
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
190 Chs

Of Shades and Flames #97

The tension between Cedric and Kieran peaked as they prepared for their imminent clash. The silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the faint rustle of the wind and the distant sounds of the bustling city.

Without warning, Kieran made the first move. His shadowy form seemed to blend with the darkness as he swiftly closed the distance between them, his knives glinting in the moonlight. Cedric's instincts kicked in, and he reacted with lightning-fast reflexes.

Using his spear mastery, Cedric spun his weapon in a dazzling display of skill, parrying Kieran's swift knife strikes with precision and finesse. The clash of steel echoed through the night as the two combatants engaged in a deadly dance.

Kieran's speed was remarkable, his movements fluid and unpredictable. He weaved through Cedric's defensive maneuvers, exploiting every opening to launch precise, lethal strikes. His knives sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, aiming for vulnerable spots.

Cedric relied on his martial prowess, combining his spear techniques with his Marine six powers to defend against Kieran's relentless assault. He created fire with his mythical zoan devil fruit, the heavenly ape, channeling it through his spear to form a defensive barrier of flames. The intense heat serving as a deterrent, forcing Kieran to rethink his strategy.

Kieran's eyes narrowed, a cunning glint shining within them. He retreated momentarily, his shadowy figure blending with the darkness once again. Cedric's observation Haki was on high alert, trying to anticipate Kieran's next move.

Suddenly, Kieran emerged from the darkness, this time from a different angle, his knives slashing toward Cedric with renewed vigor. But Cedric was ready. He focused his Haki-infused senses, predicting Kieran's trajectory and countering with a lightning-fast strike of his spear.

The clash of their weapons reverberated through the street as sparks flew, illuminating the intense duel. Kieran's shadowy silhouette twisted and turned, his attacks becoming more ferocious as he pushed Cedric to his limits.

As the battle raged on, Kieran realized that his usual tactics might not be enough to defeat Cedric. Determined to end the fight, he tapped into a hidden into the various weapons stored within his body. Guns sprouted from his limbs and the shadows around him, firing projectiles from unexpected angles.

Cedric, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught of gunfire, struggled to evade the projectiles despite his observation Haki. One grazed his side, causing a sharp pain to surge through his body. Still, Cedric managed to catch the bullet with his muscles and remained unphased.

On the other hand, Kieran prepared to end the fight as even more guns protruded out of his shadowy form, flintlock pistols, rifles, canons, and even sawed-off shotguns.

The shadows coalesced around Kieran as he charged Cedric, and the latter merely grinned, clearly enjoying the fight. As the assassin reached the young marine, an intense light overwhelmed his vision.

Cedric's flames surged with renewed intensity, illuminating the battlefield with a blinding light. The brightness of the fire disrupted Kieran's shadow fruit abilities, making it difficult for him to blend into the darkness and attack from unexpected angles. renewed

Kieran shielded his eyes, temporarily blinded by the radiant flames. In that split second, Cedric seized the opportunity to counter. With a burst of strength, he delivered a powerful strike with his spear, aiming for Kieran's exposed flank.

Despite the temporary setback, Kieran's instincts kicked in, and he reacted just in time. He twisted his body, narrowly avoiding the full force of Cedric's attack. However, the spear still grazed his side, leaving a shallow gash.

Undeterred, Kieran pressed forward, using the pain to fuel his ferocity. His guns continued to fire, unleashing a barrage of bullets towards Cedric. The young marine responded swiftly, using his incredible reflexes to dodge and deflect the projectiles with his spear.

The clash of weapons and gunfire echoed through the street, each strike creating a symphony of chaos. Kieran's attacks grew more vicious, each strike aimed to hinder or even eliminate Cedric. But Cedric's hybrid heavenly ape form granted him enhanced strength and agility, allowing him to match Kieran's relentless assault.

As the battle raged on, Kieran's frustration grew. He couldn't understand why Cedric was fighting so fiercely, clinging to his life when, in Kieran's eyes, life was fleeting and ultimately pointless. With a brief pause in their exchange, Kieran jumped back, his shadowy figure flickering with anger and confusion.

"Why do you fight so fiercely, Cedric Strode of the Marine Corps?" Kieran's voice rang out, laced with genuine curiosity. "What drives you to cling to life? It's such a fleeting, pointless thnig. It holds no true meaning so why not embrace the inevitable?"

Cedric, his breathing labored from the intense battle, smirked in response. "I'm not here to debate philosophy with you, however..." he replied, his voice carrying a tinge of amusement. "Life may be fleeting, but in this moment, I'm just enjoying the fight. In fact, I'm looking forward to how good my drink would taste after I wipe the floor with you asss, and that's enough fomr me!"

Kieran's confusion deepened, but a fire ignited within him. Cedric's words only fueled his determination to push his opponent to his absolute limits, to understand the motivation behind Cedric's obnoxious grin. With a firm resolve, Kieran activated his armament Haki, coating his knives and entire body in a black aura of hardened power.

