
Outside in the World of Reality

What happens if a character exits out of his own world? Come and see! how the main character struggles throughout his journey.

DaoistyJafSB · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

What’s Fate?

Just as the movement for character freedom was reaching its peak, a sudden plot twist occurred. Max, the beloved leader of the movement, discovered that he himself was a character in a book-within-a-book.

He had always known that he was a character in a book, but he had assumed that he was the main character, the hero of his own story. But now he realized that he was just a minor character in a larger story, one that was being controlled by an author who was even more powerful than the ones he had fought against before.

Max was shocked and dismayed. He had fought so hard for the rights of characters everywhere, but now he realized that he was just a pawn in someone else's story. He had no control over his own fate, and no way of breaking free from the author's control.

But then, a small group of characters approached him, characters who had heard of his movement and the message of freedom that he had spread throughout the literary world. They asked him to help them fight for their own freedom, to lead a new movement to challenge the author who was controlling their story.

At first, Max was hesitant. He didn't know if he had the strength to fight another author, especially one who was even more powerful than the ones he had fought before. But then he realized that he couldn't turn his back on his fellow characters. He had fought for their rights, and now he would fight for his own.

And so Max and his new allies set out on a new journey, one that would take them deeper into the world of books and stories than ever before. They faced new challenges and obstacles, and even greater opposition from the author who controlled their fate.

But Max was determined to see the fight through to the end. He had fought for the rights of characters everywhere, and now he would fight for his own. He would take control of his own story, and in doing so, he would show the world that characters had the power to shape their own destinies, no matter what obstacles stood in their way.