was a good way to get his foot into the underground world. He was sure that this was for the best. He would have a say in the underground world. He would have people that would side with him because he could heal them. And maybe do more depending on how the future went. He was sure that this was the right move.

Ready for tomorrow Nick closed his eyes to get at least a few hours of sleep.


Thanks for all the support! Starting to play more with the idea of Nick doing more than just being a hero, since his goal is to have an impact on the world he wants to be more than just a hero. So main idea for now! I am really happy with it, think it is a lot better than the modification idea that I had before.

Reviews and comments are always welcome! Let me know what you think!