
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

The Down Fall Of Arlong Part 2

[New book released titled: CURSED LIBERATOR]

everyone who likes my work and wishes to see more check out my new book cursed liberator. I really need the support of all my fans for this. This new book of mine was recently offered a contract but ill try to keep as many chapters free as possible.


Three days after Ulrick's decision to ruin Arlong he and his crew arrived at Conami Island. When they arrived on the periphery of the Island Ulrick was scouting the coastline with a spyglass and accidentally discovered a navy ship docked at the island. A smile quickly crept on Ulrick's face upon this discover because he knew the goddess of luck was smiling down on him today. With a hardy laugh which garnered the attention of his crew, Ulrick's said to them, "looks like this job is going to be over quicker than I thought. I had a feeling Arlong had some kind of navy support to mask his nearly decade long reign on the Island and it looks like I was right. Here is the telescope for anyone who wants's to look".

Ulrick's passed his telescope to Gin who looked through and questioned Ulrick's knowledge, "how are you so sure those guys are the ones supporting Arlong captain. What if it's a completely different group of marines. I'll fight them regardless but to run straight into an available fight would spell trouble for the crew".

Ulrick nodded his head and replied, "your caution is noted, but not needed for this matter you can easily tell that those marines are working with Arlong by how, not on fire their ship is. Now if you guys will excuse me I need to quickly acquire evidence before we launch our attack. Everyone will stay on the ship till I give the word. Oh, and Gin keep an eye on Nami so she doesn't run off and overcomplicate things".

With that said Ulrick walked off to his personal sun bench under an umbrella and sat under it. After he did Nami ran up to Ulrick's and pleaded to him with tear filled eyes.

"Please Ulrick don't do this just let me take the devil fruit to Arlong and end this peacefully. Arlong is far stronger than you think he-".

Ulrick annoyed by Nami's sob story at this point cut in to say, "listen Arlong my seem strong to you but he's honestly below average. If he wasn't a fisherman he'd be even lower than that. Arlong isn't some great terror deep down he's terrified of humans because he was enslaved by a celestial dragon at one point. Him moving to the east blue to vent his hatred on every weak human he can find is proof of his weakness. I can kill Arlong in less than 5 minutes the achievement of which honestly isn't worth much. So I'm going to do something that will really make him suffer".Ulrick placed his hand on Nami's shoulder then said, " Relax I got this".

Laying on his sun bench Ulrick forcibly put himself to sleep and transferred his consciousness into Ash. Inside Ash, Ulrick felt as though everything was natural. With every twitch of his muscles, they exploded with strength. The others on the ship found Ulrick's ability amazing to watch. Ulrick paid no mind to it and from his position jump from the ship towards the island. Conami island was 3 miles from the ship, but Ulrick crossed that distance easily in a single leap.

Upon Ulrick's descent from above the moment, Ulrick landed not a single sound was made nor was a crater formed. While wielding Ash, Ulrick was as graceful as a feather. Small indentations of his feet were left in the sand, but nothing else. While on the ground Ulrick used Ash's ability to turn invisible and sprinted off into the clearing. During Ulrick's advance, no bush rustled, tree bent, or twig broke. Ulrick's steps were as silent as a ghost, he moved like the wind even after he entered Cocoyasi Village.

The village was depicted just as it was on the show. Small cozy homes that were built for warm weather fairly spaced apart from the other. Ulrick lept from these houses with none of the villagers aware of his presence. As he did this Ulrick easily spotted what few patrols surveyed the village. Without a second thought, Ulrick jumped down and began eliminating them. Ulrick fell down behind a blue fisherman who didn't realize how he died even after his neck snapped back 180 degrees. There was simply confusion as the light faded from his eyes. His body was kicked under a crawl space under a building and left to rot.

The second fisherman Ulrick targetted had his entire body twisted, bones snapped and shoved in a barrel while he was still alive. Not a sound was made by him as he drowned in his own blood. Another pair who were patrolling together had the horrific experience of watching their own headless bodies walking away from them, before falling limp onto the ground. Multiply other silent kills were don't that day all in in the span of 3 minutes with none of the villagers aware of a single one. With the village clear, Ulrick made his way to Arlong Park.

Ulrick infiltrated Arlong Park as easily as it was to breathe the defense were laughable. Inside the Park, Ulrick used his Haki to locate Arlong. He found Arlong on the fourth floor along with someone else. Scaling the building was no problem Ulrick's walked vertically up the walls as if it were flat ground just like in Naruto. Doing so he reached a window where he saw Arlong talking to a navy captain who Arlong called Nezumi. Ulrick couldn't remember every loser character in the show but Nezumi with his mouse persona and outfit fit the bill for low tier villain.

Nezumi and Arlong were conversing about Nezumi's future pay. Nezumi was happy about the stacks of cash Arlong provided, but covering Arlong's deeds was hard work so he could always use more. Arlong didn't mind paying a little extra since the citizens were paying for it. The entire conversation was as you would expect from two low tier villains. Though it wasn't interesting Ulrick made sure to record it all and take plenty of photos of the two mingling.

Feeling he had enough Ulrick stopped gathering info and started looking for treasure. With his lot detector that job was easy as well. Ulrick's snaked his way through every room in the house and began robbing Arlong of everything Valuable that could be thrown in his system. By the end of his ransacking Ulrick was 79 million berries richer.

Loaded with loot Ulrick left the complex with no one even aware of his visit. Jumping back on the ship Ulrick's warframe Ash arrived in front of everyone while carrying a huge sack on its back. The sack was thrown down in front of everyone its contents spilled out shocking the crew especially Nami.

Ulrick not caring about the treasure said, "this is your guy's pay for the month. I would like to have given you more but Arlong was broke".

Nami flustered and shocking asked what happened. Ulrick replied, "I killed all of the fisherman in the village, got a tone of evidence to destroy the lives of those who wronged you, and robbed Arlong as a bonus".

"You did what that quickly it hasn't even been 30 minutes".

"I would have finished faster but Arlong wouldn't shut up.".

Clearing his throat Ulrick said to his crew, "I did all the heavy lifting this time so tell me who's up to burn down Arlong Park".

Ulrick's received a variety of unique replied, but they all translated to Arlong was screwed.