
Operation Teardown

What if (nearly) every person that Daddy and Mommy wronged united and launched an all out invasion on their home? You'd get Operation Teardown. You have done it. Assembled a massive team of 20 people to launch the greatest heist ever seen in Newgrounds City. Relationships were had, fights were won and blood, sweat and tears were shed to get it to this point. Tonight The Family Will Fall.

odaocer · วิดีโอเกม
23 Chs

Cauda 18 - Painting the Sky Red

Movements: https://x.com/odaocer/status/1798816973717217672

Now Playing...

Artist: Steam-Flow

Song: Our Freedom Cannot Die

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjSeE1CWPu4

You blink, finding yourself no longer on Newgrounds City streets. There was much confusion as the transition appeared instant. The sky turned a bright crimson, blank of all manners of clouds and stars. Behind you was a mountain, a series of Mars-coloured cliffs that encircled a battlefield. They didn't extend infinitely high, though towered over everyone. Judging by the existance of ruins, this was where the Compound once stood.

From beyond the moutains ensnaring the field, black mountains further in the distance stood. Jagged and angled strangely, they apeared almost more like brambles than massive rock structures. This wasn't Earth. There was no question about it.

In the circular field you found yourself and the others standing at the southern point.

Whatever grass, hills and road once existed here was gone as well, replaced with flat red dirt. Such observations did not go on for long as Theo's voice caught your attention.

"By jove, where are we?" You look to see him further to the eastern point of the circle, Updike's boat just sitting unevenly on the flat surface. He stood up from the captain's seat looking around at the alien landscape.

The others on the boat were present too, similarly confused. Kapi, Ace, Hex and Psychic. Ace saw you and the others first, his eyes immediately focusing on Retro. He screamed and ran to him, going on all fours to grab the demon into a strong hug.

Not as far as Theo's crew another car was present. By the blinking, glowing lights around it and people seated, you determined it to be the Fae and the Donnas. Guess they didn't make it to the forest.

A beep from the left got your attention next. Standing there, across the field on the western side was Boyfriend and Girlfriend, seated in their car. They stopped it, getting out, perplexed at what happened to them.

Tabi noticed them too, though his attention was turned elsewhere. He had more prescient things to deal with at the moment. A bit further from the lovebirds stood Solazar, a gangly black creature next to him panting on the ground, trying to hold himself up.

"Guy's got taste." S stated aloud. "Which guy-" You see now what the others were looking at.

Everyone was staring up at the middle of the field. In the centre were several buildings that looked to have been smashed together. You vaguely recognize some of the buildings as from the compound, as if a black hole launched them all together in one mass. Some windows had lights still on while others were smashed in. Stuck out of the ground, the industrial collage appeared to be half-sunk in the ground, sitting at a 45 degree angle, sticking up maybe a story or two.

Though obscured by the buildings in the centre you could just narrowly see a few people standing by at the northern-most point of the circle.

Mommy, Daddy, and a group of demons and hellhounds. They were blocked by the view of the buildings though you could plainly see Daddy looked like hell.

His attention wasn't on you and judging by the energy felt everyone wasn't looking the strange building, but rather what floated above it. You could feel energy emanating from it, like a warm breeze.

It couldn't be. You had to double-take just to make sure you weren't delirious. Judging by the others muted moods, it was real.

He was there.

A humanoid figure with a stocky body. He wore a sand-coloured robe which covered most of his features. A frilly lining covered his neck, two blue beads hanging from it. Despite the robe, it covered where his arms should have been, two green disembodied hands floating at his sides. By your own familiarity with the being you knew he had no arms.

A goalie's mask covered his face, gleaming in the maroon landscape, made of metal. It blocked out his features though you knew what lurked under it. The only thing from his green head you could see was the two large, tufts of orange hair that

You knew what he looked like under the mask and knew about his non-existent arms because you knew who he was. There was no mistaking it, after all you remember hearing of the Madness Wars when you were a child. An ultraviolent conflict that nearly destroyed Newgrounds City. Started by an organization called NEXUS it permanently scarred the city. You remembered seeing your parents watching the news, catching one glimpse of the field of dead bodies, Tricky standing among them. It terrified you and burned the image into your head. You parents were aghast and forced you back to bed. It wasn't your conflict. They said.

That was Tricky, the scourge of Newgrounds City, the Clown. And though he died there, here he was now, floating above the battlefield. The principle antagonist after the fall of NEXUS, Tricky saw the near destruction of the city, only stopped by a mercenary known as Hank.

And there was no doubt in your mind anymore about the secrets. The Laughing Plan was Tricky's resurrection. Everyone involved in that event was dead except Hank, and even then nobody knew what his fate really was.

Tricky held the weapon he used in his slaughters, a stop sign. Stained with blood it had to be the same one used all those years ago.

You gulp, mind returning to strategic thought, wondering if it was even possible to win this. The others felt similar judging by the silence. Those that didn't such as Ruv, could still feel the primal fear Tricky exuded. This was no regular monstrosity. Tricky was a holy terror unlike others. Even S didn't have the same level of gravitas Tricky emitted.

The sound of wind could be heard as Tricky looked at all who stood before him.

"Hmm, I've seen him before. Just can't remember when." Pompom blurted out. It did nothing to ease the tensions though caused some movement within your camp. Updike looked to Displo, his eyes wide for the first time. All unsaid, he and Displo already came to the same conclusions you did.

For now, Tricky just stood there, still thinking.

"We have to kill him." Nikku said, finally. Her eyes were still glowing, possibly a side-effect of her memory returning. "This is his dimension." Nikusa muttered, unhelpfully.

"Pft. I can take him." S said.

Displo looked around now, noticing Solazar and Legion.

Though Legion looked like hell he was still alive. He was moving more organically, indicating whatever Solazar did had weakened him.

"Legion is still alive?" Displo muttered.

Solazar looked now, seeing who else got summoned here. "I could not reach the sun." He said. "I burned him with what I could."

