
Original Everyday Dimensional Amnesia

A fox like boy with two differently colored eyes and a bad case of amnesia. Join him on his journey as he is sent to another dimension as he fights off and out wits his enemy because much like a fox he is very cunning and clever. Be by his side as he gets stronger learning new techniques and some magic. Of course what would a story be if he didn’t already have some sort of uncanny ability? Discover this and who he is as you read. Btw I’ll be using a ton of different types of creature from all sorts of mythologies so stay tuned and see what happens when he fights some creatures that you’ve probably heard of before. This story very much disappointed me, I enjoyed writing it but I feel like it could’ve been much better so I’m going to redo it all, I’ll leave the original here incase people would like to read the original but I’m going to completely redo it with a completely new story.

Stardew · Fantasy
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293 Chs

Chapter 8 SeaPoint City

Atlas Thomas and Lily arrived at Seapoint City's walls with some sunlight to spare. Once they arrived Lily waved and walked past the four guards who were guarding the entrance. Thomas looked at Lily and whispered, "Are you sure these guys won't stab me for trying to walk by them?" Lily nodded and grabbed his hand as she led him through the gate. Once through the gate, Lily said "Come on follow me I wanna show you something." As Thomas mumbled, "Why don't you give me a minute to catch my breath?" Lily ran up to Thomas and grabbed his hand as she said "We need hurry quick follow me." Thomas looked up at her and said "Alright little Ms. tour guide lead the way." Her smile grew wider as she began to run and yell "Come on follow me this way."

Thomas chased after her as he followed her down to the sea. Once they got to the sea Lily pointed out to the ocean as she said "Look the sun's setting we made it just in time." Thomas hopped up on the stone wall that was about three feet tall and was probably there to ensure the safety of the people. Once on the wall, Thomas sat down as he said "Nice view." Lily and Thomas watched the sunset as they waited for Lily's father Jason to arrive. After the sunset completely Thomas yawned and said "So you wanna show me anywhere else?" Lily nodded as she said, "Follow me!" Thomas got off the wall as he said "Someone's all fired up." Lily began to lead Thomas down a narrow alleyway as Thomas asked "You do know where you're going right?" Lily stopped and looked at him as she said "Of course I'm the tour guide what kind of tour guide gets lost?"

Thomas shrugged and said, "Fair enough lead the way." Once out of the alley they walked through a place with all kinds of stands and people. Lily turned around as she said, "Here's the marketplace!" Thomas looked at her with confusion as he said "I've never been in a place like this before." Lily said, "Follow me I wanna show you what some of the stands sell." Thomas agreed and followed her as she pointed to stalls and told him what they sold. As Lily was halfway done naming stalls one of the stall owners yelled out "Stop that man he's stealing from stands." The man began to run toward Thomas as he sighed and said "There are too many issues today." Thomas stuck his foot out to trip the man as he fell to the ground. Thomas began to walk away as Lily said "You stopped the man!" Thomas said, "Ya I stopped him now let's get out of here before someone else shows up and something else chaotic happens."

Lily said, "Ok I understand." But before they could go somewhere else the stand clerk walked up to them and said "Thank you for stopping them. Thomas turned around and stared at the man as he sighed and mumbled "Too late." The man held up a basket of fruit and said "Please take this as a token of appreciation it's not much but thank you." Thomas grabbed the basket of fruit and said thank you as he looked at Lily and said "Does your dad even know where to look for you?" Lily looked at him as she said "Probably not but he knows I can just go back home and wait for him there." Thomas looked up as he said, "Are you sure we shouldn't head back after all it is night." Lily nodded as she said, "It'll be fine." Thomas looked at the gate of the town as he said "Give me a minute." Lily looked at him as she said "Ok." Thomas walked towards the gate where they came in from as Lily followed him he said "Wait here by the wall for a minute."

Lily nodded as she asked, "What are you gonna do?" Thomas set down the basket as he said "I'm gonna check to see where your father is." Lily looked at him and asked, "How are you gonna do that?" Thomas looked up as he said, "Theirs only one way to find out." Thomas jumped on the wall and started to scale the wall as he grabbed the stones sticking out of the wall. Lily called out to him as she said "Wait take me with you." Thomas let go of the wall and landed on his feet as he said "Are you sure if I let go we could fall and get injured?" Lily nodded as she said, "Take me to the top of the wall." Thomas looked at her as he said "Now you ordered it I can't even say no if I wanted to." Lily smiled and said, "Yep now take me to the top of the wall." Thomas kneeled as she hopped on his back and grabbed the fruit basket as he said "Be sure to hold on."

Thomas jumped at the wall again as he grabbed it and started to climb he started humming as well. Lily asked, "What are humming?" Thomas said, "I dunno I'm just winging it besides feels like it should have some music doesn't it?" Lily nodded as Thomas continued to climb and hum as Lily looked around. Lily stared at the ground as she said "We're starting to get pretty high." Thomas said, "Yup and we're only halfway there." Lily looked around as she said "Their tons of people staring at us." Thomas said, "That's probably because you don't see people climb huge walls every day." Once they neared the top Lily peeked over the wall as Thomas asked "All clear?" Lily nodded and said, "No one else is up here." Thomas climbed up the last bit as he set Lily down and peered off towards the path. Lily set the basket of fruit down on the wall as she looked off into the distance as she said "This views way better!"

Thomas looked out at the land as he said "The views great from up here." Thomas pointed as he said "Theirs your father's cart." Thomas looked at Lily and said, "Wanna go down and meet up with him?" Lily nodded as she said, "Take me down!" Thomas said, "You could've just answered you don't have to command me every time you want something." She laughed and said, "I know but it's more fun!" Thomas yelled, "It's no fun for me if I get zapped if I don't do it." Thomas looked down at the ground as he sighed and said "He's getting closer to the gate we should get down before anyone else sees us." Lily laughed and said "Okay." Thomas said "Hop on and hold on tight." Lily looked at him and asked, "Are you gonna climb back down?" Thomas looked around and smiled as he said "I have a better idea." She hopped on his back and grabbed the fruit basket as he said "Full speed ahead."

He began to run as he jumped off the wall. Lily began to scream as Thomas leaped through the air and landed on the roof of a nearby building as he landed he asked "What didn't you trust me?" Lily yelled, "Why didn't you warn me you were gonna jump?" Thomas said "I dunno but get ready because here we go again." He began to run as he jumped roof to roof until they were on the ground. As they walked to the entrance of the gate Lily handed Thomas the basket of fruit as they both said hi to Jason. When he arrived Lily ran up to him as she said "Welcome back to the city." Jason said, "Thanks for waiting for me, I hope you didn't have to wait too long." Lily said, "It's fine we had tons of fun while we waited." Jason looked at her as he asked "So what did you guys do." Thomas turned around and looked up at the sky as he quietly said "I'm gonna get it when he finds out about us scaling the wall."

Jason called out to Thomas. Thomas turned around and looked at Jason as he said "Here we go." To Thomas's surprise, Jason only asked about the mana star fruit they found in the tree they passed. Jason began to explain that the mana star-fruits were extremely rare and couldn't be planted and can grow on any tree as long as great amounts of mana are accumulated over time. Thomas looked at him as he thought did Lily not tell him about scaling the wall? Thomas looked at Jason puzzled as Jason asked "What's the matter?" Thomas asked, "She did tell you about climbing the wall and how we got this fruit basket didn't she?" Jason said, "Lily said you stopped a thief and climbed the city's wall but no one was harmed so it's fine." Jason looked at Lily and asked, "Are you ready to go home?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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