
One Piece: The World's Worst Villain

Thrust into the world of One Piece following an unexpected death, Daniel, a man from the 21st-century, becomes equipped with gifts. Using his deep knowledge of this world, he embarks on an unusual journey. Rather than seeking to be a hero, he chooses a darker path, aspiring to become the most despicable villain this world has ever seen. His intentions are far from ordinary villainous ambitions. Daniel seeks to utterly dismantle the existing structures, wreaking havoc on the World Government, sowing corruption within the Marines, and laying low the mighty Yonko. With his cunning manipulation and fostering of chaos, he establishes a nefarious underworld empire, destabilizing the world's balance. As he dives deeper into his dark ambitions, Daniel encounters various characters from the One Piece universe. These encounters lead to manipulated alliances and fierce rivalries, enhancing his reputation as a figure of dread.

John_Lock_9498 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter 3: 'Celestial Prodigy Program'

As the reality of officially joining the navy, which necessitated a trip to the Navy Headquarters, sank in, Daniel found himself reflecting on his recent conversation with the lieutenant.

"A new family, huh..." Daniel mused aloud, a soft smile playing on his lips as he dismissed the thought. For someone with his insights, knowing too well the darker side of the Navy and the shady World Government pulling the strings behind the scenes, it was an impossibility. He was all too familiar with the grim realities portrayed in the anime he had been so fond of in his previous life.

"None of that matters now," Daniel conceded, standing up from his cherished chair within the confines of his spacious room. He flexed his robust, finely-tuned physique, a smirk tugging at his lips. "I'm but a small player in the grand scheme of things. My journey is just beginning."

With his mind set on his path, Daniel headed out of his room, moving along the busy corridor filled with soldiers bustling about their tasks. He made his way to the massive double doors at the end of the corridor, which led to Lieutenant Drake's office. After a gentle knock and a gruff invitation to enter, he pushed open the doors, greeting the lieutenant with an easy smile.

"Lieutenant Drake, you seem in high spirits today," Daniel observed casually, making his way over to a chair positioned across the formidable desk behind which the burly Lieutenant Drake sat.

"Have you made all the necessary preparations for your enrollment, Daniel?" the lieutenant inquired. Daniel confirmed with a nod and a smirk.

"Is my preparation the sole reason for this summon, Lieutenant Drake?" Daniel asked. He knew the lieutenant to be a man of few words, one who wouldn't call him into his office for a matter as trivial as this. Daniel had been called to the lieutenant's office less than a dozen times during his year at the base.

"No, there is something else," Lieutenant Drake admitted, clearing his throat before he continued in a powerful, resonating voice. "Your case isn't ordinary, Daniel. Your potential is beyond any recruit I've seen. A typical enrollment process wouldn't do you justice. I propose an alternative."

With that, Lieutenant Drake pulled out a document from under the desk and slid it across to Daniel. "This is an agreement letter for the 'Celestial Prodigy Corps'. A program designed for elite recruits, backed and valued by the Navy HQ. If you sign it, you're in."

Daniel was already familiar with the 'Celestial Prodigy Corps'. It was a program backed by the world government, flush with resources, likely due to its association with the 'Celestial Dragons'. Despite its political undertones, Daniel didn't hesitate to sign the document. Even if the program aimed to foster loyalty to the Celestial Dragons, its vast resources were unrivaled.

"Good. I'll relay this to the HQ. A warship will arrive in a week to escort you," Lieutenant Drake announced, picking up the signed agreement. His deep voice echoed with the promise of new beginnings.

"I trust you'll excel in the 'Celestial Prodigy Corps', Daniel. You have great potential." The lieutenant's warm smile was met with an appreciative grin from Daniel. They shook hands, reinforcing a mutual respect.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. I'll strive not to let you down," Daniel pledged. He exited the office, the echo of respectful greetings from the soldiers in the corridor accompanying his stride.

"Celestial Prodigy Corps..." Daniel echoed the name under his breath, his thoughts returning to the enigmatic Lieutenant Drake. The lieutenant's competence far exceeded that of an average East Blue base commander. His direct contact with senior officers at Navy HQ suggested significant authority and importance within the navy.

"Could he be part of 'that' group within the navy?" Daniel pondered aloud, a smirk gracing his lips. Whatever the case, he had a week to prepare for the arrival of the warship from the Navy HQ, a week before his life took a dramatic turn towards a future teeming with unknown challenges and adventures.