Legion, as you understood it was the gangly black creature. Whatever its origin he stood up in an instant, flashing its twisted grin to you. Raising a hand it only froze after hearing the ear splitting scream.

Looking at the arena you saw another one. Not as lanky as Legion, it picked itself off the ground, axe in hand. It looked around, just as confused as everyone. Displo saw him too, immediately calling to him. "Case 23! Get over here and help us!" He commanded.

The creature blinked seeing Nikku, Hex and Displo. What was left of its mind pieced it together. The televisions, his daughter. Those standing around helping. Raising his axe he shouted that he would help, running to your side. You didn't think much of it. With Tricky, every ally would be needed. He joined Displo's side, the restaurateur commanding him.

Tricky commanded attention now. "WHERE IS HANK?" A twisted voice echoed across the battlefield. Distorted and warbled in its sound you weren't sure if that's what he said.

You knew what Tricky was capable of. The very fact he hadn't started slaughtering everyone had to have been cause of the sheer number of people. The whole Carnival was here as well as most of the Dearest Family and its demonic regiment. With around 50 plus possible combatants around, Tricky was trying to find familiar faces.

Between your internal thoughts and the wind picking up you hear Daddy shout something at Tricky. Whatever it was, set it him off. He rose his stop sign, screaming, "YOU CANNOT KILL CLOWN! CLOWN KILLS YOU!"

The battle begun. Tricky remained up top as 'clones' of him started appearing around the battlefield. You can't remember what the species was actually called but they all appeared the same. Simple humanoid figures, simple enough a child could draw them. Consisting of five pieces they had a simple square torso and plain head. A simple circular head devoid of all features except a cross / T on their face where their eyes, nose and mouth should have been As if someone started drawing a person but stopped on the basic figure.

Hands and feet were not connected to their body, rather floating around their body where each part should normally be. Not detailed in any way each had a simple hand, 5 fingers and for feet, just shoes, no digits or anything. They couldn't reach infinitely but could move the disembodied parts all over. They were the same species as Tricky.

Whether or not they were zombies, lost souls under Tricky's command or his own clones they spawned all over the battlefield, ready to tear apart everyone. Varied, some had bandages on, some wore helmets, some had bloody wounds, others covered in dirt, some wore tactical gear and some wore goggles. Either way, they were active and ready for war.

The Carnival Vs. Tricky, Scourge of Newgrounds City

Boss Card: https://x.com/odaocer/status/1798817219604095193

Now Playing...

Artist: Hans Zimmer & Lorne Balfe

Song: Zodiac Chase / Protocol

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKco4k4Lwtc

Enough standing scared. You raise your voice and take command. "Everyone! Build a perimeter!" You run back and start pushing cars to build a makeshift wall. Psychic acted quickly using his own powers to lift the boat and move it to the cars, taking with him the rest of that team. Rosie flagged over the Fae and Donnas, ordering them to join the mass.

Carol, Pompom and Ace started building a perimeter, using their own magic and abilities to generate fortifications. Once settled, Psychic flew off, jutting with speed to grab to Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Forcing them back in the car he took them to join the existing fortification. Leaving Legion behind, Solazar joined too, the mass of people now effectively defending the south.

There wasn't time to think yet. Didn't matter how the Family fared in the north nor why Psychic was all of a sudden on your side. It was time only to hold the horde off.

Guns, magic, fists and abilities drawn everyone got ready for combat.

"Beep!" Boyfriend shouted, seeing Tabi. Instinctively, Boyfriend stood in front of Girlfriend, still not trusting the goatman.

Under the cacophony of gunfire, spells and other attacks against the horde, Tabi's flaming eyes set upon the lovebirds. Drawing from his hip he pulled his pistol and fired it, bullet hitting one of the madness creatures, bullet hitting it square in the face. Eyes wide, Boyfriend let out a quiet 'Eeep!'. "I'll kill you later." Tabi said, resuming his focus on assisting the Carnival. For now, he was helping Botan, the idol-figure who was taking sniper shots at the horde. With how mindless and erratic they were moving, she guessed them to be more like the undead.

Nearby, Agoti witnessed the whole thing, the digidevil working with his brother to spit up oil to act as a slick deterrent. "See, told ya he wasn't so bad." He said, tongue out.

Elsewhere, Legion was assailed by the dummy-looking creatures. He slaughtered them, his claws cutting through their fabric-like but still gory-insides. He took no relish in it, not particularly enjoying this slaughter. This prey was too easy.

Besides, there were more appealing targets in front of him. He cared little for Tricky, his beady eyes instead settling on the Carnival.

And standing amongst the Carnival was none other Boyfriend, or as he knew him, Agent Blueballs. He giggled. "Perfect~. Not the one I know but one nonetheless." He didn't move so much as it looked like he teleported, staying in the same standing pose but getting closer to the Carnival.

As the distance narrowed, someone flashed in front of him, also teleporting in.

A blue hedgehog, eyes dripping blood stood in front of him, far shorter than the trollge. He had his hands on his hips and a smirk on his face, standing opposite to the trollge.

"What are you?" Legion hissed. "Some kind of toy?"

"Pretty funny, What are you supposed to be? You look like a spider missing a few legs." He put a hand to his mouth as if he were whispering aside. "And a few brain cells too."

Legion grabbed the hedgehog, long claws wrapping around him. He picked him up, bringing him to his face. "You are nothing to me. I can see that clearly." Legion said smugly. "I will break you."

"That's pretty funny longboy. I'm pretty funny too. Let me show you." S warped back, making space between him.

Hands on the ground he leaned forward and started a spin dash. Kicking up dust around him he launched into Legion, crashing into him. They warped out of existance in a flash of black. S had been itching to use his full power. With nobody opposing him he relished the fact Legion was his, ready to see what he could do this monster.

