
One Piece: Transmigrated as Rob Lucci

A random soul from Earth is transmigrated in to the body of Rob Lucci after his defeat in Enies Lobby. Armed with a new Devil Fruit and knowledge about what is to come, he is determined to make his way to the top! Watch him as he ascends from a discarded and disgraced agent of W.G. to the seat of an emperor of the sea! Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit - Human Human Fruit Model:Absalom ``the Life God`` (A.K.A. Vampire God) An evolved version of the non-cannon vampire fruit, similar to how magma fruit is for the fire fruit.

Kaydo_XD · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Scarlet Down Guild formation!

"Two debts, huh? Tell me boy what do you want in exchange for releasing me, don't beat around the bush any longer, or I'll get mad!" Answered Bullet.

"Straight to the point, I see, my goal is to recruit you." Said Lucci.

"Hahaha haha, do you-..." Said Bullet, but was interrupted by Lucci as he continued.

"I know already that it is impossible to invite you in my crew, especially with my current strength, but I'm not talking about that. I want to make a new type of organization known as a guild. The guild will be a leaderless organization, all the parties involved are free to do their own thing, the only rule is to not fight with another member of the guild when there is a disagreement between two parties it will be resolved by tossing a coin and any decisions within the guild will be made with the agreement of all the parties involved. You can use the guild as a channel to get or sell things from information to objects, and you can even post missions in the guild for other members to do if you don't have time." Explain Lucci combining the concept of Phantom Troupe from HxH with the one of a guild from Fairy Tail.

Bullet listen to his explanation and he did not have any reason to refuse joining it, so far so without wasting any more time he started to answer Lucci.

"A guild, huh, sound interesting and as long as it allows me to fight I agree. Then what about your second demand brat?" Said Bullet while smiling.

"I want you to train us after the war is over for the next two years to the best of your abilities, but don't worry, you will not lose any of your lifespan!" Said Lucci to the giant directly.

"Huh, train you?" Bullet did not expect this sort of demand and was quite unsure by what he mean when he said he will not lose any lifespan.

"You see soon after this war there will be another war unlike any other you have seen a war that is going to make the very world burn in flames, and I don't want to be caught unprepared and die, so I need to get stronger much, much stronger and that it's where you come in as for the lifespan thing i guess I'll show you how it works on our next member of the guild." Said Lucci as he headed straight to Redfield.

"You were listening, right? So you should know that I'm not lying thanks to your special haki so do you want to join us? Of course under the same conditions as Bullet, I bring you out and back to your top shape, and you agree to the same two demands as him." Said Lucci.

"Why me?" Asked Redfield curiously.

"Because you are a legend unlike any other, what Roger and Whitebeard have done together with their pirate crews you did all alone. I respect that, I can even say I'm a fan of yours, even through I just became a pirate not long ago." Said Lucci honestly, as lying to him would be a bad idea since he can easily tell.

As he said that, he comes back to where his crew was watching from and look the two prisoners again for confirmation, to which both answered at the same time.

"I agree, brat, let me out of here!" Said Bullet.

"Same for me too!" Added Redfield.

"Wonderful, I welcome you two as the first two members of Scarlet Down Guild, I hope we get along!" Said Lucci as he signaled Galdino to open the cell doors together with their locks. As, Lucci, came face to face with them, put his hands on their shoulders, crimson energy moving it to their bodies. As Bullet body healed almost instantly and Redfield's started to become younger and younger by the minute till he reached an age around 38 years old when he was at his peak of his strength.

"Hahahaha... finally I'm back!!! Kong, just wait, this time I'll beat you!" Said an excited Redfield.

"A war, I can't wait!" Also added Bullet.

Meanwhile, as the two celebrated their release, Lucci approached the Straw Hats, who were still thinking what to do next.

"Straw Hat, it seems that your brother has been taken in advance he should be on his way to Marineford right now, so I suggest getting out of here as fast as possible because the wardens have almost closed the ways out from level five. Your current best bet now is going to Marineford to participate in the war between Whitebeard and the marines, but if you want to make an actual difference, I suggest we recruit some temporary allies from here." Said Lucci.

"Ehhhh, pigeon guy, are you coming with us to save Ace!?" Said Luffy, stunned by what he heard.

'How can I miss this kind of battle, it is the perfect place to stack up on life force with all those people that will be dying there, not to mention Ace death was really a sad moment in the series that I really want to change. Also, Tsuru's granddaughter should also be watching the war together with Koby her fruit would be perfect for Sadi. Now that I think about it, how could I make Domino and Sadi join us... I wander... ah, yes, I could do that even if it is pretty cruel...' Thought Lucci in silence before answering.

"One of our next goals happens to be the war, we plan to use it to make a greater name for ourselves and have my crew get some experience in this battlefield." Said Lucci hiding his purpose to some extent.

"Ah, pigeon guy, you are a nice guy after all!!! Thank you!" Said Luffy, to which he got greeted with some flying blood weapons which he barely dodged, reminding him not to jock with him.

Not long after, they released also Crocodile due to Ivankov advice, who assured them that he will be a good ``boy`` and not make the same mistakes again. Ivankov even told Vivi the secret between the two, so she could also keep him in check if he ever comes any closer to Arabasta to lessen her resistance to the idea.

Soon a team unlike any other was formed into the lower level of Impel Down which include two former Warlords, two Supernovas pirate groups, two figures who stand at the top of the sea in terms of power and even a main member of the Revolutionary Army. Such match up could freely go anywhere in the sea undisturbed.

As they also got up the stairs towards level 5 they were greeted by the might of Impel Down as Magellan used his most powerful attack to wipe them all out but Lucci was also ready as he walked into the level already in his hybrid from together with his blood armor and conjured huge amounts of blood from which giant dragon heads took form and slammed right in to his hydra heads made of his venom.

~~ Crimson Judgement~~  Said Lucci as the rest of the group watched the impressive display of power.

The two attacks neutralized each other, leaving behind a huge amount of blood filled with venom, a very unlikely combination.

"This is the end of the line for you filthy pirates, no one will escape from here while I'm on duty!"

"Blueno, you and the rest go and execute the plan, don't linger here, Kaku must be already waiting." Commanded Lucci calmly.

"Yes, captain!" Replied Blueno as he opened a door in the air, allowing all the Blood Moons beside Lucci to enter, thus disappearing from the battlefield.

"Get out of our way old man, we need to go and save Ace, we can't stay here any longer!" Said Luffy.

"Do you think this is a place where you could come and go as you please?" Said an angered Magellan as a giant made of venom started to be formed behind him, ready to crush them all. But Lucci did not let such a thing happened as his body started to grow bigger together with his armor transforming in to a giant bat fully covered by his blood armor. 

The two titanic forms then clashed, small amounts of venom even passing through Lucci's armor poisoning him only for it to be cured by his regeneration transforming in to a never ending destructive cycle.

As this was happening, the two other members of Scarlet Down guild were watching since there was no enemy worthy for them to fight, so they went ahead to deal with the marines that stand guard outside the prison, leaving the fight to the young people. Lord Buggy however managed somehow to slip by everyone and fallow Bullet and Redfield to the upper levels no doubt to start his legend while making the best of this situation, leaving behind Ivankov, Crocodile, Jimbei and the Straw Hats to deal with the high level personal among the wardens.

Soon enough, everyone opponents were established as Ivankov was left to deal with Sadi, Jimbei picked one of the Jailer Beasts, Crocodile another beast, Luffy the third and finally Zoro the last of the Jailer Beasts leaving the rest of the straw hats to deal with Domino, Saldeath and Hannyabal.