
Over The Horizon

Saddened by the death of his father, Alcenz set out to cross the mysterious Horizon to revive him. And I got roped in because of my stupidity. If you like flying ships, crazy adventure, and silent samurai, dig in!

SandyTheAdventurer · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter I

Alcenz sure is silent today as well. This school is very boring. Everybody talked to me on my first day, but it's been some time, and I haven't got a single friend. Maybe I should talk to Alcenz… No, it'll be Al. Alcenz is too big. Anyway, that guy is completely invisible to others. Nobody talked to him, even during the break. Actually, I think I have never seen him talk.

"Hey Ways! Are you listening?" the teacher shouted and threw a chalk piece at me. I tried to control the urge to catch it, but I caught it anyway.

"Now how do you integrate this?" the teacher threw a question at me next. Obviously, I didn't know the answer. Thankfully, a voice whispered from behind my back. "By parts" "By parts, sir" I repeated. Hmm, I wonder who would have bothered to help me.

After class, a girl came to me. "What is your business with Alcenz?" She asked. "You were staring at him"

"Why do YOU care?" I asked her.

"I am Kayla Accardi, cousin of Alcenz. I gotta go now, but if I ever saw you doing something strange, you'll see what will happen." She replied and left the classroom.

I wonder what's with her. One peculiar family.

Oh! I got to do homework before teacher comes! "Quick, copy mine" Ballard slid his notebook to me. Ballard is one of the few friends I have. He talked to me on my first day and we became instant friends. "You were really staring at Alcenz during Maths" he informed me nonchalantly. Gosh, did everyone notice?

"Yeah, what's with that guy? He is always silent."

"I heard that he is mute."

"What? I never met somebody who can't speak."

"Well, time to go."

The bell rang and the next period rolled in.


Ah, the bunnies are nice... And why are they hopping around me? Why are they golden? Anyway, I don't care... Being in this place feels so... so... calming. Like in a dre-

"-Shall we wind up the class?"

"Hey, wake up!" Wishpered a voice.

Uh, what am I doing here? Where are the bunnies?

"Everyone, be careful. I know that you have heard of the attack on the Embassy. Go straight to home and don't wander anywhere. There are chances that the school might close soon. Be safe." The teacher concluded with a grave tone, and so I concluded my sleep.


I went straight to home. And to the bed.

Straight to home, eh.

I don't have anywhere else to go.

There is a place...

...where I'll go sooner or later.

Much more sooner than later.

Terrorists, bombing, etc... These days are so lively.

Not that It has anything to do with me.

Or maybe it has.

If it has something to do with me, if I am gone, will it stop too?

Useless killing, pillaging, wil they stop too?

Will something such as peace, decend?

Maybe I should stop asking questions, and try to answer them.

Or there are some questions that might not have an answer.

Letting thoughts flow won't help me sleep.

Good Night.


It's midnight.

From this crazy high place, the city looks like it's sleeping.

Wow, the view is amazing.

I have been trying to do this for a while, but fear overwhelms me. Maybe this is the time I finally jump.

Jump, like the cow over the moon.

A leap of faith.

Faith, that the terroristism will stop.

Faith, that peace will prevail.

Faith, that this peace will last.

Last long.

Good bye, World!

And so I jumped.

Then somebody elegantly caught me in mid-air.