Annie was the only offensive one not in combat. Delirious, Legion's wound on her arm spread, a black colour covering her arm and approaching her neck and breasts. Tired and pushed to the brink from both battles she just wheezed, sitting on top of the car, hoping for death to come. Nearby the Fae and Carol stood close using their own magic to stop the infection. It was the only thing fully keeping Annie from giving up. She could feel something seeping into her brain, a piercing giggle. One that would never end.

As the Fae worked on it, the spread slowed, Carol demanding Annie cut the suicidal crap and stay strong. With them focused on healing, Whitty, Ace and Retro stood close, holding off Tricky's army.

With X's in his eyes, Whitty used his fists to punch through, burning the lost souls to a crisp. While some had knives and weapons it did little to Whitty, fighting through it. They tore through his hoodie exposing a black, chiselled body, few bandages around it. With constant heals from Carol he was energized, bloodlust flowing throughout him. As he smashed through he screamed, feeling the power, blood starting to coat him.

Ace and Retro's reunion was cut short but the violence. The two knew they needed to work together. Time for catching up and apologies was later. Even though Retro felt the tire in his soul he knew to keep going. He made it this far. He wasn't going to let something like exhaustion snuff him out.

Ace and Retro worked together, Ace freezing and Retro melting. Where Ace could he froze Whitty's opponent, allowing for the walking nuke to smash through, throwing ice shards all about the place.

Carol struggled with Annie's infection. She'd never seen anything like it. While magic slowed it, if they stopped even slightly then it would keep spreading. There was something unholy about it.

Along the northwest of the perimeter and her donnas were engaged in a firefight, conserving ammo and keeping the monsters at bay. To them the fight felt divine and just, a battle of fairy kind against true evil.

Seeing Annie, Tess ran to Displo and Smiler, the robotgirl not having many offensive capabilities. "Displo, we can't stop it! What do we do?"

"Keep holding off the infection. Where is S?" Displo replied through the comlink. He was busy with his own calculations, trying to plan out how to kill Tricky.

No response from S.

"J-just keep her strong! And make sure she's awake!" Displo shouted.

At the northern point of the perimeter you, Tabi, Displo and Updike and Smiler were holding off the front. So far you all were doing a good job keeping the monsters at bay. With Tricky still focused on the Family you were worried that once he was done with them the real fight would start. No regard for his own safety Smiler stayed in the battlefield screaming about protecting his TV store and daughter. Whatever the case he was helping.

Displo stood behind everyone. For him he needed to figure out a way to win. Why the hell did the Family even want to resurrect Tricky? The answer had to be there.

That was it! A moment of clarity hit him.

The Family had shock collars, a controlling device. He saw it on Smiler through S' eyes. S saw it on JJ. Legion said he didn't need it when he invaded the data centre.

They seriously thought they could control Tricky. With all the preparations, planning and effort they went through they must have believed a controlled, nerfed Tricky could be under their command.

June 30th. They invited the mayor and police chief over to explain they had a superweapon. A weapon stronger then armies. Maybe they did it to propose it. Maybe they invited them over to show they could rule the city, nay, rule the country.

The Family continued the research of NEXUS and tonight they were going to debut it.

Until the Carnival came. And the Carnival, through its power forced the Family to possibly trigger the Laughing Plan early.

It sounded impossible but Displo knew it to be true. He tried to see beyond the structure in the middle, seeing Daddy rip apart one of the Tricky clones with his bare hands. He still looked confused, unsure as to why he was brought here.

"AHA!" S screamed as he flashed into existance above Tricky in the centre. He held Legion by the neck, the monster clawing at him. He threw Legion right into Tricky, the clown blocking it with his stop sign. Legion, still in a panic slashed at Tricky, cutting through his mask. They toppled over, landing somewhere on the Family's side now engaged in a battle.

"Pft!" S said as he warped to your side. "That guy was a wimp."

Psychic stared intently at Daddy, reading his mind. "What the hell." He muttered. "I can't find anything."

"Oh no." Updike said, hearing Psychic.

After a brutal defeat at the hands of the carnival both Mommy and Daddy decide to activate the Laughing Plan ahead of schedule. They already completed the prep and wished to show the 'brokers' before activating it. With the Carnival sending Mommy to hell, nearly killing Daddy and Psychic off wherever they go to the hangar. Luck was in their favour as the cops and JJ distracted Team Lisp from noticing this fact. Once in the hangar they activate the plan, making a seamless transition to Tricky's dimension.

With Psychic's intel, their own eye witness accounts and people still awake at night it makes it trivially easy to identify everyone's life sign to bring just them to the world.

The Family sends demons after the fleeing groups, either with some kind of extenders to trap them in the world or to try to bring them back alive. They fail but it doesn't matter.

With Tricky under their control they use his power to start summoning everyone to the 'arena'. This way they'll show them what power the Family has now....

But Pompom casts her spell erasing the memories of the demons and the Family. With S' boost it pierces Tricky as well. With no recollection of the Carnival, the Family or anything prior to his own death Tricky goes berserk.

Mommy and Daddy can no longer remember how to control Tricky or the system, the scourge of the city breaks free. Psychic, in a last ditch attempt tried to scan Daddy's memory, finding nothing that could help.

Psychic looked to Updike, aghast. "You've doomed us all." He said monotonly.

"Doomed us?" "We're not the ones who RESURRECTED TRICKY!" He shouted. "Have you lost it!?"

"Then we fight till we die." Psychic said coldly. "He cannot be killed."

While the others kept their distance, Nikusa had no problem getting physical, smashing the clones into dust, using them as weapons, as if she were a bear. Though they clawed and stabbed at her she felt little pain. To her, this was nothing.

Hearing the argument she just looked back and shouted, "Don't be dumb. Everything can be killed."

"Right! Tricky died once. We just do it again." You add.

Psychic laughed, finding everyone's determination comedic. "Yes. When Hank did it. Hank only killed him by being as graphic and ruthless as he. You people are not that. My family is not that. I am not that."

