
Chapter The girl in your nightmare

...they both lay in the floor lips touching.

The moment changes from being light and noisy to serious and quiet.

They both feel their body experienced a different sensation unexplainable.

Kaitlyn tried to push Douglas to get away but her hands are still imprisoned by Doug hold and his lips moved to actually taste her lips, Kaith wonder what would it feel to kiss him and give in to her curiosity...

Just as they were about to make the kiss a reality the door slides and they were caught in a comprising state, Kaitlyn was on top of Douglas, startled the moment was lost and they both push one another and stare at the three pairs of legs moving their gaze from the feet up to their faces.

"Ha ha ha!!! no need to be shy Falcon. We intensionally monitor this room to capture some scenes that we can use to make for some big money. But I see you put it out or order. tsk tsk tsk...."The leader of the trio said.

"Oh it's the three ugly monkeys." she said furiously.

"Don't tell me that the organization has run of drugs to circulate and now is taking chances in selling pornos. You're braking my heart." Doug said and exaggerates by placing his hands on his chest.

"Don't be too heart broken , we do all kinds if things pornos, organ selling, human trafficking just a few and most of all drugs, but then you are that tiny little bone that stuck on our throats that make it so hard for us to swallow so he wants to make a deal with you. or keep you out of the picture."

"Where is the Boss?"

"Whoah , whoah,,,whoah,,, so eager, I hope you come up with a good bargain, your loyalty or your life what's gonna be? and to add this hot babe will may have to say bye bye loverboy." he make gesture with his hand as if saying goodbye.

The man was so cocky that Kaitlyn trying hard to play innocent and contain her murderous actions.

"Leave her out of this, it's me who owes you."

"Come on Falcon, come with us the Boss wants to see you."

"What about me? I'm scared Doug please don't leave metwo goons

"Don't worry baby I'll be back promise." he stroke her hair so tendenly and stole a kiss on her lips acting as if there are romantically involve with each other. She smiled sweetly but.

"Pervert!! you're taking advantage of this you'll pay for this later you'll see." She scream in her thoughts.

"Don't worry baby girl, Slim will keep you company here while you're waiting for baby boy. Ha ha ha!!!" the thin member of the group said and eyeing her in lusty manner and Kaith size him up before making a conclusion inwardly.

"Please don't leave me Doug!!!" but the two has already extracted him from the room leaving her with the maniac slim.

"Come on! no more dilly dallying the Boss doesn't want to be kept waiting!" as the two goons held him tightly on both of his arms.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her!!! or the consequences will be fatal!" Doug said with a double meaning to the maniac Slim.

"Enjoy slim, Ha ha ha!" the two monkeys laughs maniacally as the door slides and Kaith put her back against the wall.

"Come baby let's hurry before they return , I believed that your boyfriend is the jealous kind we don't want him to discover us, or that will be a hell to pay."

"Where are they taking him?"

"To see the boss. You see your boyfriend had done something to anger the higher up that's why the Boss wants him to be given a chance, as a sign of friendship and the time they spend together before he he he." he smiled evilly.

"You mean that the Boss is his friend?"

"Yes, but the Boss must make a stand or they both be goner....but wait a minute something tells me that you are not as innocent as you portray to all of this."

"Right on that, and right now you're going to tell me more." as she swing her left arm pulling the man to the wall and banging his head against it using her right hand, seize his hands and bound it to the rope that was used to tie her before. The action took so fast that the man wasn't able to retaliate until it was to late and he's was unable to move.

"Now tell me more." she turn the man and he lay flat on his back while Kaitlyn sits on his chest minimizing the air that he breaths.

"Who are you?" the man shockingly ask as he realizes that he made a mistake on judging the girl.

"It's not important right now. Now tell me more or I'll be the girl in your nightmare. The last one you'll be able to behold."