
One Piece : The Grand Adventures of Vergil

Abandoned and scorned by his parents and clan due to his appearance, Vergil decides to get his revenge against them. But why stop there only? Watch his adventure as he takes the World by storm. I do not own One Piece or Naruto just my own OCs

Magivision · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Prologue 3

"NO FUCKING WAY AM I IN ONE PIECE" I shout to no one in particular. Recovering from my momentary stupor I walk towards the fruit and inspect it.

The fruit was in the form of a pineapple with yellow swirls that turn black towards the center. Next to the fruit was a book that read "TO MY SUCCESSOR", opening the book and reading it it detailed the authors life and details about the fruit and it's abilities.

Apparently just like me the author was a one horned Deka Oni, but instead of being regarded with contempt and scorn he was praised and how that praise turned to contempt.

It seems like our Author here was born with an older twin brother. The brother got jealous as not only was thr author special as he was the 1st one horn born but he was also significantly stronger then him. The older brother who from now on shall be called Dante only didn't act due to the fact that he was going to be the Chief after his fatherdue to tradition and the fact that he would be wedded to the most beautiful bride due tobsaid tradition too.

On the day of the new chief to be announced much to everyone's suprise and Dante's dismay his younger brother who shall now be called John Juan (A/N : We'll learn the authors actual name after he finished the story so don't worry your pretty little selves) was announced as chief.

The villagers didn't really mind as whilst yes their traditions were important having a strong Chief was too. This was a turning point for Dante not only was his postion as Chief taken from him, so was the woman of his dreams. After the ceremony John tried reaching out to his brother but alas his words fell to deaf ears.

It seems from then on his brother started scheming in the background. People would go missing, belongings were stolen and the people's fear was increasing. Dante was obviously behind all of this but John wasn't aware of it, in fact Dante wasn't even a suspect in John's mind.

This continued on for a few years. One day John cane back from am expedition to see his hut on fire. Fearing the worst he rush back and what he saw made him go pale, his wife along with his kids bodies were lying headless with their heads impaled on spears. He rush to their bodies and held them in his hands whilst crying, their blood soaking his hands. Whilst he was wailing o despair a crowd of people rushed in with his brother standing in front of all of them.

"Brother, what have you done, first you lead our village to turmoil by letting all those people go missing and now you kill your own family."

The crowd looked on in disgust and anger jeering at him. It was at this moment where it all connected, he knew his brother was jealous of him but he mever thought he'd go this far.

With anger blinding him he rushes towards his brother only to be stopped by the guards as they held him nack and tied him up.


"You're accusing me now brother? How far you have fallen, it pains me to do this but you must be killed. You there hand me your spear." Dante said.

Raising the spear high he thrusts it through the air and it impales his brother.

With his consciousness fading John looks up to his brother to see him smiling before it all goes dark. "Throw his body down the mountain, he is not worthy to be sent off on our sacred lands after the atrocities he has committed" Dante exclaimed.

Surprisingly John survived not only the impalement but the fall down the mountain too, where he swore revenge. After this he just goes on about his life in the forest until he found the devil fruit that is currently in front of me. Seems like the devil fruit possessed the ability to enlarge an in-animate objects to large sizes or enlarge his body or parts of it too. It could also shrink in-animate objects or he could shrink himself down. And to top it all off he could create black rods that could he could telepathically control. (A/N : I have no idea what to call this fruit so suggestions would be appreciated)

He then kills his brother and his family in the same way that his brother killed his and used their impaled heads as warnings before he left and created this area.

The rest of the book detailed ways to train the fruits abilities and a special fighting style he developed. At the end of this he signed off his name "Faciə".

Saying a quick prayer for him I decided to look around before eating the fruit. The cavern contained a bedroom with a closet, a small pond where I could bath and another containing fish which I assume he used to eat.

Getting to the bedroom I lie down where I decided taking a nap wouldn't hurt anyone.

I woke up to be what I assumed was the next day as I couldn't really tell due to the fact that I was in a cavern. Getting off the bed I looked into the closet to see if I could possibly get something to wear and god damn were these clothes way too big for me. Don't really know why I expected a grown man to have kid size clothes in his closet. Doing what anyone other sane person would've done I simply ripped a robe to be able to some what fit me.

Making my way to the bathing pond I strip doen and put my makeshift robe down and get in. Submerging myself in water and cleaning myself I get out and put the robe back on.


Guess that's my sign to get something to eat, afterall it has been sometime since I've had something to eat. Now that I think about I lost my spear back in the forest, guess I'll have to catch these fish with my bare hands, really can't be that hard can it?

Long story short... It was hard, not. It was actually incredibly easy. These fish haven't really had an Oni preying on them so whilst they were cautious their curiosity got the best of them with many of them swimming up to me. It actually took me longer to gut the fish due to the lack of tools.

After my satisfying meal I decided it was time I made a choice ~to eat or not to eat, that is the question. Pros:

1.Cool devil fruit that basically gave me Isshiki's powers minus the devil fruit.

2.The fruits powers were not fully explored by my predecessor so I could probably increase it even more.

3.It gave me an opportunity to take revenge and grant me more power


1.Whilst the fruit does give me power it seems to take a long time to master

2.I lose ny ability to swim

Whilst the ability to swim was important in a world mostly made up of water there were many ways to get around it, heck it didn't even seem to bother the admirals as they all had devil fruits. And so I decided to eat it.

Bracing myself I bit into the fruit and oh Lord up above did I regret this decision. The anime didn't do the devil fruits foul taste any justice, perhaps this taste alone is why they earned the 'devil' in the name devil fruit as no good god would make something so utterly vile.

After recovering from the taste I decided to test my abilities out. The abilities came to me like second nature, I was currently about 150 cm tall (which would be tall for a human at 5 on Earth) I could only shrink down 50 cm and increase my height by 50 cm. I could produce a max of 5 of the black rods and control them 1 metre around my body, I unfortunately didn't have enough precision to increase certain parts of my body but that would change with time and training.

There's probably gonna be a 10 year timeskip next chapter as I want to finish this prologue within 10 chapters and get into the pirate side of things.

You might also be wondering why he didn't really consider Haki well 1st it's an fanfic with Isshiki's powers so I need him to get his powers somehow

Also when he died when he reach Fishman so there's much he doesn't know in the grand scheme of things which he will learn as he goes.

Magivisioncreators' thoughts