Though surprised, Cedric remained undeterred, and his grin widened, focused his Haki-infused senses, predicting Kieran's trajectory with precision. He danced through the hail of bullets, his movements a blur of speed and agility. With each step, he deflected the projectiles with his spear or evaded them with swift, acrobatic maneuvers.

Cedric's resilience and determination shone through as he deftly evaded Kieran's attacks, his spear spinning and twirling with precision. Despite the barrage of strikes, Cedric's grin remained firmly in place, his confidence unshaken.

As Kieran intensified his assault, launching a flurry of knife strikes infused with armament Haki, Cedric utilized his observation Haki to predict and evade the incoming attacks. He danced fluidly, his movements reminiscent of a skilled martial artist, creating an intricate dance of evasion and counterattacks.

Still, Cedric couldn't avoid all the attacks. He couldn't block either due to his lack of Armament Haki, as his spear would instantly snap in half.

Cedric gritted his teeth as Kieran's blades grazed his skin, leaving a trail of shallow cuts across his arms and legs. The pain surged through his body, but he refused to let it deter him. With each strike he endured, his determination only grew firmer, and his grin widened, almost splitting his face.

With an annoyed sigh, Cedric made a decision. He knew he had to rely on brute strength to compensate for his lack of Armament Haki. As Kieran launched another barrage of knife strikes, Cedric took a deep breath and focused his energy.

In an instant, his body began to change. His muscles bulged, his bones cracked, and his form expanded. Cedric transformed into his full heavenly ape form, a towering figure with golden fur ablaze with fire. The tip of his tail burned brightly, forming a fiery whip-like appendage.

The ground beneath Cedric trembled as he unleashed a thunderous roar, shaking the surrounding area. Flames engulfed his massive fists as he prepared to show his true power. The giant ape's eyes gleamed with primal ferocity as he glared at Kieran.

With a mighty swing of his flaming tail, Cedric struck the ground, causing a shockwave that rippled through the street. The force of the impact sent Kieran flying backward, crashing into a nearby building with a resounding thud.

Kieran struggled to regain his footing, his shadowy form flickering and contorting as he attempted to recover from the devastating blow. But Cedric was relentless. He charged forward, his massive fists wreathed in fire, and delivered a crushing blow to Kieran.

The impact sent Kieran crashing through the wall of the empty building, toppling it in its wake. Debris and dust filled the air as the structure collapsed under the force of the collision. Cedric stepped forward, his fiery gaze fixed on the fallen assassin.

As Kieran struggled to stand, his body battered and bruised, he couldn't help but be awestruck by Cedirc's display. The heavenly ape's brute strength was overwhelming, and Kieran realized that his usual tactics would not be enough to defeat his formidable opponent.

With frustration and determination, Kieran activated his devil fruit ability, the shade-shade fruit. Shadows coalesced around him, enveloping his form and turning him into an oversized shadowy panther. He charged at Cedric once again, knives gleaming with armament Haki.

Cedric met Kieran's renewed assault head-on, his giant fists clashing with Kieran's flurry of precise punches. The impact reverberated through the area, causing shockwaves that shattered nearby windows and sent debris flying.

The battle between the fiery giant ape and the shadowy beast intensified, their clash echoing with the raw power of their attacks. Cedric relied on his immense strength and abilities, while Kieran used agility and shadow-based techniques to evade and counter.

Each strike they exchanged created shockwaves and bursts of fire and darkness, lighting up the night sky. The surrounding buildings trembled under the force of their clashes, and onlookers watched in awe and fear as the battle waged on.

Cedric's relentless assault began to take its toll on Kieran. Despite his shadowy enhancements, he could feel his strength waning, his body tiring from the onslaught. He knew he had to end the fight quickly before Cedric's overwhelming power overwhelmed him completely.

Summoning the last reserves of his strength, Kieran focused his Haki to its utmost limit. Shadows swirled around him, forming a concentrated dark sphere inside his maw.

With a loud roar, he launched the dark sphere at Cedric, aiming to engulf him and drain his fiery power.

But Cedric was not one to be easily defeated. Sensing the impending danger, he punched forward, meeting the dark sphere head-on with a flaming fist. The clash between fire and darkness created a spectacular explosion, illuminating the entire area.

When the smoke cleared, Cedric stood tall, his heavenly ape form still radiating a violent fiery aura. On the other hand, Kieran was lying on the ground, barely clinging to his consciousness. The battle had taken its toll on the assassin, and he could no longer move, his body battered and his spirit bruised.

As Cedric surveyed the aftermath of the intense battle, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had faced a formidable opponent and emerged victorious, utilizing his full strength and unleashing the power of his mythical zoan devil fruit.

But amidst the triumph, Cedric also felt a twinge of respect for Kieran. Despite their differences, the assassin had fought with tenacity and cunning, pushing Cedric to his limits.

With a deep breath, Cedric allowed his fiery form to recede, returning to his human state. The wounds on his body throbbed, reminding him of the intensity of the fight. But he knew that he had come out stronger, both physically and mentally.

As the dust settled and the onlookers cautiously approached, Cedric's gaze turned to the To Kieran. Cedric donned his Marine uniform once again, the emblem of justice gleaming proudly on his back away from the fallen assasin.


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