
Chapter 11

Inside the mansion, the Straw Hat crew were graciously invited by the hospital's proprietor, Kaya, to a sumptuous feast. Zoro reclined on the ground, cradling a wine jar as he indulged himself, while Luffy transformed into a bouncing ball, careening around the room and devouring everything in sight from the laden tables. Usopp and Nami, too, reveled in the festivities.

Kaya, in a gesture of contrition, bowed deeply to Usopp, her apology eliciting a mixture of shame and embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head.

"Usopp... I'm truly sorry for doubting you... I offer you my sincerest apologies!"

"No need... I'm to blame as well! Please, Kaya, you needn't apologize," Usopp replied warmly.

Usopp felt a surge of happiness that Kaya took him seriously enough to extend an apology.

Nami, her lips pursed in playful disdain, couldn't resist teasing him.

"Kaya, there's really no need to apologize to this guy; he's nothing but a rotten liar! It's not your fault at all..."

As the feast carried on, the door suddenly swung open, revealing Seph and a petite, white-haired girl clad in a charming military uniform, a sight that caught everyone off guard. Behind them stood Merry the butler, still visibly stunned.

Nami regarded the adorable girl beside Seph with suspicion.

"Seph, where did you find this cute girl? Weren't you supposed to be helping Butler Merry check on the boat?"

Luffy and Zoro turned their attention to the girl with curiosity, sensing something significant.

Luffy's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Seph, could this be our new nakama?!"

Seph, caught off guard by Luffy's enthusiasm, paused before responding, a hint of admiration in his gaze as he looked at both Luffy and Zoro.

"You're absolutely right, Luffy. This is Merry, our new crewmate."

Kaya felt pleased that the crew had found a new member but couldn't help but feel a bit surprised.

She glanced at the bewildered butler Merry.

"Butler Merry, she shares your name... How fitting. It seems destiny is at play here. But why haven't I seen this charming girl before..."

Butler Merry, still reeling from the shock of recent events, stuttered in confusion.

"T-The truth is... This girl is the boat..."

"Huh?" The assembled group looked at him in bewilderment.

Seph chuckled as he began to explain.

"As you know, my devil fruit ability grants me omnipotence. With enough energy, I can theoretically accomplish anything."

Zoro, Luffy, and Nami nodded dumbfoundedly, while Usopp, Kaya, and Merry stared at him in disbelief.

"Although the boat gifted by Kaya was fine, it wouldn't survive in the Grand Line. I couldn't allow such a precious gift to go to waste, especially since a boat is more than just a vessel—it's another companion. So, I used my omnipotence to imbue the boat with a special ability. By infusing it with precious materials, it can be strengthened and modified. Little did I know, the ship actually gave birth to a spirit."

The crowd gasped in shock, their mouths agape as they stared at Merry in disbelief.

Merry, with an adorable huff, offered a solemn salute.

"Merry reporting for duty, Captain Luffy!"

Luffy's eyes widened in astonishment, echoed by the surprised exclamations of the others.

Nami, her eyes wide with wonder, approached little Merry and enveloped her in a warm hug.

"It's really true?!" she exclaimed.

As Nami embraced Merry, the tiny figure snuggled into her arms like a contented cat.

"She's just like a normal human! Seph, are you some sort of runaway juvenile god from the divine realm?! This is simply astounding! Is a devil fruit truly this extraordinary?!" Nami exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Seph, feeling somewhat embarrassed, hadn't anticipated Nami would accidentally uncover his secret.

Luffy, though thrilled to be addressed as captain by Merry, still pouted.

"Why is my devil fruit so useless?"

Zoro nodded in agreement from the sidelines.

"Seph is truly a man blessed by luck, to have such companion by our side is very reliable!"

Kaya and Butler Merry exchanged looks of hidden shock, while Usopp regarded Seph with newfound reverence.

He had previously underestimated Seph, assuming he wasn't the combat type. Now, he realized he was wrong. Perhaps Seph was the strongest after all, or at the very least, possessed the greatest potential.

"Merry can also reconstruct the ship according to your preferences. I've already provided enough materials. Head to the dock, and Merry will help build a ship tailored to your desires," Seph announced.

"What?!" The crowd exclaimed, their eyes alight with anticipation as they gazed at the adorable Merry.

Merry lifted her head from Nami's embrace and nodded proudly.

"The boat is my second body. As long as you imagine it, I can create it. Seph-sama has provided me with ample materials to construct a ship as large as a small island. So, let your imagination run wild!"

Luffy, Zoro, and Nami's eyes sparkled with excitement, while Usopp looked on with envy.

Seph turned to Ussop and suddenly spoke up.

"Ussop, you can join them as well. The captain has already accepted you as a member of our crew!"

"What?" Ussop stared at Seph and then at Luffy in disbelief.

