
Gatorfolk? (edited x3)

(*I made a slight change to Bruce's body transformation*)

"Let's go and take a look." saying he quickly runs with Nojiko towards the sound of the explosion. When Alexander and Nojiko left the bar, they saw over a hundred pirates coming towards the bar, and when the pirates got a few meters from Alexander, and Nojiko the pirates stopped.

"Oh, what do we have here, one handsome young man and a lovely little flower." a rough and raspy voice came from behind the pirates it wasn't before the pirates made way for the man you could finally get a clear look at the person before them.

A muscular 2 meters tall man with a decent yet rough looking face that didn't look that ugly compared to all the other pirate captains you usually hear about he's shirtless with just some loose karate pants came forward.

"Oh, my apologies, I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself, my name is Bruce, but the call me Bruce "The Alligator Man"."

"Now that I get a closer look at you boy, I think I have seen your face on a wanted poster before, and if my memories don't deceive, me I think they call you "Golden Eagle"." he said with seemingly no bad intentions that you could read from his face. Alexander, hearing his nickname he didn't get angry this time as he finally seemed to get used to it.

"Yes, captain, that's the birdman with 200m+ bounty that destroyed all those warships in Enies Lobby and slaughter Commodore Yarisugi." a noisy pirate said with pride when he helped his captain.

"Hm, that's quite remarkable for someone that recently just started, but sadly it will end here as you have been killing a few pirates that belonged to my crew, and I can't look away when someone is destroying my reputation." Bruce said with anger finally showing on his face.

"Your boss?" hearing that Alexander showed slight curiosity as he wanted to find out who, but it seemed like that wouldn't happen.

"It would seem that I slipped my tongue a little bit but don't, worry you won't be alive enough to get your question asked." after he said, that he finally moved but and teleported behind Alexander but Alexander was well prepared, and Alexander had his Future Sight, so he saw Bruce's leg coming towards his head from his left.

Alexander firmly grabbing on to Bruce's leg with his hand, Bruce for a moment showed slight shock before returning to normal as Bruce was the kind of person that would never underestimate his opponent as even the kindest looking person could be a wolf in sheep's clothing, so with his leg grabbed on to Bruce quickly rotated his body to use his other leg to attack again

Unfortunately, it didn't work as he had planned because Alexander saw that incoming and easily dodged the attack by slightly tilting his head away from the kick.

After dodging the second attack he took his other hand and grabbed on to the other leg and then push his strength to slam his back on the ground when Bruce hit the ground it created a small crater, and he coughed a small amount of blood. Bruce got back up again without any difficulty, wiped the small amounts of blood trailing down from his mouth, and rushed back to attack Alexander again with even more ferocity.

His men just watched the battle with calm expressions on their faces even with their boss seemingly losing the fight, Nojiko seeing that she got this weird feeling like something isn't as it should be, and It wasn't until a voice woke her up from her thoughts.

"Nojiko, I need you to do something for me, and I know it might be tough, but I believe you can do it." Alexander told her, but when she heard what he wanted her to do, so she looked towards the group of over 100 pirates in slight horror, not that they terrified her but more that Nojiko didn't know if she could handle that number all by herself.

"But..I.." she couldn't finish her sentence before Alexander said something to her again. "I need you to do this, and we can't let them escape when the tables turn." one of the pirates said loudly.

"You heard, that guys she will TAKE CARE OF US." the other pirates, hearing that started laughing as if that was the funniest joke ever. Sure they might have been scared shitless if Alexander were the one that would do it, but it was that man's girlfriend what was there to be scared off.

Nojiko didn't bother listening to them and just wanted to try and calm down, so she closed her eyes for a moment but for her, it felt like a few minutes. Finally, opening her, eyes Nojiko dashed towards them with a cold and indifference, and the pirates didn't even notice that she had already begun.

It wasn't until she was a breath away from the nearest pirate even when he sensed that something didn't seem, right it was already too late as Nojiko had already activated Armament Haki that covered the upper half of her body and punched him, sending him flying back and taking down the pirates behind him like bowling pins.

When the rest of the pirates finally noticed what had, happened they immediately turned towards the source of this, and when they noticed the girl that they had made fun of being in front of them and had casually taken down one-fifth of the pirates.

Seeing that Nojiko was covered, in Armament Haki made them take a cold breath in fear someone couldn't take a woman scaring him, so he shouted.

"Are you guys going to get taking down by this girl? Or are you going to fight as I believe we have the numbers to take down this girl even if she has Haki." All the pirates that heard him roared and charged towards Nojiko.

When Nojiko, for the first, time defended an attack from one of the pirates with Armament Haki, she noticed that she didn't feel anything there was like the punch didn't even connect.

Alexander, seeing that it looked like she could handle it by herself, Alexander now fully started to focus on Bruce, and Bruce himself had noticed that his opponent had not been 100% in their fight and got even more furious.

"I have enough of this!?!?" Bruce furious roared as his skin became a dark shade of green and his body expanded at an alarming rate reaching a little more than 6 meters in length his breath was that of 2 bodybuilders his muscles just on his arm were triple the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger at his prime with a large 2-meter long reptilian tail growing on from his back.

Alexander finally knew why they called Bruce "The Alligator" because right now was this massive gatorfolk Alexander only seen in fantasy games.

This might not exactly what I wrote by I could still remember bits and pieces from the last thing so I had to just improvise the rest of it.

So I hope you like it?!?!? :D

StrayGodcreators' thoughts