
One Piece = Super Card System

Read the synopsis and don't ask the about OG title in the review section and don't accuse me stealing it as i properly give the credit to the OG I'm not good at writing a synopsis, so I'll just add a disclaimer that the Fanfic isn't mine; I'm merely translating it. Also, another disclaimer: One Piece isn't mine either. I know nothing about the story I'm translating, except for the One Piece itself. I don't even know the tags, ill drop it if it contains a tag that I hate. So, we're essentially reading this together—I'm translating while fact-checking and making other corrections before uploading it here. Consider yourself warned. Also, the update schedule is random. And don't be shy to tell me if I make any mistakes, I'm only human after all. Here is the OG title you lazy duck: 超级卡牌系统最新章节 超级卡牌系统作者:黑乎乎的老妖 Total chapter : 800 Cover: Yukke Search it on Pixiv If you are the owner of the cover picture and want me to change it please contact me Im not shameless enough to gatekeep and didn't give credit to the OG like certain authors, anyway happy reading. I am sorry for disappearing for no reason at all, im kinda busy for the past few months due to my college, now that im done and got months of holidays, after the pressure from my exam disappeared and for the same reason, it make me lazy to do almost anything ngl, that includes translating this work, for that i apologise, ill be back if i got my motivation back, see you later!

Shika_Kagura · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
45 Chs

Chapter 11: I Also Have an iPhone 7!

"We're here!" Ian stopped outside the dojo.

It was noon, and Koshiro was basking in the sun in the courtyard. Ian spotted him right away and ran over. He said to Koshiro, "Master, someone is here to see you!"

While saying this, Ian kept his eyes on Koshiro, but to his surprise, Koshiro wore the same smiling expression as usual. He didn't seem surprised by the appearance of Ivankov and Bartholomew.

"Hello! Long time no see!" Koshiro greeted Ivankov, Bartholomew, and the other Revolutionaries.

"Mr. Koshiro!" Bartholomew remained silent, but Ivankov giggled and greeted him.

Ian had been observing the interaction between both parties. He initially thought that Koshiro might have some connection with the Revolutionary Army. However, the way Ivankov, Bartholomew, and the other Revolutionaries treated Koshiro didn't seem like how they would treat a comrade. It felt more like they were being polite to a regular guest.

Upon further reflection, it made sense. Koshiro couldn't be a member of the Revolutionary Army. How could he have lived in this Shimotsuki Village for so many years if he were? Did he retire or something? That seemed unlikely, as the Revolutionary Army had only started to become active in the world not so long ago.

Ian deduced that Koshiro probably wasn't a member of the Revolutionary Army. Could it be that he was really just "acquainted" with them, as Ivankov had mentioned?

Lost in his thoughts, Ian missed what Koshiro and the others said to each other. When Koshiro led them into the dojo, Ian snapped back to attention.

Inside the dojo, there was no separate reception room, so both parties sat down in the main hall. Ian was eager to listen to their conversation, but to his disappointment, Koshiro asked him to make tea.

With no other choice, Ian went to the kitchen to heat water and prepare the tea. As he looked around, he didn't find Kuina or Zoro; they were probably still on the mountain.

After some effort, Ian boiled the water and prepared tea. He then brought it out to the guests and discovered that something seemed off with Koshiro. Although he wore a smile, there was a hint of loneliness in his expression.

Seeing Ian, Koshiro spoke again, "Ian, go to the storage room and check how much food we have left."

Food? Oh right, Ivankov and the others came to Shimotsuki Village to procure supplies. As expected, Ivankov said, "We will buy it at market price!"

However, Koshiro shook his head and replied, "No need, it's not worth much. Consider it a gift from me."

Ivankov didn't argue further, and everything seemed settled. Ian then turned to leave to count the remaining food in the storage room. Behind him, he vaguely heard Koshiro introducing himself to Ivankov and the others, probably explaining who he was. Ian didn't mind; he assumed Koshiro was just being polite.

The dojo's food supplies were produced in the village fields, and with only a few people eating there, they still had a surplus. Ian spent some time counting and found over a hundred bags of food—wheat and rice combined, it was probably over five thousand pounds.

