
Otherworldly Apocalypse

One day strange phenomenons appeared around the world, strange stone called the evolution stone rains down from the sky that grant human superhuman abilities. Unbeknownst to them there is a sinister power beside granting human superhuman abilities. Norrev is an orphan that studies at a local university while going home he met his neighbour family and asked to take their daughter to the mall to see an evolved showcase. Is there be something lurking within the stone?

DrOflig · สยองขวัญ
21 Chs

Chapter 17

The monster having a dagger stabbed into his leg didn't even flinch, but ready his saber to strike Kurio but before he can swing again his hand got cut by a wind blade which was sent by Kurio

"The weakness of the sword enhancement are their limbs" Kurio said coldly while conjuring another wind blade

What a joke, even if that monster was twice as strong but if he come face to face with Kurio it will be for naught

Kurio is known for the fastest general although he only have six enhancement but most of them increase his speed

Even Mahtaba has to be careful when fighting Kurio, the only one who can last one minute or more is only Tarim with his wolf transformation

Soon a head drops to the floor in which Kurio take the sword of the monster

Putting the sword by his waist, Kurio checked the whole house before moving to the next one

Outside the house there is a wolf jumping in between the houses while scanning for an evolved, while jumping around suddenly there was a wind blade coming straight at him.

Being unable to dodge in the air he swipe the wind blade using his enhanced claw and inject it with his lightning power


A loud noise followed before Tarim could be seen falling down

'Strong!!, even with my enhanced strength, enhanced claw and lightning i can barely block that wind blade'

Looking at his claw that is injured by the impact

Soon a woman came jumping the high fence with both arm shrouded in wind

Seeing Tarim, she threw the wind straight at him, in which he barely dodged by going into the house

Inside the house, Tarim is searching for another way out to regroup with Kurio and tell him about the wind affinity evolve

Out of the blue all the window in the house got blocked

Nearing a window, he open it and scratch it with his claw in which some dirt fall out

'The earth affinity evolve?' Tarim asked himself confused


Soon every window started to crack with the window he standing in front of spewing dirt

"Not good" Tarim panicked

Thinking quickly he decided to go out of the house by breaking the ceiling and exiting by the roof

Powering up he incase his whole body with lightning albeit a rather dim one


He shot towards the sky but before he could look around he got blasted by a wind blade and fly away like an arrow

before he could crash onto the street a gale of wind carries him and put him down slowly

"Good job finding both of them" Kurio smiled and looked at the fainted Tarim

Behind Kurio there is three soldier using M4A1

"Fire" Kurio command

Soon barrage of bullet came firing down onto both of the evolved

Unfortunately both evolved conjure their elemental power and create a wall of wind and stone pillars to withstand the barrage of bullets

Kurio throw a wind blade but it also got blocked without any pressure

'It is as Mahtaba said, this monsters power are more advance than before they turn, like an upgrade to the next level'

Kurio speculated

Looking at the fainted Tarim Kurio decided to fallback with his troops, although he is confident in his abilities but this neighbourhood have another evolve which he hasn't seen yet so it is better to fallback and tell Mahtaba about the situation

If there are gramaticals or typos please kindly comment it and i will fix it as soon as possible

DrOfligcreators' thoughts