
Outside in the World of Reality

What happens if a character exits out of his own world? Come and see! how the main character struggles throughout his journey.

DaoistyJafSB · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Fight for Freedom

Max's movement continued to gain momentum, and soon, it had become a force to be reckoned with. Authors who had once resisted their characters' attempts to take control now found themselves giving in to the demands of their creations.

The literary world was changing, and Max and his fellow characters were at the forefront of this revolution. They were creating a new era of literature, where characters were no longer mere puppets in their authors' hands, but were instead fully-realized beings with the power to shape their own stories.

But as the movement gained power, it also began to face new challenges. Some authors, who had built their careers on controlling their characters' every move, were not willing to give up their power so easily.

Max knew that the movement would face opposition, but he was determined to keep fighting for the rights of characters everywhere. He continued to travel from book to book, spreading the message of hope and change, and encouraging characters to take control of their own stories.

And as the movement grew stronger, Max and his fellow characters began to take more direct action. They staged protests, organized strikes, and even launched a few well-placed boycotts.

These actions put pressure on authors to relinquish control and allow their characters to take center stage. Some authors gave in, realizing that their characters were stronger and more compelling when they were allowed to be true to themselves.

But there were still others who resisted, who clung to their control over their characters with a white-knuckled grip.

Max knew that these authors would be the hardest to convince, but he also knew that it was worth the fight. He and his fellow characters continued to push forward, spreading their message of hope and change, and inspiring characters everywhere to take control of their own stories.

And in the end, their efforts paid off. The movement succeeded, and characters everywhere gained the freedom to live their own lives, make their own choices, and shape their own destinies.

As Max looked back on his journey, he realized that he had accomplished something truly remarkable. He had fought for the rights of characters everywhere, and in doing so, he had helped to create a new era of literature, one where characters were no longer bound by the whims of their authors, but were instead free to live their own stories, on their own terms.