"Well I don't see you suggesting anything!" Tabi shot back, using his hunting knife again. He stabbed through the cross on their faces, slaying the monsters as they appeared.

"It's the improbability drive. That's the source of his power." Displo said. "It's moulded into him."

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Tricky screamed as got a hold on Legion. Disembodied hands held the creature above. Again atop the scrap tower he pulled, tearing Legion in half in a gruesome show. Black innards and a liquid spilled out as Legion merely grimaced.

Tricky threw the split Legion upon the ground, screaming again. "NO HANK! WHERE IS HANK?!" He jumped up and down on the scrap tower, stop sign floating back into his hand. He was pissed now.

Something sharp pierced your shoulder. A glance aside showed a bullet that nearly pierced your armour, purple glow stopping it. Psychic stood nearby, looking at you. He shook his head, saying nothing, though indicating it was he who stopped the bullet. Seeing the source, your eyes go wide. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me." You state, seeing two more figures approaching. Of all the people. The mayor and the...police chief, transfigured and while not apparently possessed by Tricky, not fully human anymore either. Their skin turned purplish, tinted the same was Daddy and Mommy were, red eyes glowing from where they looked from. Armed, they were ready for combat.

Much as a teary reunion, or heartfelt battle where you overcome emotions should have occurred there were far more pressing matters. S flew by, grabbing the mayor out of existance. You had a split second to see S' wide grin flash you before vanishing. He was having a blast.

You drew a gun, freshly reloaded during the chase and open fire on the police chief. Tabi too, took no time to spare and shot at, knowing full well the chief wasn't human anymore. He had it coming anyway, getting in bed with those demons.

Bullet hit him, crumpling to the ground. He grimaced in pain but stood back up. You let loose another bullet and it hits him square in the chest.

"urk." In another gruesome display he was bisected, a single swipe from Tricky. Eyes set on the glowing red holes from his metal mask, Tricky spun his stop sign in your direction.

Tricky's aggro was on the Carnival now.

You raise your gun, trying to psyche yourself up. I stopped S. I can stop him.

He lurched forward, slamming the stop sign into one of the cars where you stood. You step back, shooting his mask, trying to shoot in the holes. No hits, they merely bounced off the face cover.

The Carnival reacted fast. A flurry of glowing green liquid hit Tricky, the clown just barely blocking it. From the side Radi reacted. He may not have had any idea what Tricky was but could sense the danger.

Hands reaching forth, Tabi and Solazar pulled you out of the way, Tabi missing an attempt to stab Tricky's hands. The glowing liquid burned through the sign's metal, reducing the stop sign to a metal pole. It did null to stop Tricky who, using the metal pole jammed forward, landing right into Solazar's gut.

Solazar burned brightly, the temperatures not melting the metal in the slightly. Obtaining Tabi's flamethrower, Hex jumped by, letting it rip loose setting fire to one of Tricky's disembodied hands. His stomach burned, levels of dread unfamiliar to him.

On the ground with Tabi, he shouted. "I-it's a drive right? Can't we just short circuit it?"

"Allow me to try." Allowing the pole to sink deeper into Solazar's energy mass he reached for Tricky's shoulder's flying with him into the scrap tower. Solazar let loose his energy, exploding into a blinding ball of light in the centre.

"DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME!" Legion screamed as the top half crawled at towards you and Tabi, yourselves just getting a bit calmer.

"We got him! Just think about how to win!" Selever shouted, the Lightbringers officially joining the conflict. Ruv jumped forth, landing in front of Tricky.

While she couldn't feel a connection to hell her magic was still ready. Feeding off Selever's own magic she started creating illusions, using them to fend off the horde of Tricky's lost souls. They treated them as real people, slaughtering some and being murdered by others. It provided distraction, allowing for a few others to see the cosmic battle between Tricky and Solazar.

"DAD! BE CAREFUL!" Agoti shouted.

"Kill steal!" S shouted as he darted into the white light, joining Solazar on an eldritch level. A black streak cut through the circle like an eclipse as it morphed to a darker colour.

While the madness soldiers slowed down it didn't last long as a shockwave emitted from the sphere. Forcing everyone back it exploded as Solazar was thrown out, smashing onto of the cars.

"Crap." Tabi muttered.

The sphere turned black, S still inside fighting Tricky.

Gun empty, you draw the police baton, getting ready for combat.

"DAD!" Agoti and Aldryx shouted as they ran up to him, helping him up. "H-he is far strong than I anticipated." Solazar spat as she struggled to get up, a massive gash where his stomach should have been. It was as if no energy flowed there, a gaping hole present on the solarisapien.

"A-are you gonna be okay?" Agoti asked as Aldryx readied his fists and started fighting one of the Tricky clones.

"I just, ugh, need time to recover." Stumbling as he walked, Agoti set his dad down on the ground, the digidevil trembling in fear.

Psychic sighed. He could hear their thoughts, Agoti wanting his dad to be fine, Solazar worried he was seriously injured. He walked up to the solarisapien and put a hand on

He knew they were both energy-based beings. "You owe me." Psychic stated as he knelt down to transfer energy to Solazar.

Tabi glanced over, Psychic hearing those thoughts clearly. Why is he helping us?. He heard Girlfriend cheer on Psychic from a distance.

Eyes back on the sphere you see S as he is launched out of it. He caught himself on the ground, skidding a bit backwards as he growled in anger. "HE WON'T LET ME KILL HIM. MAKES ALL THE RULES." S shouted, gnashing his teeth. "CHEATER!"

A new sound emerged on the battlefield. Gunfire. Not from your side, but from all around. Some of the Tricky clones now armed with automatic weaponry, machine pistols and small arms.

You weren't sure if you moved or the Family moved but your eyes met Daddy's. A brief moment passed as you saw him, the demonic father, looking strangely at you. You swear he either doesn't recognize you or is perplexed why the cop he dragged was present. No time to put two-and-two together he resumes command of his own demons, working to keep himself safe. You think a temporary alliance would benefit though there was no time to even begin negotiating it.

