
Enter “pain in the ass”

J headed to his classroom, went to his seat and realised, he forgot to bring his textbooks, as he got into a scuffle with his bag trying find his book, he forgot that the upcoming lesson is the one where he can't screw up. Mr Bob came in with the oversized dad bod, face filled with pimple scars, nose hair growing out of his nose not well kept and strands of facial hair sticking out on different parts of his face. "Good morning class, i hope you're ready for my lessons today." Mr Bob was a likeable teacher to majority of the students of the faculty but little did people know that Mr Bob picks his students. He will try his best to fail those that he dislikes and even cheat for those who he wants to give A to causing imbalance to the students final results where the dumb ones get the A grade just because the teacher likes them or the smart ones getting a C grade after studying so hard and having to go home to suffer the wrath of their parents. "J, i hope you're ready....to fail." Mr Bob mocked. J was the only student Mr Bob couldn't fail as hard as he tried because his answers are the most similar to the answer sheet and he doesn't have the tendency to make cancellations and mistakes. But since he started school, Mr Bob has been trying his best to fall J.

"Psst! J! Where were you? I was waiting for you at our usual spot! What happened?" whispered Mael. "I got mugged again." J said. "What!? Rye again?" Mael questioned. "That pain in the ass loves to see me in pain, Mael, didn't you know?" J ridiculed. Mael has been J's closest friend since they were kids and what they share was what people want but could not get, everyday during their break time they would get their food and head to the roof to chill till their break ends, they would talk about anything they can and kept no secrets. J would always stand by Mael regardless of the situation and Mael did the same for him. Their only problem is that their jokes knows no boundaries.

The school bell rung, everyone started rampaging past the corridors of the classrooms and headed towards the main gate, J and Mael took their own time and stroll through because they both are lazy and if given a choice, they wouldn't want to head home this early. "Hey Mael, where do you wanna go?" J asked. "I don't know, maybe we should ask your mom." Mael joked. *thud* "ouch! What was that for?" Mael moaned in pain. "I don't know, ask your mom." J said and they both laughed. As usual, they went to the roof and chilled, in a blink of an eye, the sun set and it was night time.

"Wanna head back? It's getting late, I gotta help my dad open his shop in the morning before i head to school." Mael asked. "I forgot the dutiful stepson has so much on his plate because of his other incapacitated siblings, if I open a shop in the future be sure to come too." *thud* Mael punched J on the arm and it went on and they both laughed as usual. On their way back they saw a girl with blonde hair and long legs with eyes so brown, Mael's lustfulness got the best of him and he started going bonkers over that girl. J hit him on the head and started running.

J got home after a long day of school and mom prepared dinner. "Hey! Before you go to sleep, get something to eat , something your dreams will never have." Mom smirked. J ignored what she said and ate. They talk about things J would share with his mother and they both laughed and enjoyed their dinner. As the conversation went on, it led to their father and J asked "how's dad? Did you see him today at the hospital?" "Yeah... but still no signs of waking up..." Mom replied, disappointed.

After dinner, J took a shower and headed to bed. On his bed thinking about what happened to his father and missing how they used to talk over dinner together with his mother. Defeated, he closed his eyes and entered a world of his own.