As the days ticked by, Daniel's anticipation grew. He had already finalized the last of his preparations, and all that was left was to board the Navy warship when it arrived. The quiet routine of life in the base had grown all too familiar to him, and the prospect of diving into the unknown was both terrifying and exhilarating.

In the evenings, he would find himself standing on his balcony, overlooking the vast stretch of the navy base, lost in thought. He would watch as the golden sunset gave way to the cool blues of twilight, reflecting on his past year, the knowledge he had amassed, the strength he had gained, and the relationships he had built.

One such evening, as he was engrossed in his contemplation, he heard a knock on his door. The quiet voice of Petty Officer Samuels echoed from the other side, "Daniel, are you free?"

"Come on in, Samuels," Daniel invited, turning away from the breathtaking view. Petty Officer Samuels was one of the people he'd gotten quite close to during his time at the base.

Samuels entered, offering Daniel a respectful salute before settling into a chair. He looked around the room, still amazed by its extravagance - a luxury reserved for officers, not ordinary soldiers.

"Getting a bit nervous?" Samuels asked, breaking the silence.

"To be honest, yes," Daniel confessed, rubbing his neck in mild unease. "It's a whole new world out there, Samuels. I've barely scratched the surface."

"True, but you've got more potential than anyone I've ever seen," Samuels reassured him, a genuine smile on his face. "If anyone can make it, it's you, Daniel."

The conversation continued into the night. They talked about everything - from their training days to life's broader questions. The camaraderie they shared was a comfort to Daniel. As the moon cast a silver glow across the base, the friends finally bid each other goodnight.

The next day came sooner than expected. The entire base was buzzing with the news - the Navy warship had arrived. It was an awe-inspiring sight, a mammoth steel leviathan that commanded respect and a slight hint of fear. The flag of the World Government fluttered proudly atop the mast, the emblem of the navy displayed on its hull.

A crowd of soldiers had gathered to see him off. Even Lieutenant Drake was present, his imposing figure standing out among the rest.

As Daniel stepped onto the warship, he felt a rush of emotions. Excitement, anxiety, determination - all these feelings intermingled, pulsating in his veins. He gave one final look back at the base, the place he had called home for the past year, then turned his gaze to the horizon.

"The journey begins," he muttered to himself as the ship creaked into motion, cutting through the waves towards Navy HQ.

Daniel felt the thrum of the ship beneath his feet as the massive Navy warship ploughed through the waves, making its way to the Navy HQ. The ship was bustling with activity as sailors hurried about, performing their various tasks with practiced ease. The air was filled with the crisp scent of the sea and the occasional sharp note of a seagull's cry.

Daniel's eyes roamed over the ship. His keen mind was already cataloguing everything he saw - the layout of the ship, the design of the sails, the routine of the sailors, and even the positions of the cannons. It was all useful information that would come in handy later.

As he watched, an older man approached him. His weathered face bore countless lines, each one hinting at a story of the sea. His eyes, however, were sharp and alive, flicking over Daniel with an appraising gaze.

"You're the new recruit from the East Blue base, aren't you?" the man inquired, his voice gruff but not unkind. "Name's Captain Marcus. I oversee the training and deployment of the Celestial Prodigy Corps."

"Pleasure to meet you, Captain Marcus," Daniel replied, extending his hand to the captain. "I'm Daniel."

Captain Marcus took his hand, his grip firm. "I've heard good things about you, Daniel," he said. "I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do."

Daniel nodded, "I'm looking forward to learning and giving my best."

The captain's gruff voice echoed in his ears as he shared a few insights about life on the ship, the navy's structure, and the challenges Daniel would face at the Navy HQ. Daniel took it all in, his mind spinning, trying to absorb as much as he could.

Days turned into nights, and before Daniel knew it, they were nearing their destination. The sight that met his eyes when they docked was a spectacle of grandeur. The Navy HQ was an architectural marvel, a massive complex of towers and domes, its beauty awe-inspiring and intimidating at the same time. A sense of anticipation gripped him as he disembarked, looking up at the towering edifice.

Daniel took a deep breath, his eyes hardening with resolve. His path lay before him, full of potential and danger, ready to mould him into the strongest version of himself.