"S!" Botan shouted, finally paying attention to her blackening legs. Though the bandages stopped the bleeding the infection spread,

S warped to her instantly, suddenly wearing a stethoscope and lab coat. "What's the problem? Oh it's that stupid troll thing. Ehn. I can fix you. Let's get to my office." S grinned as both disappeared out of existance.

On the western side of the 'camp', Annie and co were engaged in combat. With guns now involved they had to be more vigilante.

Annie was up now, most of her body turning to dark colour, trollge energy cluttering her mind. Fighting kept her sane, ignoring any gunshot wounds she was accumulating. She had no more liquid and was trying to keep herself sane.

They weren't a good shot but their appearance did up the ante.

Nikku found a new power. Practically being thrust into her full memory she racked her head, now remembering just what she was capable of. Generating stars and energy she shot them forth hitting the enemies at mach speed. They burned bullets as they flew by, Nikku hitting them with increased accuracy.

In the chaos she swore she heard S cheer her on.

Pompom too was energized. She knew she had to be strong. For Annie. And even though Annie was older than her she felt she owed it to her, show her that things weren't so bad. Zardy too, Pompom felt she needed to further prove herself. She couldn't access all the vines but could at least use the few that she pulled up when she took out JJ.

"Beep!" Boyfriend shouted, drawing a microphone. With Girlfriend atop the car they begun their own attack, using music to stop them.

Another duo was active, Huggy and Kapi. Huggy wasn't allowed to hunt anymore. Pompom's dad drilled that in the first time he brought a maimed rabbit indoors. He could forage but going around slaughtering animals was a big NO. Though he hadn't 'hunted' in months this fight reminded him of that. With Kapi giving him full sale to tear and rip as he pleased, the fluffy monster was in a state of ecstasy. And that Kapi was apparently encouraging it give him a sense of righteousness he never felt before. It also allowed him his share of guts to consume, the monster having gotten hungry since the operation started. Jars of preserve just didn't cut it.

It disgusted Kapi to no end but he felt he needed to do something to help. It's what Connor would have done. He didn't like the blood splatters on his fur either, already knowing he would need to wash and possibly bleach his clothing when all this was over.

You look back, Botan standing there. She looked just as focused as before, though a brief glance of her eyes showed a deep black. You weren't sure what S did to her but she was back in action, aiming with exceptional accuracy. Her legs appeared normal.

The sphere in the centre faded, leaving not Tricky but some other kind of being. You recognize it as him, but he changed.

He was larger now, his humanoid body gone. In its place a blinding red fire burned covering where his body once was. The fire even formed two burning cones on each side of his head where his orange hair once hung. He wasn't the same being, now consisting of three appenditures emerging out of the fire. Two large hands, long black claws on each hung, still attached to the fire they still moved freely. His skin turned a burnt colour, further removing any humanity Tricky may have had.

His head, larger now, shone two large white eyes, contorted into a violent look. It was as if he had no skin at all, every muscle line where his eyebrows were visible. His mouth too, every single one of his yellowed sharp teeth were visible into a focused look, not hidden by any gums.

He was a monster through and through and like S did not care to hide it behind any appearances.

"Ew!" Pompom shouted. "What did you do to him?" She asked, the comlink picking up her voice.

Even in an alien subspace, the comlinks still worked, transferring whosever voice it needed.

"They shattered his mortal coil." Psychic said. "It just makes harming him harder."

With Tricky back in the game the clones and lost souls returned, the horde of madness soldiers returning for bloodshed.

"If I could just bring him to MY WORLD. I'd show him true terror." S shouted. He vanished, returning to his 'strike-from-the-dark' method of killing.

They had an idea. Whether or not it was stupid, Boyfriend realized that was what he must do. Girlfriend agreed and, dumbfounded as to what their actual goal was they ran towards Tricky, Boyfriend wielding his microphone and Girlfriend a speaker box. Whatever they were planning you could barely make out them blasting music.

"If they get killed it'll be a net benefit. I don't care." Tabi muttered to you as you shouted to stop them. You would have argued by the presence of more Tricky clones, armed with stop signs was more pressing.

"AH!" Tess shouted as a knife flew by, jamming into her arm. Cutting some wires she lost feeling in her arm. Theo, witnessing it, ran to Tess. Still wearing rubber gloves, it allowed for him to touch the wires. He knelt down beside her. "Just a second dear." He said as he took the knife out and began fiddling with the circuitry.

While it was a good show of force the Carnival was fighting back with, it wasn't enough. There had to be some way to win.

With one final kick, Ruv knocked Legion into the scrap pile. As Ruv turned around, he missed Legion practically reform and charge him.

Landing in-between both of them was Sarventes, launching a barrage of magic beams against Legion. It forced him back. Taking the opportunity, Selever used his own magic to grab Legion and throw him into the Family. Better they deal with it.

Selever was at your side now, trying to get Displo's attention. "If we can't win this maybe we could hide in my void!"

"Even if we could, Tricky is immortal. We cannot outlast him. He must be stopped here." Updike replied.

"Yo!" Whitty said through the comlink. "If everyone could hide there I could detonate, killing him."

"It's not that easy." Solazar interjected.

"Why? Gonna shoot me again?"

"He's right. Tricky's stronger than whatever the hell you even are." Nikusa said icily.

"Geez, alright. Just a suggestion." Whitty said as he resumed his violence.

Somehow, Tricky was speaking(?) to Boyfriend. Or, judging from the incomprehensible grunts each assailant was emitting it appeared they were engaged in some sort of rap battle? There was little time to discern, Boyfriend still in harm's way. Psychic flew to him. Whatever the case it didn't last long as Boyfriend and Girlfriend there were launched back, Tricky having enough of their music.

