
Chapter one

Loud noise was heard from the family of Igboamalu, voice of chinedu(the husband)was heard shouting, even the neighbors were confuse saying to each other"how come this newly wedded couple is having this kind of argument, even wants to tear the compound apart. Hmmmm they haven't gone far oh" their compound neighbor complained to her next door neighbor as they went back to there own apartment.

** ** ** **

"Baby calm down, it was just a mistake, i didn't plan for this to happen" iruoma begged her husband to calm his rage down but the husband refused.

"Don't tell me to calm down, this is tiring. How can you be out of your senses, how many times have we talked about these"he said pointing to he's wife's stomach."just look at how....." Trying to push out words in anger, when iruoma covered he's mouth with her palm

"Do you want to let the world know what's happening in our lives? Calm down dear" rubbing her husband's palm"i know its my fault, yes I have to accept the blame but it was not my intentions for this to happen"she took a deep breathe and continue"maybe... Maybe God does not want it the way you desire" she continue carressing her husband's palm with her soft hands but the husband withdrew his hands from hers but she kept talking, hoping he will understood everything" honey we need to take in this one. I can't...." Chinedu cuts in.

"No!" She drew closer, trying to make him understood her reasons as she tries to placed her head on her husband shoulder.

"Baby come on, let's start with this one please" she whispered, suddenly chinedu stood up, facing her with an angry look.

"We're not starting with this!" He scratched his head in pain and grinned his face"come on!how many times will I hit this words on you. See I'm not ready for any child, so you better remove this thing in your womb"said while looking away.

"Oh God! You called what you put in me a thing? Can you just hear your self out?. Where is your manner chinedu! Hah! "She stood up pacing up and down"how many times will I take out our child , just for you to be happy" she moved to hold his hands as she was trying hard to hold back her tears."baby not once...." she now sat on the couch as what she was telling her husband proves abortive and tears flowed down on her red cheeks."baby why can't you accept this one, is it not your child?why are you suffering our future and me as well..... Baby...."he cuts in.

"Please don't baby me, please. And please don't make me feel guilty of what I know nothing about..... Woman so you don't know what to do to yourself? Oh you expect me to tell you everything? Can't we decide something and keep our promise!" Was fuming in anger

"But you were the one that planted it on me"

"Where is your sense!" Iruoma was there moping like a statue"so you don't know what your fellow ladies do?" He speaks with rage. like he was definitely boiling in anger

"So you want me, a married woman to be taking drugs to wash off? God! I'm beginning to think that you married me here to make money for you not to bear children and raise it with you" she said pointing at him

"What? What nonsense!" Looking away, seems he was short of words

"O yes! Defend it" looking over to him,to defend back but he looked away arranging his files into his briefcase to leave for work. Iruoma looked through the window, seeing the neighbors taking their kids to school"you don't need these?" She turned to him " If you keep doing this, then when are you going to be ready for kids. Tell me" waiting for an answer

"Eh--- eh---" he stammered"is not that I'm not ready for kids but we need to be financially buoyant before buying the idea of kids in our home. Don't you understand my plans?" He moved and held his wife.

"But we have little of it, that can make up a big family. We can manage as well"she caressed her husband palm"you know I'm not a lazy type. I work, i contribute for the progress of the family. So tell me how can the kids lack" she drew closer to kiss the tips of his fingers

"But.....Baby we need to make more to cover up expenses" he points to himself"i need to make more dear. I need my kids to live a wonderful life. See i want them to tour around the world... Those families that does these, are there heads better than mine eh. Dear just relax, i know my plans. Just do this last one, i promise you that it wont happen again okay?" He says as he pecked her on her wet cheek.

"You want me to do this huh, what of your mother, will she consider your decision?"looking at her husband

"Yes i discussed the issues to her and she understood everything, so there's nothing to worry about" he assured her

"Baby i can't do this, i can't hurt our kid. Please lets accept our fate" she begs. He hissed and stood up to leave

"You better take this thing off from my sight, unless you want to go to your mother's house and suffer it alone. But just have it in mind. This thing is not mine, because i can never accept this kind of fate". He slams the door.....
