
Our First Love is Everlasting!

Elizabeth Lockhart has grown up under strict training, doing all kinds of missions. She got engaged to the child with beautiful sky-blue eyes, Vincent Greenwood. They didn't meet each other often, and when they meet and want to be together, is too late... She died in his arms, but when she opened her eyes once again, she was in her room...10 years before her death. *** He doesn't want to waste too much time, "Our wedding will be on your 21st birthday." She agrees with it, but... "Isn't in eight months? Don't you think that the time is too short?" He looks at her eagerly, with passion, "Not at all, I need my wedding night!" Poor him, he has been celibate for... only he knows how long... After so many hardships, waiting for their family reunion, they can hold their wedding. He must have the wedding night that he has longed for... "I must keep my promise!" She will make it possible for their wedding to take place. "Nothing must happen this day." She said to herself as she saw the beautiful, golden-eyed lady in front of the mirror. Everyone around them, "What's the rush to get married?" They both answer in unison, "We've already lost ten years without being together." Could they have a peaceful wedding despite so many enemies around? How long will it take them to reach the aisle? >>>> *Author Notes: This is my first novel. Hope that is to your liking! English is not my main language. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ The Editions for grammatical mistakes are ongoing... >>>The purpose of volume 1 is to get a better understanding of certain characters who will assist our FL and ML in the future. Because the rebirth story starts in volume 2, you can skip volume 1 and go straight into chapter 24. And thanks for reading! *Any resemblance with places, names, and others to reality is pure coincidence.* Wanna buy a cup of coffee for this poor author? > https://ko-fi.com/blueflame_mecc Join me in Discord: > https://discord.gg/nx92VWBPTv Disclaimer: Cover doesn't belong to me, credit's to the artist and Co. (I just edited...)

BlueFlame_Mecc · สมัยใหม่
236 Chs

Xun [I]

When Eliza got into her White Ferrari supercar, she saw two suitcases on her side, the driver's side, one white and the other black. She started the engine and drove off, watching in the rearview mirror as the Old House grew smaller and smaller until it disappeared. She turned her gaze to the road.

Thirty minutes later she arrived at the entrance of a mansion in the suburbs, she continues driving and after another thirty minutes later she arrived to a hidden mountain path, following it, there was a Mansion hidden on the highest top of the mountain, a secret base with many security cameras and car stops for verification of the same, on the way she met with infrared lasers, which automatically recorded her entry to recognize it, both her car, plate and facials.

When she arrived in front of the mansion, she got out of her car.

Someone came to greet her, and giving him her keys "Park it where you always do, take both bags, put the white one in the Hall room and give the other one to X" which only received a sound of confirmation from the other person. Elizabeth knew that the boy was mute. For that reason, she accepted that kind of answer.

If in his place someone else responds in that way, he should be punished; the status and authority that she possesses does not let anyone belittling her or being disrespectful.

Seeing her walk through the front door, the people inside put everything aside and walked towards her and greeted her "Welcome back Miss" to which she accepted the greeting by nodding her head. "Em" walking towards a hall. She is leading, and the others followed. X approached her and handed her a tablet, "Everything is ready Miss; we can start the mission at any time".

"Who is ready" asked with a neutral voice.

"Lina, Oscar, Loren, Larson, Ruck, Y, and Axel, the others presently are engaged in a camouflage mission."


"In 10 minutes, we leave"


Everyone dispersed. When Eliza and X were left alone in the living room. A little hesitant whether or not to ask.

Eliza saw him that way and gave him a chuckle, "What's wrong?"

"Ahem. Miss, how did you know?"

Knowing what was he talking about "Hmm, they were too careless, but I must say that carelessness made me find my Father."

"If he was with them for four years, what happened before?"

"Apparently he escaped from the clutches of death, but he was confined, and when he escaped four years ago, they ambushed him. Then that man found him and handed him over to those women."

"Escaped? Confined? Ambushed. Miss, how do you know all that?"

Lifting her eyebrow, "Hmm, maybe because in my previous life something similar happened?"

"Ha-ha, Miss don't joke."

Giving her a cold look, "Do you think I would joke about my father's life?"

The poor X is seeing her icy stares he turned pale "N... No, a thousand apologies, Miss"


"Is that why you changed" it wasn't a question; it was a statement.


"The fact that you're like this means you didn't die in a good way..."


She wasn't so cold, she always had a warm expression with the squad, so instinct told him that this was the reason.

An overwhelming silence covered the entire room. And breaking the silence X "Was I able to protect you on one occasion at least?"

Surprised by such a question, "Yes, you gave your life for me."

"Sigh, but it was of no use, right?"

"You are wrong, it did" a sad expression washed over her face remembering the day X died.

Being chased by the traitor, by taking advantage of knowing that Elizabeth was poisoned, X knew that they would not make it out alive together, since there was only one antidote that they stole. Elizabeth always puts those who are loyal to her first, knowing that she could save X. She didn't hesitate for a second to give him the one. But he gave her a sneak attack and gave her the antidote "Idiot, why? If you had the antidote in your blood, we could replicate it, but if it's in my blood, it can't be even studied."

"I know Miss, but it's time for me to go, today is my fortieth birthday, and you have always given me gifts since I was fifteen, this year I will give you one, take good care of yourself, Miss, continue to live on!" with that he knocked her unconscious and held her with some bushes, and kept running, attracting the attention of the pursuers.

The reason why Elizabeth knew that the poison in her blood could not be studied is because of the large number of poisons that were injected into her body, being almost immune too many, but not the one they were both infected with, because it was not just any poison, it was actually a new virus that the enemy created, but it acts as a poison. X died from several shots when the poison reached his heart, making him run slower and being a better target to shoot.


Coming back from her daze, Elizabeth looked X straight in his eyes with a stern expression "If one day we are both poisoned at the same time and there is only one cure, be sure to take it."

"But Miss, you..."

"No buts, the moment you do, that will be salvation for both of us. Remember I can study the antidote in your blood and take two days to recreate it."


"Promise me!!!"…

"I can't"

"XUN!" X's real name.

X kneels down, "Forgive my ineptitude, but if it's happened, I won't hesitate and every time, I would always do the same."

"If you don't, I will shoot myself in front of you. I won't lose you again. You are my shadow, but you are also my best friend."

Pale and already grateful X did not know how to answer, because the fact that she mentioned it that way means that he died after having done a good deed in her favor.

X sees Eliza as kin, the last one because his blood kin died five years ago, due to natural causes, the same ones that made X lower his ego and pride in front of the 5-year-old girl.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! The bag is still empy, so you can give your stones!

Readers: 'This author sure is shameless'

Author: 'Well, I have to, I want your Stones and Reviews' xD

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