Ace caught them, using his ice to give them somewhere to land. They got up, looking confused as to what to do next. Finally noticing them, Annie set her sights on them. "Y-You!" Annie screamed as her emotions got the better of her, the infection now rapidly spreading. She didn't care about the corruption, anger replacing the insanity. The two murderers were there now. "WHY DID YOU DO IT! WHY DID YOU KILL GARCELLO!?" She stormed towards them, a few of the Carnival member's unsure if to intervene or not.

"W-what?" Girlfriend asked, perplexed. "We didn't!"

"Y-you were there when he died! Y-You MURDERER!" Before Annie could swing, Hex grabbed her arm. "Not the time or the place!" He pleaded. "We have bigger issues!"

"Your arm!" Girlfriend noticed, nudging Boyfriend. "Beep! Boop!"

"Y-you did?" Annie asked. "F-fine. BUT I WANT TO KNOW WHAT WENT DOWN!"

Girlfriend nodded.

"Hey geniuses!" Rosie shouted in your direction. "Whatever you guys are planning hurry it up! Donnas and I are running low on ammo!"

You look around. Though temperaments were strong, the moment Tricky would start attacking would be the end of it. You silently thank the Family for distracting them.

"Is there no way we can get back?" You heard Aldryx ask.

"Wait, can't we go from Selever's void to Earth?" Sarventes asked through the comlink.

"Space-time doesn't work like that. That's not possible." Nikusa replied.

"Can't you phone home?" You heard Pompom ask Updike.

"I cannot reach my people now. And to get such weaponry to deal with a monster like this...Tricky being here is safer than outside on a rampage."

"Yeah at the expense of us!" Agoti shot back.

Now Playing...

Artist: Abyuse

Song: 8

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD9YjAF-HBo

"I got it!" Nikku said as she ran to Displo and Updike. "Tricky is a transdimensional being. He powers this dimension so if we can get him out we'll be sent back!" While her voice was originally Tess' she was using a different one now, sounding more mature.

"Whoa! When did you get so intelligent?" S commented.

"When I remembered that I am the daughter of Matzushii and Incognimus." Nikku said with a smirk.

Nikusa laughed as she looked to Updike and Solazar. "You tellin' me I've been training Matzushii's child? That's hilarious. I couldn't of thought of a better joke." She looked to Solazar. "You knew?"

He shrugged. "I had no confirmation."

"Yes, yes. Sorry to burst your reunion but that is not possible. Tricky makes all the rules here. We can only leave when he says so." Updike said plainly. "And while our chances of survival are moderate we cannot win this by killing Tricky." Displo added.

"Can we get some assistance here!?" Theo shouted into the comlink. Still working on Tess he felt assailed by the horde, needing some backup as he finished up with Tess. No bots and only armed with a shovel there wasn't much he could do.

"Hm....?" S wondered as he looked at Theo. "Yo Theo. Stand still. Lemme try this." S didn't wait for an answer as he launched into Theo, transfiguring the man. Granted with eldritch powers it gave Theo a dark glow, himself appearing more monstrous as blood started to pour from his eyes, tentacles emerging out of his back. Despite the ghastly appearance he took and distortion now present in his voice he didn't act like it.

"This is remarkable, S! I feel like a young soldier again! Let's have at them!" Theo or S declared.

With the ability to fly, Theo felt like a superman as the shovel followed him, taking a mind of its own as it acted like a trident while he engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the horde.

"S-so what's the plan?" You ask.

"There are 3 ways of getting out of a void. We either kill Tricky, break out of the void or collapse it and have space-time correct us." Nikku said confidently. "I know we can't kill him. And only S is strong enough to break free but he can't bring everyone. So we need to collapse the void."

"W-Won't we die if the void collapses?" Tabi asked, knife currently jammed into one of the horde's heads.

"Shush." Nikusa said curtly. "We'll be fine. Space-time will just teleport us to the nearest point in the previous dimension, so the compound most likely."

Looking up top you see Tricky pointing at the crew, ordering his horde to attack harder. He started to slowly descend from his pile of garbage, ready for a true fight.

Either he was getting more angry or realizing your success. There were way too many dead bodies now, the place starting to turn into a mass grave.

A stop sign smashed onto the hoods of one of the cars. It was held by a lost soul, one with a distorted face, cross on it turned to scribbles. No eyes, the tufts of orange hair on the back indicated these were explicitly Tricky's own crew.

Armed with the baton you block one of the stop signs, Tabi jumping upon your shoulders, using you as a jump-off to slice through the clone above you.

Another one came forward, striking for Displo. Blocked by Nikku's magic, Displo grabbed a rock and smashed it, the fake clown slumping over on the car.

"We got you! Just keep planning!" Radi shouted as he started to hold them back, Aldryx plus the fusion of S and Theo working together. With Tricky on the ground, the four got ready for a showdown.

"I-I I'm not sure how I can-" Nikku said, motioning over you, Tabi, Updike, Displo and Solazar. Selever hung close by, focusing on using his own illusions to distract.

"I get what she means." Nikusa stepped in. "If we can force Tricky out of his void into another point in space-time, like another PU, this void will fade and force us back onto Earth."

Selever gulped, ideas forming in his head of how that could be done.

"Exactly! If we can get him to leave his void we will be able to get back home. Then we can prepare! It will take days before Tricky can come back but we'll be prepared. We send Tricky over a PU."

"A PU? What are you-" Tabi started to say but Nikku waved him quiet, bending down and then drawing something in the dirt.

She drew 5 squares, putting a circle in the leftmost then a star in the next square. "We are here." She pointed to the star. "We're in Tricky's void or parallel universe, PU. He powers this place either from here or home. If he's not in either then his void fades. We send him over one back...." Nikku paused.

"You do realize that isn't how that works?" Solazar said.

"I don't. I never learned cosmic science. Explain it for us." Updike said. Between the fighting and Tricky's screaming he still appeared calm. "What's to stop him from killing the void's owner and jumping-"

Nikku stopped him. "No. Solazar's right. Tricky being one void over isn't enough." Nikku said. She drew a second star in the next square.