Luffy chuckled.

"Hehehe... That's right! Ussop, I formally invite you to join our crew and become our nakama!"

Tears welled up in Ussop's eyes as he looked at the crew that had accepted him without reservation. With a happy nod, he accepted.

"Yes, I accept, but I'll be the captain!"

Luffy's face darkened with exasperation.

"Impossible! I'm the captain!"

Amidst their comical banter, Seph approached Kaya.

"Kaya, I have something to ask you... Would you please come with me?"

Kaya, taken aback, looked at Seph shyly and nodded.

Finally, the crew followed Butler Merry to the deck to begin their shipbuilding activities. With Merry at their side, it was bound to be an enjoyable endeavor.


In the mansion's bathroom, Kaya glanced at Seph shyly, her eyes avoiding his gaze as her fingers nervously entwined.

"Seph-sama, why did you bring me to the bathroom?" she asked, her tone light yet tinged with anticipation and nervousness.

Seph was speechless. He hadn't expected Kaya to harbor such wild fantasies. He gently patted her head, hoping to ease her tension.

"Kaya, I've noticed that your body is fragile and prone to illness. Now that you're a friend of ours, I can't ignore your health," he explained.

Kaya's eyes sparkled with admiration as she looked at him.

"Seph-sama is very kind," she remarked with a chuckle.

Seph's lips twitched at the term. With deliberate care, he retrieved a serum tube and skillfully extracted a shiny drop, which he then added to the filled bathtub.

As Kaya watched in amazement, the water transformed rapidly from transparent to a shimmering blue-green.

"Seph-sama, what is this?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder.

Once more, Seph gently patted her head as he replied softly, "This is a potent serum. With this drop, not only can it address your current condition, but it could also make you stronger, even if you were to become a formidable warrior. If you trust me, you can undress and take a dip in the bath."

Kaya's eyes widened in shock. She had expected Seph to offer reassurances or promises of future healing, not an immediate solution. Moreover, she recognized the serum as something valuable.

Though hesitant, she felt compelled to accept. Before she could voice her thoughts, Seph shook his head gently, anticipating her response. Blushing, she murmured, "Please turn around... I'll undress."

With a nod, Seph complied, choosing to accompany her due to concerns about potential side effects.

With a swish, her clothes fell, and with a splash, Kaya submerged herself in the bathtub.

Seph turned back, only to find Kaya's face flushed with embarrassment. Soon, her eyelids began to droop.

"Seph-sama, I feel sleepy..." she mumbled.

"Rest assured, sleep peacefully," Seph reassured her, watching as she drifted into slumber. Meanwhile, the blue-green water seemed to react, seeping into her pores. To Seph's shock, a metamorphosis began.

Kaya's body underwent a profound transformation, from skin to bone, blood, and cells. Her physical condition surged by the second, soon surpassing even Luffy and Zoro. Yet, her progress showed no signs of stopping.

Her hair lengthened along with her height, her skin radiating with newfound vitality and charm.

Slowly, she transitioned from Kaya (One Piece) to Mira Tsubakihara (Masterpiece).

In a mere quarter of an hour, her physical condition pushed the limits of this world. Her vitality rivaled even Kaido's, boasting rapid regeneration and an extended lifespan—easily surpassing that of giants (500-800 years).

"Unbelievable... If she can harness her power, she could rival Vice-Admirals effortlessly. The test was a success, and the results are astounding. With this, the crew's future looks promising!"

Examining her transformed physique, Seph sensed not only monstrous strength but also complete mastery and control, as if her newfound power was inherent. This suggested that the conditions for learning Haki or synchro one's will with physical body had been fulfilled.

 Additionally, any hidden talents within her appeared to have been maximized.

The current Kaya could easily overpower the Straw Hat crew and even contend as a cadre among the Four Emperors without even mastering Haki.

"What a fortunate girl," Seph murmured, gently patting her sleepy head. He observed that her body would still need more time to fully awaken.

With that in mind, he made his way toward the dock.

Upon arrival, a wave of revulsion washed over him as he beheld the unsightly vessel. The ship resembled a mangled piece of meat, its color defying description.

His sanity teetered on the edge.

"Who on earth designed this ship's appearance?!" he exclaimed in frustration.

His outburst drew the attention of the crew.

Nami wept bitterly. "It's him! It's that blasted Luffy! Merry only listens to him and refuses our requests."

Zoro and Usopp shared in Nami's dismay, while Luffy appeared blissfully unconcerned.

"Seph! Isn't it cool?!" he exclaimed, his joy evident.

Seph's patience wore thin, and he ruthlessly rebuked Luffy, sending him tumbling to the ground.

Surveying the aggrieved Merry, Seph sighed as he explained,

"It seems the captain's authority has been overestimated and should be adjusted in the future. I forgot that the captain is not always the most reliable!"