Back in the main hall, Ivankov and the others decided to take three thousand pounds of food with them. Ian looked at their group of seven or eight people and wondered how they planned to carry that much.

Then, unexpectedly, Bartholomew stood up and asked Ian to accompany him to the storage room. There, he held a thick book under his arm and took off his right glove, revealing a strange-looking palm.

A Paw-Paw Fruit! The name flashed through Ian's mind.

Indeed, you are the cutest hidden creature in the One Piece world, Mr. Bear Boss!

Ian couldn't help but want to touch those soft and fleshy paw pads on Bartholomew's palm.

Bartholomew went to the pile of food, and with his right hand, he gently touched it!

In front of Ian's astonished eyes, half of the food vanished instantly.

Ian had been wondering how they would carry the food, and now he saw the method they used!

The food that vanished had actually been shot away by Bartholomew using his paw pads. Ian realized that the food was probably already on their ship at the coastline.

So convenient! Ian admired Bartholomew and couldn't help but think, could I get a Devil Fruit too? Just for fun?

After shooting the food, Bartholomew put his glove back on. Ian thought he was leaving the storage room, but to his surprise, Bartholomew suddenly spoke in his deep voice, "If you were to travel, where would you go?"

That line sent shivers down Ian's spine. It sounded so familiar!

He hurriedly waved his hands and said, "I'm not planning to travel for now, but if I do in the future, I'll go on a journey by ship!"

Bartholomew looked at him for a moment. Their height difference was striking, and Ian felt like a mouse being stared at by an elephant. Although it annoyed him to be considered the "mouse," he couldn't help but feel immense pressure. At this moment, he finally remembered Bartholomew Kuma's other nickname and identity.

The Tyrant! One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

Is he going to be angry? Ian wondered. Judging from the way he shot the food precisely to the ship after realizing Ian had led them in circles in the village, it seemed like Bartholomew knew what was going on. Otherwise, how could he have been so accurate?

As Ian fretted, Bartholomew suddenly took out something from his body and extended it to Ian, using his gloved paw to hand it over.

"Take this as a gift for taking the food. It's a Den Den Mushi!" Bartholomew said, still in his deep voice.

Ian looked at what was being offered to him—it was a small, pink Den Den Mushi! It was adorable, with a shell and a small speaker attached to it. On the back of the shell was a circular dial with the numbers 0 to 9, just like a dial pad.

The Den Den Mushi was sleeping at the moment, with its big eyes closed. Ian gently tapped it, but it didn't wake up.

"This is a juvenile Den Den Mushi," Bartholomew explained. "Carry it with you, and when it grows up, it will look like you."

"How fascinating!" Ian held the pink little creature with great care, asking, "When it grows up, will it be able to make phone calls?"

"After it grows up, a number will appear on its shell, and that will be your number!" Bartholomew replied. Ian had never heard him speak so much before.

Isn't this like an iPhone 7 in the world of One Piece? And when it grows up, it will become an iPhone 7S!?

Ian felt excited. He never expected Bartholomew would give him a Den Den Mushi as a gift. Unable to contain his happiness, he said, "Thank you, Bear Boss!"

As soon as the words slipped out, Ian realized his mistake. Oh no!

Bartholomew Kuma never introduced himself to Ian. To be precise, among the Revolutionary Army group, the only name Ian should have known was Ivankov's!

As expected, Bartholomew fell silent after Ian's address. He gazed at Ian without saying a word.

Thankfully, Ian had quick wits. Tilting his head innocently, he said, "Bear Boss, is it okay if I call you that? I love your hat! It looks just like a bear!"

When they entered the dojo, Bartholomew had taken off his cloak, revealing his black-and-white bear-eared hat. Using the hat as an excuse, calling him Bear Boss didn't sound too strange.

After hearing Ian's words, Bartholomew turned away, no longer looking at him. Just as Ian secretly let out a sigh of relief, Bartholomew did something unexpected.

He took off his bear-eared hat and placed it on Ian's head.

"If you like it, it's yours!"

Now, Ian was completely dumbfounded. What on earth was going on!?