

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

CHAPTER EIHGT - New Business Partner (Continued)

"JAMES?" Lily muttered something to herself. James looked at Lily while grinning. While clenching his jaw, Alex cast a startled glance at Lily's way. It's alright. I am with you here. He spoke softly in her ear. Lily nodded while averting her eyes from James. "Hello, I'm Moon James. He is our business's new partner. Mr Smith said, cracking a small smile. Everyone got to their feet and bowed to him. Lily grinned at him and sat back down.

Everyone left the room after the meeting was finished, which lasted an hour.

Lily grabbed her file and turned to go when Mr Smith stopped her.

"Lily, while you are managing this case, I want the three of you to have a serious discussion. Please take care of anything crucial for me. I hope it's okay, Mr. Moon. James grinned and shook his head. "Yes, you may leave. I don't mind having Lily around. Mr. Smith gave him a perplexed look. I mean, it doesn't bother me at all. Mr. Smith nodded before leaving.

So, Lily and Alex and I reconnected. He had an eerie smirk permanently painted on his lips. When Lily stated it, Alex stopped as he was ready to grab his collar. "Attend to business. It is not college property. It serves as our office. Don't cause trouble here.

She stated icily before leaving them. The question "What happened to her?" James asked, but received no response. Alex went after Lily.

You two both signed this. Regarding your new joint initiative, you are both equally correct.

No one can violate the agreement. Anyone who breached the contract would be responsible for the repercussions. As she removed the regulations, she sighed. James gave her a cold look while grinning at her.

Alex gave him a deathly gaze.

Alex cast a darkened stare. James was attempting to grab her attention by smiling at her, and he didn't appreciate it. They looked at each other and signed the document one by one. "All right, I'll give you both copies, and I'll keep the original with me."

They nodded before she briefly left them. an inquiry. The question "Why do you care?"

James stated in jest. "Answer the damn question, 'Why?'"

James looked at Alex with raised eyebrows. "You are starting to irritate me now." As Lily entered, Alex bit his teeth and sat down right away. They both grinned while focusing on Lily. These are two copies, "There you go." Verify it first. Lily went to the couch and sat after they both nodded.

She opened the file and began reading it. James said, "She is so passionate." Alex rolled his eyes while grinning. She is, after all, my wife. As he observed James' emotionless expression, his smirk became larger. "When you take her away from me, consider what karma accomplished.

She is back with me, but now she is my wife. James turned away from the discomfort and gripped it more tightly. You abandoned her first. She was devastated. Lily caught James' attention. "YOU." They jumped in response to Alex's cry. Lily's attention turned to Alex. He nervously grinned before readjusting his seat.

Shaking her head, Lily carried on with her task. James grinned.

Lily stretched her body after a long day and checked the clock. Her stomach grumbled as lunchtime approached.

To stop himself from laughing, Alex pursed his lips. Alex rolled his eyes as James walked into the office carrying a tray of food and asked, "Why didn't this idea occur to my brain?" He mentally swore at himself and exhaled. Lily sighed and turned to go when James grabbed her wrist and said, "I know you hate both of us, but you don't need to skip food and starve yourself. Come on, sit here and I'll take you to lunch." Lily was then stopped by James. She started crying as a result of his composed words. She grinned, leaned back on the couch, and got her food.

I can't eat it alone," James said while grinning and patting her head. You both consume food, Alex. Alex approached them and grinned brightly as she remarked to him in a harsh tone, "Go ahead and keep eating,"

Mr. Smith left the medical facility once more. He was seriously panting. Before downing some water, he grabbed some pills out of his pocket and placed them on his tongue.

"Need to remove all the evidence before someone finds out. Blood pressure issues caused his hands to tremble. He cranked the engine and sped off. Mr. Smith's breath became shorter as he was driving because of a lack of air. He adjusted his tie while squeezing the steering wheel more firmly. His vision suddenly became foggy, and his automobile crashed into the tree.

Alex prepared to depart the company after collecting his possessions. His phone abruptly rang. He looked at the caller and hung up when he saw it was Mrs. Smith. After a little interval, a panting Lily entered his office to gather her breath. "Alex, your dad had a collision." He widened his eyes as she informed him. Lily instantly followed him as he raced outside.

As they arrived, he was sprinting into the hospital. His thoughts were foggy, and he had no idea what to do or where to go. He had Lily in tow.

Her eyes rested on a stretcher, and she stumbled. A little girl was sobbing uncontrollably next to the dead body, which was covered in a white sheet. "Dad, come back to us."

Don't leave me alone, please. The small girl's words made Lily cry harder since they made her think about her father. Lily was led to his father's ward by Alex, who put his hand on her shoulder.

Mrs. Smith grinned as she gave Lily a hearty hug. Lily walked to her mom and gave her a big embrace. She placed her mother's shoulder to her face. "I-I've missed you." She restrained herself from crying and forced a grin. "I missed you more." Alex gave his mother-in-law a hug while Mrs. Jones grinned.

After releasing Alex from the hug, she rubbed his back and grinned. How is Mr. Smith doing? Her mom sighed in response to Lily's query. "He is a better man than before." Lily gave Mrs. Smith a wink and a nod. Mom, are you all right? Mrs. Smith smiled a little while nodding. "Yes." Lily nodded and peered at Mrs. Smith through the door's glass.

"Dad, why did you treat me like this? I'll make sure to lock you up. Once I understood. Lily took a long breath and shook her head. Lily, I'm worn out. Can I return home? "Okay," nodded Alex. After saying that, he followed her to the parking lot.