
One Piece: The Admiral's Treacherous Path

On the day of his retirement, Admiral Xilan, was accused of a plethora of offenses by 3,000 individuals. These alleged crimes included conspiring with pirates, disposing of warships illicitly, and committing regicide against the Five Elders. Furthermore, Xilan is believed to have amassed a considerable fortune through nefarious means. Even the Pirate Empress Boa Hancock submitted a complaint against Xilan in an effort to safeguard her own reputation. In response to these accusations, Xilan, who had formerly held high rank within the Marines, illegally sold the Three Great Marines in a Human Auction on the notorious Sabaody Archipelago overnight. ———— T/N: This is a Chinese novel translation, give it a chance brothers, I'll leave the judgement to you. Keep in mind that currently One Piece is still ongoing, and this fanfiction was written before the current plots were unfolded, you can consider it AU-ish probably in some cases but don't expect more than a few differences. I won't be taking any more of your time; feel free to support me and read up to 15 advanced chapters on: Read the pinned review to get an idea about the story if you are still hesitant. # Chapter 1 is kinda rough-ish, don't worry about it though, it's the only Chapter I consider so/so. # All rights belong to their rightful creators. # If the owner/author wants me to take this piece of literature down, contact me.

ShutTheFuckUp_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
45 Chs

Chapter 40

Title: Garp's Assist +2

As Garp unleashed his power and sent Doflamingo flying with a single punch, the unexpected turn of events left many onlookers stunned. Even Akainu found himself momentarily distracted by the absurdity of the situation. While he had intended to focus on the Black Dragon, Garp's antics had caught him off guard.

"This old man is going to be your opponent, Doflamingo!" Garp declared with theatrical flair.


Doflamingo, who had been watching the battle from his vantage point on the palace's high platform, was taken completely by surprise as Garp's punch connected. He was sent hurtling through the air, crashing hundreds of meters away, his pupils dilated.

Akainu was baffled. The fierce fight he had anticipated had turned into an unexpected comedy act. Garp had transformed from a Marine legend into a hilarious entertainer.

"You're distracted," a sinister, almost demonic like voice resounded behind Akainu. Suddenly, magma surged around him as a defensive measure.

Ignoring the searing heat, the Black Dragon's sharp claws tore through Akainu's back, inflicting intense pain. Akainu seethed with anger. This supposed cooperation with Garp had cost him dearly, and Garp's performance had inadvertently allowed the Black Dragon to capitalize on the situation.

Akainu was seething so much, and all of this had to be credited to Garp, which contributed with a +1 Assist.


"Great Eruption!" Despite the pain, Akainu retaliated with a powerful punch, sending molten magma cascading like a volcanic eruption.

Seeing this, the Black Dragon flapped its wings and ascended into the sky to evade the magma assault.

Akainu, still burning with rage, began launching a relentless barrage of attacks. "Meteor Volcano!" he roared.

A relentless torrent of magma surged into the sky, turning the heavens crimson.

The Black Dragon, however, revealed its confidence, his smirk growing. Its scales shimmered with a black, metallic hue, and it emitted an aura of Emission Armament Haki.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before the magma could even touch the Black Dragon, it detonated into a spectacular display of sparks and flames.

"Magma kid, you're challenging me at your own peril," the Black Dragon declared with an air of superiority, its voice resonating across the sky, piercing the hearts and souls of those who heard it.

Akainu clenched his teeth in frustration. Confronting this colossal Dark Dragon, he realized that only with Garp's assistance could they hope to bring down the mighty beast.

But as Akainu turned to look at Garp, he saw something that further shattered his resolve.

Doflamingo's tightly-woven strings struck Garp's abdomen, and the elderly warrior let out a resounding scream that seemed to pierce the heavens yet another time. His agonized cry echoed through the air as he plummeted into the sea, observed by a multitude of onlookers, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

"Old man, stop it already! He's merely a Shichibukai!!" Akainu's patience wore thin, and his voice thundered out towards the sea.

Doflamingo found himself equally taken aback. His recent attack had appeared formidable, yet it had failed to inflict any significant harm upon the formidable Garp. The old Marine's defense was proving nigh impenetrable.

In the aftermath though, Garp spat blood and emitted a howl reminiscent of a wounded husky, giving the illusion of grievous injury.

The punch Garp had clandestinely delivered to Doflamingo's skull seemed like a fatal blow at the time. Doflamingo had anticipated preparing for his own funeral, yet to his astonishment, he emerged unscathed. Doflamingo nonchalantly stood up, as though nothing had occurred, and retaliated with a backhanded strike that appeared more severe than it truly was.

"Could it be..." Doflamingo, sharp-minded as ever, quickly recollected the previous deal struck between the aged Garp and the enigmatic Black Dragon. It was beginning to appear intentional.

Previously, Xilan had suffered a similar treatment, courtesy of Garp's intentional pummeling.

"That old bastard Garp is proving to be unreliable. I can only rely on myself," Akainu concluded, drawing a deep breath, his resolve strengthening further.

Akainu was not only the undisputed hawk of the Marines but also a man of exceptional toughness, possessing a rugged physique resistant to relentless beatings. In the original Summit War, he had endured severe punishment, emerging with little more than superficial wounds.

"This level of persistence is truly admirable," the Black Dragon appraised Akainu, his eyes gleaming with a shade of green that gave even to Akainu pause.

"But you know, the tougher, the better. A rugged and sturdy man like you probably enjoys it, right? That woman has been wanting to buy a strong and excellent man for breeding purposes for a while."

"I think you're just the right fit, Akainu~~~" The Black Dragon's eyes gleamed with a wicked glint, leaving Akainu unsettled.

Unwanted images involuntarily filled Akainu's mind, leading to an uncomfortable silence.

"Today, there's no middle ground. It's either you or me!" Akainu declared with venom, his pores opening as molten magma erupted uncontrollably from his body.

The magma's expansion was relentless, engulfing Dressrosa's surroundings: 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters... It seemed as if the ever-growing magma would consume the entire island.

"I'll show you the ultimate profundity of my power!" Akainu's visage twisted into a fearsome expression. This was a technique honed over many years—a surge of magma drawn from his surroundings, amalgamating with his being to unleash cataclysmic combat prowess.

"Condensation!" Akainu bellowed, and the scattered magma swiftly coalesced around him, causing his form to swell proportionally.


A deafening noise emanated from the sea, and Garp ascended from its depths. Such was the force of his ascent that it generated a tsunami hundreds of meters tall.

Hula la la!

The seawater mingled with the magma, quenching it abruptly.

Garp, now in a +2 assist mode, emerged from the tumultuous waves.

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