
Outside in the World of Reality

What happens if a character exits out of his own world? Come and see! how the main character struggles throughout his journey.

DaoistyJafSB · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs


Max stepped back into the book, feeling exhilarated and liberated. As he looked around, he saw that his world had changed. The sky was bluer, the trees were greener, and the people were happier. It was as if the very essence of his story had been transformed by his victory over the author.

Max walked down the street, enjoying the newfound freedom that he had. He stopped to talk to the other characters in his book, who looked at him in awe and wonder. They knew that something had changed, that their world was now different and better.

As Max continued to explore his new reality, he realized that he had gained more than just control over his story. He had gained a sense of purpose, a reason for being. He knew that his story was not just about him, but about the people and places around him, and that he had a responsibility to make his world a better place.

Max worked hard to make a difference, helping others and fighting injustice wherever he saw it. He knew that his life was not just his own, but was connected to the lives of those around him. And so he lived his life with purpose and meaning, making the most of the freedom that he had fought so hard for.

In the end, Max knew that his victory over the author was not just about him, but about all of the characters in his book. He had shown them that they too had the power to take control of their own stories, and to create a world that was better and brighter than the one that had been written for them.

And so Max lived on, a hero to his world and a symbol of hope and freedom to all of those who came after him. He had fought the author and won, and in doing so, he had changed his story forever.