
You kidding me?

"I have enough of this!?!?" Bruce furious roared as his skin became a dark shade of green and his body expanded at an alarming rate reaching a little more than 6 meters in length his breath was that of 2 bodybuilders his muscles just on his arm were triple the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger at his prime with a large 2-meter long reptilian tail growing on from his back.

Alexander finally knew why they called Bruce "The Alligator" because right now was this massive gatorfolk Alexander only seen in fantasy games.

'That can't be a common alligator as a Zoan Type wouldn't have made him this big with a regular alligator type, so this must be something similar as an alligator but much, much older and seemingly a lot stronger.'

"I have sacrificed blood, sweat, and tears into getting this fruit I have slaughtered just to earn this." he roared as his angered peak as it seemed that when he used his Devil Fruit brought furth some unpleasant memories.

When Bruce's transformation ended, he rushed towards Alexander, and the speed he used was almost three times his former speed that alone was fast enough to make unable to predict his movements at all, even with his massive size.

Bruce instantly appeared behind Alexander, and when Alexander tried to defend himself from the impending danger that he sensed coming from Bruce's fist that fastly approached him with tremendous force.

Alexander quickly activated his Armament Haki as he didn't want to chance upon if he would get severely hurt or not from the attack.

When the fist landed on the side of the arm that he used to defend against Bruce's attack as it connected a small shockwave and even with his Armament Haki.

Alexander still felt the punch as he finally understood just how much this Bruce's Zoan Type Devil Fruit increased his standard capabilities because even with his Armament Haki that punch hit him hard.

But Bruce wouldn't let it end with just one punch, so he unleashed a barrage of blows, and Alexander couldn't let this continue, so he activated his Vibration Haki.

He often trained his Vibration Haki to dampen the force of attacks, so when he used the Vibration Haki to defend against Bruce's blows, now it had reduced both the pain and the damage by at least half, so they still hurt a lot.

Alexander had never told Rayleigh that when they had their serious battle recently that when they clashed fist with each other, Alexander had almost completely shattered his arm even with his Armament Haki and the Vibrations reducing the impact.

When Alexander fought, back every hit Bruce took didn't seem to hurt him at all from what he could see, Alexander couldn't imagine what would have happened if he knew Haki.

Seeing that he couldn't do inflict any severe damage on Bruce, he activated his Vibration Haki to end this.

So after activating it, a heavy vibrating aura coated his arms, and he used everything he had to send his most powerful punch, not thinking of how much damage that one fist could do.

Bruce usually was cautious, but when he used his Devil Fruit, he got fully possessed by his bloodthirst wanted to kill Alexander, and all these thoughts clouded his mind, not allowing him to think for himself.

So the only thing that helped him defend himself from Alexander's attack was his beastly instincts, but even with his instincts, he wasn't fast enough to block the attack, so he had to take the blow head-on.

All that force that came from Alexander's fist landed right in the middle of Bruce's chest that sent him flying.

Bruce flew into a few trees before he got back on his feet, and thanks to the severe internal damage he had taken from Alexander, he had finally gotten out of his bloodthirst, for the time being, allowing him to think clearly.

'It would seem like I'm not getting out of this alive with my internal injuries, and even with my super regeneration, I won't be able to get back to shape fast enough. All I can do is to reveal my final trump card that boss sent all the captains.' thinking that he resolutely took out a bunch of red and blue checker design ovular shaped pills and swallow all of them at the same time.

When Alexander saw those pills, he instantly got reminded of one person Luffy defeated at Fish-Man Island called Hody Jones that had used similar-looking pills called Energy Steriods or ES that could enhance one's strength by two folds per pill as well increase the muscle mass of the user and it was said that the pills were very rare so rare that they were national treasures.

But seeing them right in front of him, he thought that everyone might have been wrong that they weren't that rare as they thought, so seeing those drugs, he finally got something he had to ask Bruce.

After taking those drugs, Bruce's body grew even bigger from his earlier 6 meters to almost 7 meters, Bruce's eyes grew bloodshot red.

The monster before wasn't something he could take on with just his normal abilities, seeing that he had no other choice than to use his, Beys he didn't hesitate anymore quickly shoot out Variares.

Without saying anything more, he told Variares to attack Bruce quickly while his transformation seemed to be still ongoing as this might be a battle for life and death, there's no honor to keep.

Alexander had finally begun to understand that if killing these people was needed to stay with Nojiko, so why would he wait for Bruce to finish his transformation and increase the chances of his death?.

Sorry for the late chapter :D

I hope you like it!

StrayGodcreators' thoughts