
One Piece: The Strongest Emperor

Archelaus Tigra was hailed as a genius ever since the day he was born. He could write at the age of 1, speak at 15 months old, and solve puzzles which stumped even the smartest of wise men at the age of 4. As a Prince of the Tigrian Kingdom he was hailed as a once in a century genius, but little did they know that he was a reincarnator from another world. ------------------------------ I would like to make a few clarifications, I typically don't forget things I've set up, so more often then not if something isn't clear or show at the beginning it will probably come into play a bit later. Besides that this won't be a perfect depiction of One Piece as that is One Piece, I will try and follow the rules and lore Oda has set up as best as possible, but somethings will be altered or be my interpretation since the rules on certain aspects aren't all that clear. So its an AU in a sense. Now another point, this won't be following Luffy's Journey or something this is simply a guy who wants to build a Kingdom, an Empire, so he doesn't have some hate boner for Luffy but is simply trudging along. Rant over sorry about that, I hope you enjoy the story though. (Also this picture is not mine, but LordValmar did some cool edits on it so thank you LordValmar.)

Futility · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Chapter 33 Test

As the sword slash approached multiple thoughts flashed through Arch's mind but finally he decided to coat his finger in haki and slash at the sword.




Koushiro continued slashing towards Arch increasing his speed and strength with each swing, so much so that Arch began to be pushed back. 'Not bad for a man in East Blue that is.' Arch thought before charging forward dodging Koushiro's vertical slash.

Placing his finger near Koushiro's neck Arch locked eyes with the man. "You pass, you are indeed extremely strong." Koushiro sighed sheathing his sword. '...Was he really testing me?' He wasn't sure whether to take this as a provocation or a compliment.

"Here." Koushiro said turning around, handing the sword to Kuina. Only then did Arch realise what sword he was using. "Wado Ichimonji...." Arch muttered grabbing Koushiro's attention. "You know of this sword?" The middle aged man replied.

"Of course, its one of the 21 Great Grade Swords after all." Arch explained, hearing this the Expedition Team were quite surprised, after all they had heard about the grading of swords before. Great Grade was the second highest distinction a sword could be given in the One Piece world.

Naturally Koushiro himself was also aware of this fact, but still smiled quite happily hearing this fact. The children in the dojo were also quite excited hearing this, after all to be one of only 21 swords in the world had to make it quite precious.

Kuina was also quite emotional as she accepted the sword from her father. She then bowed towards him with the sword in hand. "I won't let you down father." Kuina declared, Koushiro merely nodded with a smile on his face.

As they were having an emotional farewell, Arch began to piece things together in his mind. 'Wait, wait, wait, from what I know their family hails from Wano, specifically Kuina's grandfather who illegally left and then settled here, but why do they have Wado Ichimonji........ shit I remember now isn't he the man who crafted not only Wado Ichimonji but Enma!?' Arch pondered as he realised what a gold mine he had accidentally stumbled on.

If he could even get a few Grade Swords Arch would be happy let alone if he could get Skillful or even Great Grade, but Arch found it a bit unrealistic that they'd simply have Great Grade Swords lying around.

After this brief interlude Kuina walked towards Arch with her sword at the ready. "You said that I wasn't strong enough last time, so I want to test my skills once again." She declared getting into a fighting stance.

".....Sure, same rules as last time." Arch replied he was still a bit distracted with what he had just remembered.

Holding her sword overhead he eyes locked onto Arch as she got read. "HAAAAA!" She screamed slashing the sword down with as much force as she could.


Arch grabbed the sword in his hand once again, but this time it had taken his entire hand to do so. "Not bad." He muttered letting go of the sword. The people in the dojo were quite strong to say the least, after all Arch had only needed one finger to deal with Koushiro while he used his entire hand to grab Kuina's sword.

Little did they know that when dealing with Koushiro Arch had actually used haki, while he simply used physical strength to stop Kuina.

"So, if you're ready we can be on our way." Arch voiced looking between Kuina and Koushiro, seeing the man nod and Kuina's resolved expression, Arch turned around and walked out of the dojo. "Well lets go then."

Just as they were about to leave three swords swung towards Arch which he immediately deflected without a problem. "Oh moss head, good to see you." He chuckled locking eyes with the small boy. "What about me! Take me with you!" Zoro demanded, but what left Arch most confused was how he was talking with a sword in his mouth.

'Zoro is a really confusing character.' Arch chuckled, before shaking his head at the little boy. "You're not ready yet one day you'll thank me." Without another word the Expedition Team made their way out of the dojo with Kuina in tow.

"I am Arch by the way, this Ugo, Bertram, Curt and Cort." He explained as they walked towards their ship. "Hello, I am Kuina." She replied bowing slightly, after all she wasn't all too familiar with them.

A few minutes later they made it back to the ship and set sail once again. "Where to now?" Bertram asked as they departed from the village. "Hmmm, I think we should head to Logue Town." Arch decided, there wasn't much left in the East Blue but Arch wouldn't mind picking up some extra swords.

Also who wouldn't want to see the place where Roger started this whole mess, even now 12 years later his execution was still fresh in people's minds and Arch knew it would have a lasting impact even over a decade later, at least until one stubborn rubber man found his treasure.

'To be honest, the East Blue is pretty boring, but at least its peaceful after all I needed a little rest.' The teenager sighed gazing at the sky. On the other side Kuina was currently chatting excitedly with Ugo and Curt as Bertram directed the ship.

Arch just hoped the man wouldn't get them lost for once, but when he could ever be so lucky. "Guys I think we've made it to the wrong island." Bertram sighed gazing at the island in front of them.

Getting up Arch shook his head. 'He had one job, but what can I do this man can only navigate the Grand Line.' Sighing Arch looked at the island approaching in the distance.

It was quite a large island with mountains and a large walled city in the center, but seeing this Arch's expression warped. 'This, don't tell me this man led us all the way to Goa.'