
One Piece: Transmigrated as Rob Lucci

A random soul from Earth is transmigrated in to the body of Rob Lucci after his defeat in Enies Lobby. Armed with a new Devil Fruit and knowledge about what is to come, he is determined to make his way to the top! Watch him as he ascends from a discarded and disgraced agent of W.G. to the seat of an emperor of the sea! Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit - Human Human Fruit Model:Absalom ``the Life God`` (A.K.A. Vampire God) An evolved version of the non-cannon vampire fruit, similar to how magma fruit is for the fire fruit.

Kaydo_XD · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Rob Lucci vs Shiki

As the two fighter faced each other, the rest of the crewmates from Shiki side who were still standing inside the room also got their weapons out and got ready to attack the intruder without any mercy.

Lucci took a look around with his observation haki to see their positions and quickly after the red mist that was surrounding him started to rise up, solidifying in to a big ball of blood. As some of the fighters were already getting close to him, a multitude of small needles shaped projectiles started to shoot out of the ball in every direction, raining down on the pirates from Shiki side.

~~ Bloody Rain ~~ Said Lucci with a grim voice as the needles already piercing through most of the people around. As they were falling down, their blood started to leak from their wounds, adding to the already existent puddle of blood on the floor.

"Huh... this has become rather gory, don't you think, Shiki ?" Asked Lucci in a sarcastic manner.

"You damn brat will pay for this with your damn life !!!" scream Shiki as he used his power to form a stone lion which was mean to throw Lucci out of the building, but before it could reach him he still got time to uses his power again.

~~ Blood Tendrils ~~ Said Lucci as tendrils made of blood come out of his back and connected themselves to the bodies left around.

~~ Life Drain ~~ Added as he absorbed everything inside the room be it blood or body, all the gory scene vanished before Shiki earth lion throw him out flying resulting in him colliding with a mountain in the distance.

As the two main fighters moved outside to continue their battle, inside the door dimension, Kaku and Blueno were astonished at the new powers Luccis displayed. After just a few seconds of staying in place dumbfounded, they come back to their senses and quickly fallowed the two fighters outside.

*Life drain is a skill of Lucci that specializes in extracting the lifespan of the victim. Most of the time he can only use it by pricing his fangs in the victim or by doing the same with his blade like nails. But this time the recipients of this skill were dying people, so he could do it from the distance, after all there was no resistance. And the said lifespan can be used to make himself or others younger, but also be stored and used as energy/stamina in a fight. Allowing him to regenerate faster or fight for a longer period of time than he would be normally capable of. Also, most of his skills will be the result of combining his Devil Fruit with haki or the six styles!(example echolocation + observation haki, but the name remains echolocation for when used)*

... Outside the main building...

In the middle of his flight and before he smashed in to the mountain, Lucci's body started to change slightly. Most differences can be seen on his face as he went from a look of a twenty-eight years old to one of a twenty years old one! But most people will hardly notice unless put the two looks side by side.


A loud boom resounded on the island as Lucci collided with the hard rock, but surprisingly even if embedded on the side of the mountain he still looks rather unfazed by the whole ordeal. His body, not long after, started to slowly turn red and liquify turning the entire body in to a pool of blood that fell down and then started to quickly come together reforming his body beside the rock totally unharmed.

Next, the Golden Lion, Shiki appeared above him looking down with an angry face as blood veins started to bulge all over his face denoting his anger.

"Now let's finally deal with you insect, I'm going to squash you without mercy for what you did !" said as earth around him started to shift causing multiple tremors to happen as he's creating multiple lion like heads from the earth around that plunged at him at fast speeds. 

"Heh… Just give up and accept your fate, Golden Lion! You should know better than anyone that without haki you stand no chance in defeating me! Stop resisting and surrender, do so, and I'll grant you a quick and painless death!" Said Lucci as he rapidly moved his wings to get out of the would be rock waterfall he was put in the middle of.

As he moved upwards to the only free space he could find as all around him rock lions were bearing their fangs at him... Another much bigger lion appeared above, closing his only way out, and enclosing him in the middle of the rocks.

"Hahaha... I got you now, brat!" Said Shiki with a smug voice.

~~Rock Coffin~~ Also, he continued as the rock that enclose Lucci started to twist and turn, making sure that whatever it's trapped inside is done for.

But before he could continue laughing, a crimson flash showed up behind him and from a red mist a figure appeared with his wings, now, fully open glaring straight at him.

~~Crimson Steps ~~ *A short range teleportation move.*

"DAMN YOU" Said Shiki as he flew at Lucci side slashing at him restlessly.

 Lucci din not shy away from the challenge and immediately used his knife like nails to retaliate, what soon fallowed was a rapid exchange between the two.

But not long after the exchange started Lucci managed to take over the flow of the battle using his teleportation power in rapid succession to deliver some critical hits to the old lion. Blood soon started to appear all over Shiki body from his wounds, which Lucci used to his advantage, controlling it to slow down, Shiki, movements. And, soon, the balance of the battle tilted in Lucci favor even more, prompting the old lion to become desperate and start looking for ways to escape.

Unfortunately for Shiki, Lucci's speed in the air far outclassed him, making it impossible for him to do so.


Using the last amount of his power, he controlled a large amount of seawater that was floating around the island to create a big wave, trying to engulf him in a last attempt to win.

Lucci reciprocate using his power to create a large amount of hardened blood to create an array of weapons behind him, coating them with armament, haki then launching them at him rapidly.

The last clash ended as Shiki fell to the ground, barely hanging on to his life. On the other side Lucci was also full of wounds, having been crushed by a seawater wave but thanks to his Devil Fruit he was already in the process of being healed.

Lucci then slowly walk to his enemy side as right beside him a door materialized in the air from which two persons come out, they were Blueno and Kaku. Amazement was still present on their faces as they waited for their captain to say something.

 "This fight is over, Kaku, be ready to take control over the islands!" Said Lucci as he used his ability to extract Shiki Devil Fruit. 

With the stress brought by the fruit extraction, the last spark of life inside Shiki's body vanished, and so a legend who used to be at the top of the sea died just like that. 

Kaku fallowed his captain order and for a second time has eaten the most disgusting food in the whole world. 

After Kaku took over the islands, the three of them returned to the damaged base to assess the damage brought by the fight.

"Hey, Lucci, what are we going to do with this place, it will take some time if you want me to move it all the way to the Grand Line. " Said Kaku. 

"I know, me and Blueno will go back first to meet the others as we have another destination we need to get, meanwhile you'll have to bring the archipelago above Impel Down." Said Lucci getting a confuse look from the two.

"Impel Down !? Why are we going to do there, Lucci?" Asked Blueno.

"You will know everything at the right time." Replied Lucci.

With a plan in mind, they got to work, but not before Lucci took this chance to have a little discussion with Blueno about the uses of his fruit. He tried to introduce him the idea of making use of his power to create a space gate between two places, an idea that intrigued him as he never thought of opening a door in to space itself. He only ever gone as far as to open a door in the air, creating his door dimension.

Lucci then transformed to his giant bat form and took flight together with Blueno.

'This journey ended up in a with a big victory for my crew, now we have money, a base, and a boat it is a shame that I can' t bring it with me just yet. '

This time around, Lucci decided to take a path that would pass via the kingdoms of Arabasta and Sakura, unable to resist the temptation of at least seeing those unique places.