
Otherworldly Closet

Throughout his whole life, he never once had someone that he could truly call a friend. In the life his father had meticulously planned out, he seeks solace in the face of his dull reality. With the appearance of a pink-haired lady, he embraces adventures throughout different realities. Note: Each realities are based on the author's dreams.

SenorSleep · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Jurassic Redemption

"Ugh, why is it so hot?!" Bernard groaned.

When he opened his eyes, the sun stood at its highest peak, burning down on him. The abnormal heat made him check his surroundings.

That was when he noticed he was no longer in his room. His comfortable bed had turned into sandy dirt.

As he stood up, Bernard could distinctly feel the stark contrast between the sterile, orderly environment of his apartment and the chaos he saw in front of him.

His room had turned into an unfamiliar market, reminiscent of the Mediterranean. The morning sun's golden hue shone down on its cobblestone street.

The air around him smelled of different aromas. Such as raw spices, aromatic food, and even the fragrant smell of perfume.

The architecture of his surroundings astounded him. It was nothing like the concrete jungle he lived in. Every nook and cranny was colorful.

He gaped at the vivid array of different hues that painted the market. The energetic feel of the market pulsated through the atmosphere. The vendors and their customers added to the atmosphere.

The alluring quality drew in Bernard. Although he knew he had just been stranded, he couldn't help but marvel at the scenario.

Amidst the dizzying sights and sensations, a familiar sight came up before him. It was the same translucent panel.

The panel hovered before him. It was the same panel he saw within Gear World as Captain Daniels.

He reached out his hands cautiously toward the panel. Along with the expectations of it dissipating or even offering guidance like it did before.

As his fingers touched the panel's surface, a sentence was formed on it. It displayed the words, "I'm sorry about before."

After quick deduction work, he figured the message could only come from none other than the pink-haired lady.

The significance of the words resonated with him. Bernard wasn't one to hold grudges for long, especially not when the person could benefit him.

"This is the world I have shown you before. The one after Gear World," explained the panel.

"The 'Jurassic Redemption'?" asked Bernard.

"Correct!" replied the panel.

"But why?" inquired Bernard.

"Your entourage told me about what happened at your father's office," clarified the panel.

"Wait, what?" Bernard said, astounded.

"Anyways, it seems you require even more knowledge about paleontology," said the panel.

"So?" said Bernard.

"If you complete the assigned mission, I'll give you complete mastery over paleontology," said the panel.

"I can just study for those," exclaimed Bernard.

"Along with knowledge you can only gain from being in the field for a hundred years," added the panel.

"I'll take that deal!" Bernard shouted and smacked the panel.

However, in front of the onlookers, he looked like a crazy person talking to the air.

When he noticed, he decided to take a walk around the market while continuing to communicate by whispering.

"So, what's the mission?" he whispered into the panel.

"…" the panel stayed quiet.

"Hey, young man! How about buying an apple from this uncle?" a fruit vendor yelled at Bernard.

"How much is it?" Bernard conversed with the vendor as he waited for an answer.

"Two coins!" exclaimed the vendor.

Bernard scoured through his pockets. After multiple rounds of searching, he found exactly two.

"Here you go," said Bernard as he extended his hand to pay for the apple.

"Thanks, kid!" said the vendor as he handed him the singular apple.

After purchasing an apple, he continued to wander through the busy street. However, as he looked back at the panel, it was no longer there.

"Fine, whatever. It just couldn't be that easy, could it?" thought Bernard in his head.

Suddenly, a familiar voice approached him. As he looked at the source, he recognized them as his mother.

"Ahmed, dear, is that you?" said his mother as she caressed his body.

"Mom?" the word came out naturally, and tears ran down his eyes like a waterfall.

"What's wrong, dear? Why are you crying?" she asked as she continued to caress him.

Although he knew his mother had long passed, the warmth and affection coming from the woman were like his mother. However, he knew she wasn't his mother, but Ahmed's.

'Ahmed' was the name of the body he is currently borrowing. Like in the case of Captain Daniels, Bernard needs to integrate with his surroundings.

After recomposing himself, Bernard, now Ahmed, hugged 'his' mother. He hugged his mother as Bernard.

"What's with you, dear?" said his mother as she wrapped her arms around his body.

Following the hug, his mother instructed him to follow right behind. She didn't want to lose sight of her son, Ahmed, again.

Along with his mother, Ahmed ventured into the colorful streets of the market.

Although his assignment was his utmost priority, he found time to spend with his family.

While simultaneously walking down the lively street, looking left and right at vendors, the silent panel lingered on the back of his head.

The path ahead felt alive, with colors stretching into the horizon. The air was filled with the melodies of musicians, along with the laughter of children.

The smell of mouthwatering dishes slathered in various spices wafted throughout the market. Their smell made Ahmed experience sensory ecstasy.

Multiple melodies and various aromas gave birth to the immersive atmosphere of the market.

It made his journey through the streets feel like it truly belonged to the Mediterranean.

In this place, numerous cultures and customs produced the colorful tapestry of life. Every corner had a story to tell.

He was frozen in place, busy immersing himself in his surroundings. Admiring every aspect of the market.

"Ahmed, come here," said his mother as she waved her hand.

"What is it, mom?" asked Ahmed.

"Come choose which part you want for dinner," she said as she pointed to various cuts of beef.

"How about the tail, mother?" recommended Ahmed.

"Brilliant choice, dear," his mother complimented him.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the market, Bernard, who was now Ahmed, found a sense of belonging, unlike he had ever felt before.

A genuine smile graced his lips as he reminded himself that the bonds of family transcend any others.

"I hope that's how Father feels," he murmured to himself.

Suddenly, the panel appeared before him once again. It was the mission objective. It mentioned that all he needed to do was support his current family.

"That shouldn't be hard," Ahmed stated.

In the vibrant Mediterranean city, Ahmed embarked on a new mission. Shedding the skin of his former self, he was determined to seek redemption.

Under the rays of the sun, he stared out into the sea. Accompanied by the aroma of spices and the vibrant tapestry of the crowd. It beckoned for him to explore.