
Original Everyday Dimensional Amnesia

A fox like boy with two differently colored eyes and a bad case of amnesia. Join him on his journey as he is sent to another dimension as he fights off and out wits his enemy because much like a fox he is very cunning and clever. Be by his side as he gets stronger learning new techniques and some magic. Of course what would a story be if he didn’t already have some sort of uncanny ability? Discover this and who he is as you read. Btw I’ll be using a ton of different types of creature from all sorts of mythologies so stay tuned and see what happens when he fights some creatures that you’ve probably heard of before. This story very much disappointed me, I enjoyed writing it but I feel like it could’ve been much better so I’m going to redo it all, I’ll leave the original here incase people would like to read the original but I’m going to completely redo it with a completely new story.

Stardew · แฟนตาซี
293 Chs

Chapter 7 Mana Star Fruit

Thomas, Jason, and Lily all got into the cart as they began to continue their journey home. This time Lily rode in the front of the cart with her father Jason as Thomas rode in the back by himself as he slept. Jason looked at Lily as he asked "So what do you think of your new friend?" Lily smiled as she said, "He's really strong!" Lily looked at him as she stood up from her seat and said "One day I'm gonna be super strong like that too!" Jason her father said, "I'm sure you will but for now please sit down or you might fall and hurt yourself." She said "Okie." As she sat down she peeked through the fabric as she said "He's asleep again?" Jason looked at her as he said "I'm sure he's very tired from fighting those men." The girl looked at her father as she said "But why did he let one of them go?"

He looked straight ahead as he said "I don't know." As they hit a bump Thomas woke up and said "What happened where am I." He looked around for a moment and said "Oh right." Thomas crawled over to the back of the cart as he leaned out and said "I needed some fresh air." He put his arms on the side of the cart as he rested his head in his arms as he said "I gotta find something to do or I'm gonna die of boredom." Thomas looked to see if they were paying attention as he hopped out the back of the cart and began to walk in front of the cart as they asked "What are you doing?" Thomas looked at them and said, "I'm bored so I'm gonna go ahead." Thomas pointed to the city as he said "That's the place right?" Jason said, "Yes that's our beautiful seaside city Seapoint." Thomas looked at him as he said "Thanks for pointing it out to me I'll see you there."

As he began to run Lily called out for him as he began to walk back she said "Take me with you." Thomas looked at her father as he said "Go on after all I bought you for the entire purpose of protecting her." Thomas looked at him with a face of disgust as he said "You have a lot of faith in someone you just met." Jason looked at him as he said "From what I've seen it looks like you can handle yourself besides this way we can make sure you won't just run away." Thomas thought about it for a moment and said "Fair enough." Thomas kneeled as he told her to hop on as he pointed to his back. She looked at him and said, "Won't that get you even more dirty?" Thomas looked at her and said, "Don't worry besides we'll be there in no time if I carry you." Lily hopped on his back as shouted hold on as he began to run. Lily looked back as she waved to her father as she shouted "We'll see you there."

Jason looked at the sky as he said "Those two sure are energetic." As Thomas and Lily ran down the path to the city Thomas stopped and put Lily down. Lily asked, "Why did we stop?" Thomas looked up at a tree above the path as he said "I smelt some weird smelling fruit I'd never smelt before." Lily looked up as she saw the tree and said "Those fruits are rarely seen, it's called a mana star fruit you can tell because it's blue and in the shape of a star and it's only rumored that they can be seen around Seapoint." Thomas looked at her and asked, "Does it taste good?" Lily said, "I've never seen one before since they're so rare." Thomas tried to jump to reach the fruit but ended up falling back to the ground. He looked around as he asked Lily "Does the fruit do anything?" Lily reached into a satchel she brought with her before leaving the cart. She pulled out a book as she said "If we wanna find out we can find out about it in this book."

As Lily started to search the book for the mana star fruit Thomas started to climb the tree as he began to reach for the branch of the tree with the fruit hanging from it. Once Thomas grabbed the fruit and found a sharp rock as he cut it in half he said "No seeds what kind of fruit doesn't have seeds?" Thomas looked at the fruit as he said "If the fruit does do something then theirs only one way to find out." He grabbed half of the fruit and bit into it as he said "Doesn't taste half bad." As Lily continued to search her book she found the page with the mana star fruit as she said "Check this out as she pointed to the page." Thomas nodded and said, "Yup that's great and all except for the fact that I can't read." Lily jumped up and down holding the book as she said "That fruit you just found imbues the person with a permanent expansion in their mana pool and can even give the person who eats it a mana pool."

Thomas looked at her and said, "I have no idea what that means but I'm gonna guess you want the other half of the fruit?" She began to explain that a mana pool is the amount of magical power a person can use and that the bigger it becomes the more types of magic a person can use and the more powerful the magic becomes. Thomas said, "I understand now but I don't feel any different from before." Thomas stood up and began to stretch as he said "The only difference is I feel a little more energized." Thomas pointed to a rock behind him with the other half of the fruit as he said "I already ate half of it and it doesn't taste half bad either." He looked at her and said, "It doesn't seem to do much for me so you might as well eat it." Lily looked at the fruit as she "Magical powers here I come!" She began to eat the fruit as Thomas asked "So how exactly do you use magic?"

Lily looked at him as she said "You can activate it in all sorts of different ways." Thomas looked at Lily as he asked "Can you be more specific?" Lily while still eating the fruit said, "You can activate spells with items or incantations, or if your powerful you can just think of the spell." Thomas looked at the sky as he said "It's starting to get dark we should hurry to the town before nightfall." Lily nodded as Thomas kneeled back down so she could hop on his back. Once she hopped onto his back again he yelled "We all set?" She yelled back "All set!" Thomas began to run full speed down the path as he hoped to reach the city by nightfall. As they ran down the path he asked her "You know your way around the city right?" She nodded and said "Ya." Thomas said, "That's good because I'm gonna need someone to show me around." She put her fist up and yelled "You can count on me."

Thomas continued to follow the path as he soon ended up at a bridge. He set Lily down as he said "Time for a break." Lily looked into the river under the bridge as she said "We're close to the city now." Thomas looked at the city as he said "Ya can't wait after all I haven't seen one up close yet." Lily looked at him as she said "As soon as I get home I'm gonna start reading books about magic and then I'm gonna become super strong too!" Thomas looked at her as he said "Great and I'll learn how to read so I can learn how to use magic." Lily looked at him excitedly as she jumped up and down as she said "I can teach you how to read." Thomas looked at her as he said "Thanks I'll think about it." Lily still smiling said, "I'll teach you everything you need to know about the city too."

Thomas looked at the city as he said "Ok break over." Lily hopped on his back as she yelled "Full speed ahead to Seapoint!" Thomas stopped for a moment as he said "So you did know the name of the city?" Lily said, "Of course I know the name of the city I live in." Thomas continued to run as he said "Then why didn't you tell me the name of it when I asked you about it?" She looked at him as she shrugged and said "I don't know." Thomas said, "Well whatever we'll be at the city soon."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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