"Do we even have a void?" You asked.

Selever hovered by, looking in the now-formed huddle. He sighed. "I-I could do that. Tricky would kill me but I'm not technically supposed to be here. I'm not born yet. Me and my sister. We could hold him off, for I don't know. A-A hour and get out when...well you know?"

"W-what?" Tabi asked.

"Don't worry Tabi." Updike said. "I recall your casefile. So you will have a way out if you do this?" He asked.

Selever nodded.

"Kid's right though. I give him maybe a hour before he's dead. And Tricky's only one space over. It's not enough." Nikusa said.

"W-well we'd need a second void then." Nikku interjected. Much as she felt confident, all this knowledge was still too new.

Tabi shrugged, one of the clowns getting his attention. Knife through where the stomach should be, Tabi sliced through, a stream of red flowing out of it. Killing them was different. Tabi had fought before and seen violence. Even before his transfiguration he was no stranger but when it came to killing those Tricky clones he felt nothing. It was like a routine, just something to do. There was no glory in these deaths.

Tabi looked to the centre. S + Theo, Aldryx and Radi were battling Tricky. Tricky had turned into 4 pieces. A large disembodied head, 2 disembodied hands, massive in their size and with claws, and a piercing red flame that surrounded him. The unholy fusion of S and Theo worked on the flame, speckles of black flickering throughout it. From where the fire was snuffed out, Radi hit with his nuclear fission, as did Aldryx oil and fire.

Tricky didn't appear to be in pain, though it was slowing his approach down. He kept screaming about Hank and how 'everything was wrong'. Confused, Aldryx rationed it that Tricky's own memory was wiped too.

In one fell swoop and a flying stop sign, Radi was flung back, hilt of the stop sign slashing across the fabric of his hoodie's neck. Protected by his armour, it stunned him. Aldryx grabbed him, running back with S and Theo retreating.

"You CHEATER!" A scream startled everyone, the huddle looking to the centre. Legion was back, YET AGAIN and was now engaged in battle with Tricky. Whatever the case, it appeared that the Family threw him back at the clown, the two again engaged in a battle. Tricky started to turn black, the possibility of Legion infecting him starting to happen.

"I'll do it." Nikusa said after a silence. "Me and Selever. We both have access to voids. We'll make the jump with Tricky."

"But he'll kill you." Tabi stated.

Nikusa chuckled. "Worried?"

Solazar eyed Nikusa, a curious look, eyes narrowing. "Why would you do that?"

"Don't worry about what I want. You got a problem I could back out, let Tricky kill you all."

"I don't get it." Displo said. "Tricky gets sent over two squares and his void disappears. This forces us back to Earth. But when he slays Selever and Nikusa their voids will collapse too. Won't he just be sent back to Earth? This will just lose us two allies and "

"I don't get it." Displo said. "Tricky will just kill Selever and Nikusa, come back into his void and then Earth. And you said that if the void collapses we just sent back. If any void collapses won't everyone just be sent back to Earth? We would be dealing with Tricky the moment we returned."

You stayed quiet during this, the very concept of QPUs, parallel universes and voids all too much. Not to mention you were still engaged in combat, emptying clips into the horde.

"PU alignment. Crap." Nikku said.

"Well Selever has a way out. He can survive and come back." Updike said. He looked to Nikusa. She smiled at him, saying nothing.

"Wait. Selever you got a way out! So your void will collapse and space-time will force you..." Nikku drew a circle at the end.

"If Selever's void collapses here." Nikku pointed to the circle. "Tricky won't be able to come back."

"What's the circle mean?" Displo asked.

Nikku took a deep breath. "QPUs, or actual realities are what you and I know as parallel universes. In space-time every 4 of these squares is a QPU. It's like..like, uh-"

"So that 'Earth' is basically like a D-Side to us, or Minus World?" Displo asked.

"Yes! We need to send Tricky over 3 PUs. That puts him on the D-Side or whatever you called it. If Selever's void collapses it forces Tricky into that world.-"

"And to do a full QPU jump would take decades!" Solazar added.

"The drive can only generate so much power! That has to be it!" Displo said.

Nikku looked at Nikusa who at first was perplexed, then smiled. "That's actually really smart kid."

"So just banish him to some other 'Earth'? That seems like a copout. Tricky will wipe them out." Updike said.

"I-I think I remember my mom saying worlds that close are often similar."

"Hmph. Then I suppose they might have a chance of beating him." Updike said.

"We would still need another being to complete the next jump." Solazar said.

"So, we'd need a third jump. How can we-"

"AH!" Theo shouted, returning to normal. He flew into the car, groaning in pain. S was gone...until he wasn't. In a blink he was on top of you, standing above, as you were on the ground.

"Don't even suggest it." S said as he stared at you. "I'M NOT GOING BACK IN THERE!" He shouted. S warped again, you and him both standing up now.

"S-" Nikku stepped forward, stopped by an unseen force.


He stepped forward to you as you flinched back, unsure what was going on. You weren't even intending on suggesting S, much less even thinking of him at the moment. Everyone was just as surprised by the outburst as you. Tabi stepped forward, worried S would do something drastic. It didn't last long as he was forced back too.


Eyes black as they've ever been the red glow in his eyes was piercing. No blood dripped and he looked angry, pissed off.

Thinking on it, he was the only other one on the team you knew capable of 'void-travel'. He could have been the third.

"If it's a problem, S-" You found yourself suddenly unable to speak.




You take another step back. It was as if S was speaking through you. Glancing to the others, they looked worried. Looks of concern on everyone's faces. You try to nod but find yourself unable to move or even breath.


You look to Tabi, the goatman just as confused as you.



S' expression changed to a more mild one. You nearly slump over, a rush of air hitting you as S let go. Tabi grabs you. You weren't sure what that was, unsure who even said yes.