The crew finally breathed a collective sigh of relief, and even Merry nodded hurriedly in agreement.

With a firm resolve, Seph transformed the ship into the likeness of the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean, turning to the crew with a question.

"Is this satisfactory?"

The crew gazed upon the majestic appearance of the ship in awe. Zoro's wild grin indicated his appreciation for its unruly and domineering style, while even Usopp found it compelling.

Nami's expression revealed a hint of conflict. "Isn't it a bit too aggressive?" she ventured.

Luffy, leaping up from the ground, pouted in disagreement. "No! I don't like this shape! It's bad!"

Seph pondered Luffy's reaction. Perhaps an aggressive and menacing ship wasn't to his liking. With that in mind, he made a thoughtful decision.

The ship underwent another transformation, this time taking on the sleek and modern design of a yacht. However, it retained elements of traditional sailing with masts and canvas, offering two forms: an engine-powered version and a traditional sailing version.

Of course, there was no need for underwater or aerial forms at the moment.

The crew stood in shock at the smooth and beautiful design, immediately beginning to debate over the color scheme.

"Sugoi! But white isn't nice, change it!" exclaimed Luffy.

Nami concurred, "Let's make it orange!"

Ussop countered, "Why? I think black is quite interesting!"

"Green is the best!" Zoro chimed in.

Merry looked at them with resentment. After all, it's her body—why were they the ones deciding its color? Wasn't that a form of bullying honest individuals?

"What about grey and dark blue?" Seph suggested.

The yacht was then transformed into a technological marvel, its beauty rendering the crowd speechless.

Merry's purple eyes shone with approval. "I like it!"

Though the crew weren't entirely satisfied, they ultimately deferred to Merry's preference.

"Let's go inside and design our territories to our content," Seph suggested, and the crowd's excitement surged once again as they happily boarded the ship.

However, their joy was short-lived. Suddenly, Luffy, who had been hovering above the ship, plummeted weakly onto the deck as if on the brink of death. His body was feeble, his bones frail.

"Luffy?! What's wrong with you?" Nami asked, her voice tinged with worry and fear as she rushed to his side. Zoro and Ussop were equally taken aback.

"I don't know... I feel weak and helpless! I can't move!" Luffy groaned, his voice strained with distress.

Seph remained composed, seizing the moment to teach Luffy about the perils of the sea. "Feeling weak? Unable to use your devil fruit? Your body feels heavy and difficult to move," he observed calmly.

Nami, sensing Seph's calm demeanor, finally sighed in relief. "Seph, do you know something?" she inquired.

Merry, ever eager to showcase her capabilities, jumped in to explain proudly. "Seph-sama gave me a lot of pure seastone and other precious materials. Since seastone is the nemesis of devil fruit users, Captain Luffy was easily incapacitated!"

Zoro, ever curious, posed a question. "But Luffy didn't touch the seastone. Why did he fall from the sky?"

"That's because the seastone has formed a field around the ship. No one can use their fruit abilities on board. What's more, no one in the world can damage the ship's body. You can try cutting it with your sword!" Merry elaborated.

Nami, Zoro, and Ussop were astonished as they ignored poor Luffy, who struggled to stand to no avail, focusing their attention on Merry's revelation.

Zoro, undeterred, brandished his Wado Ichimonji and struck the vessel's body, only to be flung back with greater force, not even leaving a scratch.

Nami and Ussop exchanged looks of profound surprise. Nami beamed happily as she embraced Merry. "Even Zoro is powerless against it! Merry, you're strong! You effortlessly subdued both the captain and Zoro!" she exclaimed.

Blushing furiously, Merry buried her face in Nami's embrace.

Zoro rose from the ground, his gaze fixed on the ship with newfound respect. Despite being thrown back by his own attack, he couldn't help but feel intrigued by the ship's magical material, which even rebounded his formidable powers.

Though sent flying, he could sense the ship's hardness surpassed even his Wado Ichimonji.

Ussop suddenly exclaimed, breaking the silence. "That's not right, Seph! You're also a devil fruit user. Why aren't you weak like Luffy?"

Seph chuckled, meeting Luffy's curious gaze before delivering a mocking retort. "Because my body is strong. Even though my devil fruit doesn't work, I won't feel weak. Luffy, you're too weak now. You can't even board the ship!"

Zoro, Nami, and Ussop stared at Seph speechlessly. They hadn't expected him to be so black-bellied.

Luffy's expression shifted to one of shock. "What?! No, I will definitely adapt to this and become like you!"

Seph nodded approvingly, but soon turned his attention away from the determined Luffy.

He signaled to the others, who looked at Luffy with a mix of pity and sympathy, before moving to their preferred sides to design their own abodes.