"What the hell was that?" Tabi spat, angrily.

"I can use my void. ME. The kid. The void-queen. We can seal Tricky, do a QPU jump, we'll collapse MY VOID and lock him there." S' whole mannerisms changed, the violent display gone, replaced with strategic thought.

"Course if he builds up enough speed he can jump back but that'll take like a thousand years or something. By then, idk. Throw him into the sun or something."

"A-a-are you sure?" You ask, trembling slightly.

S snickered and looked up. "So long as the promise is kept."

"So this is it then?" Solazar asked.

"Don't make me change my mind Chaos." S chuckled.

Solazar nodded. "Thank you, S." Looking to Nikusa.

"We need some help over here! S!" Pompom shouted. With a nod, S vanished, going over to help the farm girl.

"Continue defending." Nikusa said. "We need to figure out the specifics. Make sure nothing gets to us."

"You go it." Tabi said, getting ready.

With a huddle, Displo, Updike, Selever, Solazar and Nikusa vanished. There was much to discuss, the plan almost set in motion.

Psychic joined you on your front. "That's a smart plan. I don't fully understand it but if you can defeat Tricky I will be most impressed. Even the Family believed he couldn't be defeated."

"Why are you even with the Family? You seem way more grounded them all."

"I have my reasons."

"Why are you even helping us?" Tabi asked. With what he knew about Psychic he didn't understand why this being was even her right now.

"I have an obligation to protect my Family and friends. Right now that means those two and Hex. The others have escaped and Mommy and Daddy can handle themselves."

Just doing it out of duty, you think. Which meant when this ended Psychic would become a threat again.

"Enough thinking. We need to help defend."

Annie's condition had only worsened, body now covered in a black energy. She had knocked Boyfriend aside and was struggling to control herself. Thanks to the horde she was more focused on killing them than dealing with anyone else.

Smiler, that strange axed wielding man was still front and centre, previously helping Huggy and now helping Retro. Smiler's axe, he learned was no ordinary axe and coupled with Retro's acid was boosted, the trollge slicing through them like butter. He'd taken quite a few bullets but ignored the pain, a sense of 'righting-wrongs' powering him. He continuously shouted about his daughter.

Annie, hacking away at the creatures.

Taking a break, Kapi and Huggy stayed back, Huggy with a full belly as he relaxed. Kapi looked around for something to wipe the blood off but with no clothes around just used his hoodie to wipe his face. He helped Theo to safety, helping him sit down.

With Annie on a killing spree, Carol went to work providing support for everyone, healing anyone injured and supporting where she could. Her magic felt limitless, a sense of righteousness boosting her. Sarv helped too, adding more magic to the mix. In the chaos she had learned Carol was an angel and now out of a sense of duty felt it necessary to put 110% in.

While the fight initially started intense things were slowing down, both on yours and Tricky's side. Whether or not he was being overwhelmed or not there were less monsters attacking now. The possibility of Tricky being unable to focus, focusing his attack on the Family or the monsters unable to form in the mass of dead bodies, could not be discerned. Whatever the case, everyone welcomed a slow down. Tricky was a foe that required everyone's' full attention.

You guess it was the bodies. Slaying the madness clones didn't cause them to disintegrate or anything, just slump over. This resulted in the battlefield becoming a graveyard with both sides starting to have trouble manoeuvring it all.

It didn't do much to calm your nerves, tired from all the night's events too. Much as you still didn't like them the Family's attack on Tricky distracted him enough that things could have gone much worse.

Seeing Tricky atop the tower you realize why the horde slowed down. Whatever was going on with Legion and Tricky looked bad, both somehow corrupting each other, hordes glitching out. Some even turned guns on themselves, taking an easier way out. A piercing rumble could be heard across the arena, like a rapid heartbeat.

With a warp back in, the "brains" of the team returned.

Displo wasted no time, addressing you directly.

"Alright, (Y/N). Take these." Displo handed you a series of long glowing blue chains. They felt light and cool to the touch, though also felt organic but hard at the same time. As if they shouldn't exist. Updike noticed your perplexity and answered. "We had Carol and Retro bless them from their own respective dominions. They are a contradiction but it should add to the resistance."

"Nikusa and I created them from solarisapien energy. Coupled with the blessings they should be able to hold him long enough to get him to focus." Solazar said.

"We shall distract the horde. You shall pick 4 people to go out and bind Tricky with these. With Legion and him engaged he is distracted enough."

"I'll cast an illusion of Hank after and well send him to my void first." Selever said. "Then the others."

"And hopefully we'll be sent back." Nikku concluded.

"Chains? You see how fast he moves, how can we even wrap him? And that fire will surely burn us." Tabi said, joining the conversation.

"We don't have time to explain. They're imbued with power, once they have a target they should just wrap. And if not, then well, Psychic can use his mind to do it once your close enough."

"Mhmm." Psychic replied.

With a scream, Tricky and Legion's abomination returned to the top of the tower. Judging by the lack of movement on the other side, the Family were defeated.

"You will all throw at the same time."

"(Y/N). Pick who will go with you. It will be dangerous. We need 4 people. Two for the head. One for each hand. One for Legion."

"Once bound, S, Selever and Nikusa will enter their voids and Tricky's shall collapse."

No time to argue for alternatives you accept Displo's proposal and get choosing.

Looking at the Carnival you already knew who would be coming.

The next chapter will be called Expurgation / Ultimate Showdown.

There's actually been multiple references to Tricky all over the book. Mentioned in one of the first chapters when Geist remarks that the Madness Wars were violent. Theo saw a crude drawing of Madness in the tunnels. Updike mentioned Psychic being a Hofnarr-level abomination (Hofnarr == Tricky) and so on. I think I put another reference in `the 2nd book but I can't remember where or if I even did.

(also if you're aware of Pannenkoek then yes, the PU/QPU is a reference to his work haha)

odaocercreators' thoughts